The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) is open source software for manipulating and displaying scientific data. It comes with state-of-the-art tools for 3D rendering, a suite of widgets for 3D interaction, and extensive 2D plotting capability.
This list is a collection of tools, projects, images, and resources conforming to the Awesome Manifesto
Contributions very welcome but first see Contributing.
- BVTKNodes - Create and execute VTK pipelines in Blender Node Editor
- F3D - Fast and minimalist 3D viewer.
- GammaRay - A graphical interface to GSLib (geostatistics library) and other geomodeling algorithms.
- ParaView - VTK-based Data Analysis and Visualization Application
- Slicer - Multi-platform, free open source software for visualization and image computing.
- VTK Book - Markdown version of the Visualization Toolkit Book - An object Oriented Approach to 3D Graphics
- jupyterview - VTK Data visualization extension for JupyterLab
- Common Toolkit (CTK) - A set of common support code for medical imaging, surgical navigation, and related purposes.
- ITK-Wasm - High performance spatial analysis in a web browser and across programming languages and hardware architectures.
- ITK - ITK builds on a proven, spatially-oriented architecture for processing, segmentation, and registration of scientific images in two, three, or more dimensions.
- MITK - The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit.
- PYCAD - The Comprehensive Library Designed to Simplify and Streamline Medical Imaging Tasks.
- RTK - The Reconstruction Toolkit.
- Dash VTK - Bringing vtk.js into Dash and Python
- GeoVista - Cartographic rendering and mesh analytics powered by PyVista
- Mayavi - 3D visualization of scientific data in Python
- meshio - 🕸️ input/output for many mesh formats
- PyVista - 3D plotting and mesh analysis through a streamlined interface for the Visualization Toolkit (VTK)
- SpinView - SpinView: General interactive visual analysis tool for multi-scale computational magnetism
- Trame - Trame lets you weave various components and technologies into a Web Application solely written in Python.
- TTK - Topological Data Analysis and Visualization
- vedo - A python module for scientific analysis of 3D data based on VTK and Numpy
- vtkbool - A new boolean operations filter for VTK
- Awesome Finite Element Method (FEM) - A curated list of awesome stuff related to Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Software for Structural Engineering😎
- Awesome PyVista - A curated list of awesome stuff related to PyVista 😎
- Awesome scientific-visualization - A curated list of awesome stuff related to scientific-visualization 😎
- Wikipedia - The free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.
- vtk-js - Visualization Toolkit for the Web