participant "Science Data\nStorage Service" as SDSS
database "Summit\nPermanent\nStore" as store
participant "Science Data\nAccess Service" as SDAS
database "Data\nInformation\nDatabase" as DIB
participant "Migration\nService" as MS
database "HQ Store" as hq
database "CAOM Database" as caom
database "Cloud\nStorage" as cloud
SDSS -> store: write new exposure
SDSS -> DIB: update file information
MS -> SDAS: request list of newly added files
SDAS -> DIB: query for list of new files
DIB -> SDAS: return list of new file(s)
SDAS -> MS: send list of new file(s) to migrate plus\nCAOM info for file(s)
MS -> SDAS: request new file(s)
SDAS -> MS: send new file(s)
MS -> hq: store new file(s)
hq -> MS: return new file location(s)
MS -> caom: update with CAOM models for new file(s)
MS -> cloud: copy file(s)
cloud -> MS : return file location(s)
MS -> caom: update CAOM models with\ncloud file location(s)