The Adjacent_Difference
algorithm will compute for each index J
of an array A
the difference between the value at index J
and the
value at index J - 1
. The results are stored in another array
. Its signature is the following:
procedure Adjacent_Difference (A : T_Arr; B : in out T_Arr)
To be able to properly specify this algorithm, we need to write an
overflow verification function for substractions. One could argue
that using the function Add_No_Overflow
defined for function
Accumulate with a minus sign in front of the second argument is
sufficient, but our function must work with the entire range of
, which is the entire range of Ada Integer
. There is
therefore one case in which executing - Y
triggers an overflow,
since there is one more negative value in Integer
than positive
The function Minus_No_Overflow
is defined as follows:
function Minus_No_Overflow
(X, Y : T)
return Boolean is
(Y = 0 or else (Y < 0 and then T'Last + Y >= X)
or else (Y > 0 and then T'First + Y <= X));
Of course, this function is implemented and specified like
We can now give a specification for Adjacent_Difference
procedure Adjacent_Difference
(A : T_Arr;
B : in out T_Arr) with
Pre =>
(if A'Length > 0 then
(for all J in A'First + 1 .. A'Last =>
Minus_No_Overflow (A (J), A (J - 1))))
and then B'Length = A'Length,
Post =>
(if A'Length > 0 then
B (B'First) = A (A'First)
and then
(for all J in A'First + 1 .. A'Last =>
B (B'First + J - A'First) = A (J) - A (J - 1)));
The precondition states that there should be no overflow when subtracting any value to the one following, and that both arrays should be of same length.
The postcondition ensures that the first elements of both arrays
are equal, and that each element of B
is the result of the
subtraction of the corresponding element and the previous one in
We can write an implementation for the procedure respecting the previous specification easily:
procedure Adjacent_Difference
(A : T_Arr;
B : in out T_Arr)
if A'Length > 0 then
B (B'First) := A (A'First);
if A'Length = 1 then
end if;
for J in A'First + 1 .. A'Last loop
pragma Assert (Minus_No_Overflow (A (J), A (J - 1)));
B (J - A'First + B'First) := A (J) - A (J - 1);
pragma Loop_Invariant
(for all K in A'First + 1 .. J =>
B (B'First + K - A'First) = A (+K) - A (K - 1));
pragma Loop_Invariant (B (B'First) = A (A'First));
end loop;
end if;
end Adjacent_Difference;
The algorithm is really simple. There is only one assertion inside
the loop to check that there is no overflow when computing the
difference of A (J)
and A (J - 1)
. The loop invariants verify
that we are doing the correct calculation, and that the first
index of B
is constant.
This implementation is proved by GNATprove