The Partial_Sum
algorithm computes the consecutive partial
sums of an array. Its signature reads:
procedure Partial_Sum (A : T_Arr; B : in out T_Arr);
The result of the algorithm will be stored in B
, and for all K
in (0 .. A'Length - 1)
, B (B'First + K) = A (A'First) + A
(A'First + 1) + .. + A (A'First + K)
. This can also be expressed
with the previously defined Accumulate algorithm: for all K
in 0
.. A'Length-1
then B (B'First + K) = Accumulate (A (A'First
.. A'First + K), 0)
Partial sum can be specified as follows:
procedure Partial_Sum
(A : T_Arr;
B : in out T_Arr) with
Pre => A'Length = B'Length
and then (for all J in A'Range => Acc_Def (A, A'First, J, 0).OK),
Post =>
(for all J in A'Range =>
B (B'First + (J - A'First)) = Acc_Def (A, A'First, J, 0).Value);
The preconditions express that A
and B
must be of same length,
and that there should be no overflows during the computation of
the sum. The postcondition expresses the fact that the element
found at index J
in B
is equal to the sum of the J
elements of A
Given its specification, Partial_Sum
can be implemented as follows:
procedure Partial_Sum
(A : T_Arr;
B : in out T_Arr)
if A'Length > 0 then
B (B'First) := A (A'First);
for J in 1 .. A'Length - 1 loop
pragma Assert (Acc_Def (A, A'First, A'First + J, 0).OK);
pragma Assert
(Add_No_Overflow (A (A'First + J), B (B'First + (J - 1))));
B (B'First + J) := B (B'First + (J - 1)) + A (A'First + J);
pragma Loop_Invariant
(for all K in 0 .. J =>
B (B'First + K) = Acc_Def (A, A'First, A'First + K, 0).Value);
end loop;
end if;
end Partial_Sum;
This implementation is quite similar to the one of Accumulate, the assertions ensures that there are no overflows and the loop invariant verifies that the computed values are correct.
With this implementation and specification, everything is proved
by GNATprove