- Java 21
- Docker
- Node.js 18 (or higher)
- Intellij Idea (optional)
git clone --depth 1 git@github.com:tolgee/tolgee-platform.git
- Run backend
- With the prepared Idea run configuration
Backend localhost
- With command line:
./gradlew server-app:bootRun --args='--spring.profiles.active=dev'
- With the prepared Idea run configuration
- Run frontend
- With the prepared Idea run configuration
Frontend localhost
- With command line:
cd webapp && npm ci && npm run start
- With the prepared Idea run configuration
- Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000.
The backend of Tolgee is tested with unit and integration tests.
To run backend tests, you can run Gradle test task
./gradlew test
Or you can select any integration test the code and run it via Idea CE or Idea Ultimate. It should just work out of the box.
Follow the steps in the E2E readme.
To configure Tolgee, create an empty file backend/app/src/main/resources/application-dev.yaml
In this file, you can override default configuration properties.
Here are some useful settings for localhost development:
show-sql: true
front-end-url: http://localhost:3000
file-storage-url: http://localhost:8080
You can check application-e2e.yaml
for further inspiration.
To learn more about externalized configuration in Spring boot, read the docs.
Since we set the active profile to dev
, Spring uses the application-dev.yaml
configuration file.
Tolgee uses Liquibase to handle the database migration. The migrations are run on every app startup. To update the changelog, run:
./gradlew diffChangeLog
If you misspell the command and run diffChangelog, it will find the command, but it would fail, since liquibase changed the command name in the past. We have enhanced the diffChangeLog (with capital L) command, so you have to run that.
Sometimes, Gradle cannot find a docker command to start the database instance to generate the changelog against. This happens due to some issue with setting the paths for Gradle daemon. Running the command without daemon fixes the issue:
./gradlew diffChangeLog --no-daemon
For the frontend, there are npm tasks prettier
and eslint
, which you should run before every commit.
Otherwise, the "Frontend static check" workflow will fail.
You can also use prettier plugins for VS Code, Idea, or WebStorm.
To fix prettier issues and check everything is fine, run these commands:
cd webapp
npm run prettier
npm run tsc
npm run eslint
On the backend, there is Gradle task ktlintFormat
, which helps you to format Kotlin code.
./gradlew ktlintFormat
This is an optional step for contributors with access to the Tolgee project at app.tolgee.io
Create a file webapp/.env.development.local
with following content.
Don't forget to supply it with your API key generated in the Tolgee app:
When running E2e Tests from Idea on Mac, you encounter fails due to command not found.
Apparentrly this happens because IDEA starts the gradle daemon with wrong path.
The only workaround I currently found is killing the gradle daemon and running IDEA from terminal
pkill -f '.*GradleDaemon.*'
open -a 'IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate'
This way, IDEA is started with correct environment from zsh or bash and so the Gradle Daemon is started correctly.
If you don't like this solution (I don't like it too), you can start looking for better solution. This thread is a good starting point: https://discuss.gradle.org/t/exec-execute-in-gradle-doesnt-use-path/25598/3