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File metadata and controls

57 lines (51 loc) · 3.81 KB



  • Main Battery Level (bms_bmsStatus.soc)
  • Main Design Capacity (bms_bmsStatus.designCap) (disabled)
  • Main Full Capacity (bms_bmsStatus.fullCap) (disabled)
  • Main Remain Capacity (bms_bmsStatus.remainCap) (disabled)
  • State of Health (bms_bmsStatus.soh)
  • Battery Level (bms_emsStatus.lcdShowSoc)
  • Battery Charging State (bms_emsStatus.chgState)
  • Total In Power (pd.wattsInSum)
  • Total Out Power (pd.wattsOutSum)
  • Solar In Current (inv.dcInAmp)
  • Solar In Voltage (inv.dcInVol)
  • AC In Power (inv.inputWatts)
  • AC Out Power (inv.outputWatts)
  • AC In Volts (inv.acInVol)
  • AC Out Volts (inv.invOutVol)
  • Type-C In Power (pd.typecChaWatts)
  • Solar In Power (mppt.inWatts)
  • DC Out Power (pd.carWatts)
  • Type-C Out Power (pd.typec1Watts)
  • USB Out Power (pd.usb1Watts)
  • Charge Remaining Time (bms_emsStatus.chgRemainTime)
  • Discharge Remaining Time (bms_emsStatus.dsgRemainTime)
  • Remaining Time (pd.remainTime)
  • Inv Out Temperature (inv.outTemp)
  • Cycles (bms_bmsStatus.cycles)
  • Battery Temperature (bms_bmsStatus.temp)
  • Min Cell Temperature (bms_bmsStatus.minCellTemp) (disabled)
  • Max Cell Temperature (bms_bmsStatus.maxCellTemp) (disabled)
  • Battery Volts (bms_bmsStatus.vol) (disabled)
  • Min Cell Volts (bms_bmsStatus.minCellVol) (disabled)
  • Max Cell Volts (bms_bmsStatus.maxCellVol) (disabled)
  • Status


  • AC Enabled (mppt.cfgAcEnabled -> {"moduleType": 5, "operateType": "acOutCfg", "params": {"enabled": "VALUE", "out_voltage": -1, "out_freq": 255, "xboost": 255}})
  • AC Always On (pd.acAutoOutConfig -> {"moduleType": 1, "operateType": "acAutoOutConfig", "params": {"acAutoOutConfig": "VALUE", "minAcOutSoc": 5}})
  • X-Boost Enabled (mppt.cfgAcXboost -> {"moduleType": 5, "operateType": "acOutCfg", "params": {"enabled": 255, "out_voltage": -1, "out_freq": 255, "xboost": "VALUE"}})
  • DC (12V) Enabled (pd.carState -> {"moduleType": 5, "operateType": "mpptCar", "params": {"enabled": "VALUE"}})
  • Backup Reserve Enabled (pd.watchIsConfig -> {"moduleType": 1, "operateType": "watthConfig", "params": {"isConfig": "VALUE", "bpPowerSoc": -3333300, "minDsgSoc": 0, "minChgSoc": 0}})

Sliders (numbers)

  • Max Charge Level (bms_emsStatus.maxChargeSoc -> {"moduleType": 2, "operateType": "upsConfig", "params": {"maxChgSoc": "VALUE"}} [50 - 100])
  • Min Discharge Level (bms_emsStatus.minDsgSoc -> {"moduleType": 2, "operateType": "dsgCfg", "params": {"minDsgSoc": "VALUE"}} [0 - 30])
  • AC Charging Power (mppt.cfgChgWatts -> {"moduleType": 5, "operateType": "acChgCfg", "params": {"chgWatts": "VALUE", "chgPauseFlag": 255}} [50 - 660])
  • Backup Reserve Level (pd.bpPowerSoc -> {"moduleType": 1, "operateType": "watthConfig", "params": {"isConfig": 1, "bpPowerSoc": "VALUE", "minDsgSoc": 0, "minChgSoc": 0}} [5 - 100])


  • DC (12V) Charge Current (mppt.dcChgCurrent -> {"moduleType": 5, "operateType": "dcChgCfg", "params": {"dcChgCfg": "VALUE"}} [4A (4000), 6A (6000), 8A (8000)])
  • DC Mode (mppt.cfgChgType -> {"moduleType": 5, "operateType": "chaType", "params": {"chaType": "VALUE"}} [Auto (0), Solar Recharging (1), Car Recharging (2)])
  • Screen Timeout (mppt.scrStandbyMin -> {"moduleType": 5, "operateType": "lcdCfg", "params": {"brighLevel": 255, "delayOff": "VALUE"}} [Never (0), 10 sec (10), 30 sec (30), 1 min (60), 5 min (300), 30 min (1800)])
  • Unit Timeout (mppt.powStandbyMin -> {"moduleType": 5, "operateType": "standby", "params": {"standbyMins": "VALUE"}} [Never (0), 30 min (30), 1 hr (60), 2 hr (120), 4 hr (240), 6 hr (360), 12 hr (720), 24 hr (1440)])
  • AC Timeout (mppt.acStandbyMins -> {"moduleType": 5, "operateType": "acStandby", "params": {"standbyMins": "VALUE"}} [Never (0), 30 min (30), 1 hr (60), 2 hr (120), 4 hr (240), 6 hr (360), 12 hr (720), 24 hr (1440)])