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tom2208 edited this page Nov 13, 2021 · 41 revisions

This wiki is for version 2.3.2, the wiki for 2.4.0 you can find here: Wiki 2.4.0

Welcome to the ChestCleaner wiki! Here you can find tutorials and explanations for all (if the wiki is finished) features of the plugin. Here is the Wiki for developers. Here you can find the wiki for chestcleaner version 1.7.


when migrating to version 2.0. A lot of things have changed, that is why it is a new major version. Read the Migration Guide BEFORE upgrading. If you are not upgrading, but installing this plugin for the first time, you can disregard this.



Sorting Example

Click on the titles for further details.

You can get blocks and consumables automatically refilled in the hotbar or extra-slot.

You can configure an Item to be used as cleaning item. When you hold that item and:

  • right-click on a block with an inventory, that blocks inventory will get sorted.
  • shift + right-click, your Inventory gets sorted.

Alternatively you can use the /cleaninventory command

Allows you to define how the items are sorted.

Allows you to define how the items are put into the inventory slots after sorting.

Set a time in milliseconds, which must expire before being able to sort an inventory again.

Configure server defaults and allow players to overwrite them for themself.

Automatically sort inventories when closing them. Doesn't work for the player inventory.

Allow you to either define items that get ignored during stacking (eg for Stack Plugins), or define blocks whose inventories won't be sorted.

Other Features

Update Notification

If you have the chestcleaner.update permission and there is a new update for this plugin available, you will get a message saying so on joining the server.

Overview of all permissions. Details are in the feature pages.

Overview of all commands. Details are in the feature pages.


ChestCleaner can be configured by through the config.yml File in your server's /plugins/ChestCleaner Folder. The Folder is created when you first start or reload your server with the ChestCleaner plugin installed.

Players with certain permissions may overwrite those defaults for themself. These settings are stored in playerdata.yml file.

To reset the whole plugin configuration delete the ChestCleaner Folder.

For the actual default config.yml used, see: config.yml