Be aware that the Singly PHP Client is in a beta state. Class and method names are subject to change. As we work to improve the SDK we're not currently concerned with breaking backwards compatibility. This will change in the future as the SDK becomes more stable.
This Singly PHP SDK is open source and is hosted on Github.
This repository contains two different projects. The first is the Singly PHP client library. This is a library project you can include into your PHP apps that makes it easy to use the Singly API. The second in an example project that show usage of the Singly client in a web app.
The Singly PHP client is a library supporting the Singly social API that will:
- Allow users to easily authenticate with any service supported by Singly; for example Facebook, Twitter, Github, Foursquare and others.
- Make requests to the Singly API to retrieve your users' social data for use in your app.
The library code is contained in the project in the SDK folder. The SinglyClient.php
class is the entry point to using the Singly API in your PHP project.
Sample implementations are contained in the example folder. This is a PHP webapp that demonstrates the usage of authentication with the Singly api and retrieving social data.
You will need to register with Singly to get your client id and client secret. These are used when making API calls.
- Go to and register or login.
- Create a new Singly application or use the default application. This is your Singly app.
- Get the client id and client secret for your Singly app.
Composer is a dependency manager. It provides an easy way to mange the downloading of dependencies for the SDK.
- Install Composer -
- Go to the sdk root directory.
- Run
composer install
. This downloads the SDK dependencies into a vendor folder in the SDK root directory. - The PHP SDK requires php 5.3.3 or greater and Guzzle 3.0.5 or greater. This is enforced by composer.
To run the example you will need to include the SDK folder in your PHP source path and setup the example folder as the root of your webapp. An easy way to do this is through an Apache virtual host. Here is an example of an Apache virtual host setup on a Linux system.
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName singlyphp
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/singlyphp-error.log
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/singlyphp-access.log combined
DocumentRoot "/your/path/to/singly-php/example"
<Directory "/your/path/to/singly-php/example">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
allow from all
php_value include_path ".:/your/path/to/singly-php/sdk"
You would also need to edit your hosts file, /etc/hosts
on nix systems, to point singlyphp to localhost. localhost singlyphp
- Paste your client id and client secret lines 5-6 of the
file in the example folder. - Ensure that the
folder is in the php path. This can be done in an Apache virtual host as shown above. - Startup your web server
- Open your browser to http://singlyphp/ to use the web application.
The SinglyClient.php
is the main client class you will use within your application to authenticate and make API calls. Here is an example of how you would use the SinglyClient. Using composer you will want to include the vendor/autoload.php
once in your application. Then the SinglyClient can be included through the use package statement.
use Singly/Client/SinglyClient;
use Singly/Client/InMemorySinglyAccountStorage;
$singlyClient = $_SESSION["singlyClient"];
if (empty($singlyClient)) {
$singlyClient = new SinglyClient(
new InMemorySinglyAccountStorage());
$_SESSION["singlyClient"] = $singlyClient;
$services = $singlyClient->doGetApiRequest("/services");
use the data in your app
Usually a custom SinglyAccountStorage.php
implementation would need to be created to save accounts and access tokens to a db or other permanent storage.
Calling other methods in the SDK would require authenticating and getting an access token first.
// get the account from the session, then get the access token
$account = $_SESSION["account"];
$accountStorage = $singlyClient->getAccountStorage();
$accessToken = $accountStorage->getAccessToken($account);
// create the query parameters
$queryParams = array();
$queryParams["access_token"] = $accessToken;
// get the number of photos
$friends = $singlyClient->doGetApiRequest("/friends", $queryParams);
This is a work in progress. If you have questions or comments
- Join our live chatroom at
- Email [email protected]