The distribution comes with three executables:
: compiles TOSCA into a Cloutpuccini-clout
: processes a Clout, e.g. by running scriptlets on itpuccini-csar
: packs TOSCA sources and artifacts into a CSAR
(Note that the first two are self-contained executables, the last is a bash script.)
Let's start by compiling a self-contained local file:
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/descriptions.yaml
What if the file imports other files? TOSCA imports
can refer to either absolute
URLs or relative URLs (RFC 1808). Note that
if the URL scheme is not provided it defaults to "file:", so that it can be treated
as a platform-independent file system path. Also note that relative URLs support
Unix-like .
and ..
components, allowing you to refer to resources upwards in the
directory tree.
Let's compile a local example for OpenStack that uses imports (relative URLs):
puccini-tosca compile examples/openstack/hello-world.yaml
Note that you can also use relative URLs in TOSCA artifacts (their file
Puccini can also compile directly from a URL. Let's use the same OpenStack example as above:
puccini-tosca compile
You'll see that the relative URLs continue to work as expected even though the base URL is not on the local filesystem.
The URL system is quite powerful and even supports access to git repositories (GitOps!). Any valid git repository URL can follow the "git:" prefix, then follow with a "!" and the path within the repository. Also note that in bash you need to escape the "!" character:
puccini-tosca compile 'git:!examples/openstack/hello-world.yaml'
Puccini can also compile YAML from stdin:
cat examples/tosca/descriptions.yaml | puccini-tosca compile
Be aware that a stdin source does not have a path and thus cannot support relative URLs.
For the above examples we referred to a single, root YAML file. However, Puccini can also compile a CSAR package (and again, it can be a local file or at a URL). Let's create a local CSAR and then compile it:
puccini-csar openstack.csar examples/openstack
puccini-tosca compile openstack.csar
The puccini-csar
tool will archive the entire directory and automatically create a
"TOSCA-Metadata" section for us, resulting in a compliant CSAR file.
For a CSAR the relative URLs refer to the internal structure of the archive (note that Puccini does not unpack the archive into individual files, but rather treats the entire archive as a self-contained filesystem). So, once again, the same exact OpenStack example works whether it's accessed locally, at a URL, or from within a CSAR.
The CSAR format supports "Other-Definitions" metadata to specify additional service templates beyond than the root "Entry-Definitions". To build the example:
OTHER_DEFINITIONS='"other 1.yaml" "other 2.yaml"' \
puccini-csar cloud.csar examples/csar
You can use the meta
command to validate and extract the CSAR metadata:
puccini-tosca meta cloud.csar
When compiling you can use the --template
flag to select a non-root service template.
The flag can accept a valid "Other-Definitions" path, like so:
puccini-tosca compile cloud.csar --template="other 1.yaml"
It can also accept a number, where "0" would be the root service template, "1" would be the first "Other-Definitions", and so on:
puccini-tosca compile cloud.csar --template=2
Puccini also supports a "zip:" prefix scheme for URLs, allowing you to refer to an entry within a zip or CSAR file. Any valid URL can follow the prefix, whether it's a local file URL, HTTP, etc. Note that for files it does require absolute file system paths. Then follow with a "!" and the path within the zip. Example:
puccini-tosca compile zip:$PWD/cloud.csar\!main.yaml
The default output format is YAML but other formats are supported: JSON (and ARD-compatible JSON), XML, and CBOR. Here's ARD-compatible JSON:
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/descriptions.yaml --format=cjson
By default the output is nicely indented and and colorized for human readability. You can turn off prettification if you're interested in the most compact output:
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/descriptions.yaml --pretty=false
Note that colorization will always be disabled in contexts that do not support it. In other words it will likely only appear in stdout for terminal emulators that support ANSI color codes. However, you can also specifically turn off colorization:
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/descriptions.yaml --colorize=false
By default the output is sent to stdout but you can also send it to a file (without colorization):
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/descriptions.yaml --output=clout.yaml
Of course if running in a shell you can also redirect stdout to a file (again, without colorization):
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/descriptions.yaml > clout.yaml
You can increase the verbosity of logging using -v
or even -vv
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/descriptions.yaml -vv
By default all the log messages go to stderr but we can send them to a file:
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/descriptions.yaml -vv --log=puccini.log
cat puccini.log
If you only want to see the logs and not the Clout output:
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/descriptions.yaml -vv > /dev/null
To suppress all output (if you're only interested in the return error code):
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/descriptions.yaml --quiet
Also note that there is a puccini-tosca parse
command that provides a lot
of internal diagnostic information about the language parser. It's generally
useful for Puccini developers rather than Puccini users, so it is out of scope
for this quickstart guide. See here for more information.
Let's try to compile a TOSCA service template that requires inputs:
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/inputs-and-outputs.yaml
You'll see that Puccini reported a "problem" regarding the unassigned input. Any and all compilation errors, whether they are syntactical, grammatical, or topological, are gathered and organized by file, row, and column. Indeed, Puccini's strict and detailed problem reporting is one of its most powerful features.
By default problems are reported in a human-readable format. However, like the Clout output, problems can be formatted for easier consumption by other tools:
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/inputs-and-outputs.yaml --problems-format=json
Let's set that missing input:
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/inputs-and-outputs.yaml --input=ram=1gib
In this case the input is a string (actually a TOSCA scalar-unit.size
), but note that
the the input format is YAML, which is also JSON-compatible, so that complex input
values can be provided, e.g. --input=myinput={key1:value1,key2:value2}
. Also Note that
you can use the --input
flag more than once to provide multiple inputs.
Inputs can also be loaded from a file (locally or at a URL) as straightforward YAML:
echo 'ram: 1 gib' > inputs.yaml
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/inputs-and-outputs.yaml --inputs=inputs.yaml
By default the compiler will "resolve" the topology, meaning that it will atempt to satisfy all node template requirements and create relationships, thus completing the graph. However, sometimes it may be useful to disable the resolution phase in order to avoid excessive problem reports:
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/requirements-and-capabilities.yaml --resolve=false
When you turn off the resolution phase you will indeed see no relationships in the Clout
(you'll see that the edgesOut
for all vertexes is an empty list).
Read more about how Puccini implements resolution here.
An important feature of puccini-tosca compile
is that by default it does not call
TOSCA functions. Instead, function call stubs are inserted. This allows you to call
the functions at will (and repeatedly) using up-to-date data, including data that might
not even available during compilation. For example, the get_attribute
function relies
on attribute values that would be provided by an orchestrator or cloud platform directly
from runtime resources.
You can see the call stubs by compiling this example:
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/functions.yaml
You'll notice that the call stubs all have the special $functionCall
How do we call the functions? In Puccini we refer to this as "value coercion". As a
convenience we can use the --coerce
flag to coerce the values during compilation:
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/functions.yaml --coerce
You'll see that all properties now have their actual values rather than call stubs.
(In a real-world orchestration scenario we would want to coerce a Clout later as its attribute values change. We'll discuss that below.)
Puccini handles TOSCA constraints in exactly the same way, the reason being that, like functions, constraints would have to be applied to data that might not be available during compilation, e.g. constraints associated with an attribute or its data type.
Let's try this example:
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/data-types.yaml --coerce
Now, edit examples/tosca/data-types.yaml
and break a constraint. For example, the
property requires a minimum length of 2 and a maximum length of
5, so let's set its value to a string with length 6, ABCDEF
(at line 267), and
compile and coerce again:
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/data-types.yaml --coerce
You'll see a problem reported telling you exactly which constraint failed and where. Now, let's compile this same file without coercion (the default behavior):
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/data-types.yaml
The problem was not reported this time.
IMPORTANT! The implication is that by default you will not see constraint-related
problems reported during compilation, even for values that are known! Thus it's common
to use the --coerce
flag with puccini-tosca compile
when your goal is to validate
the TOSCA.
The Clout format is essentially a graph database in a file. However, one powerful (and optional) feature is the ability to embed JavaScript code scriptlets, either as individual functions or as complete programs. Indeed, this is how the TOSCA function and constraint call stubs are implemented.
Let's use the puccini-clout
tool to list these embedded scriptlets:
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/requirements-and-capabilities.yaml --output=clout.yaml
puccini-clout scriptlet list clout.yaml
Note that puccini-clout
can also accept Clout input from stdin, allowing us to pipe
the two tools:
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/requirements-and-capabilities.yaml | puccini-clout scriptlet list
Let's extract a scriptlet's source code:
puccini-clout scriptlet get tosca.function.concat clout.yaml
Finally, let's run the coercion scriptlet:
puccini-clout scriptlet exec tosca.coerce clout.yaml
The command above is exactly equivalent to the --coerce
flag we used previously
with puccini-tosca compile
. Indeed, --coerce
is simply a shortcut for executing
the tosca.coerce
scriptlet. The difference is that here we are working with the
un-coerced Clout rather than the TOSCA source.
This difference is crucial to Day 2 orchestration processing. The TOSCA source is
compiled once and only once, and from then on the Clout lives on its own and can
indeed be modified by an orchestrator. At the minimum the orchestrator should fill
in the attribute values (and execute tosca.coerce
to ensure that they match the
The puccini-clout scriptlet exec
command can also execute scriptlets that are not
embedded in the Clout. Let's use a scriptlet that creates an HTML page that visualizes
the topology:
puccini-clout scriptlet exec assets/tosca/profiles/common/1.0/js/visualize.js clout.yaml --output=tosca.html
xdg-open tosca.html
Note another shortcut for puccini-tosca compile
: you can use the --exec
flag to
execute scriptlets during compilation, thus skipping the Clout intermediary:
puccini-tosca compile examples/tosca/requirements-and-capabilities.yaml --exec=assets/tosca/profiles/common/1.0/js/visualize.js
See here for more information about the puccini-clout
Strictly speaking scriptlets are not a necessary feature. For example, we could
have handled the TOSCA functions and constraints via a separate tool, which would
have scanned the Clout for those function call stubs and implemented them as
necessary. Similarly, the visualize.js
scriptlet we used above could have been
implemented as an independent Clout processing tool.
However, such external solutions come with a disadvantage: the Clout would have limited portability because it would need to be distributed with that tool in order to be fully functional. In a heterogeneous cloud orchestration environment this could be burdensome.
Embedding all necessary code within the Clout makes it much more portable. Indeed, when formatted as YAML (or JSON or XML) the entire self-contained Clout is nothing more than a string, which is eminently transmittable and storable.
Of course you still need a tool to execute those JavaScript scriptlets, but it is
the same tool, puccini-clout
, for all Clouts, whatever version of TOSCA they come
from. Indeed, the Clout can contain custom vertexes, edges, and scriptlets, including
those that did not originate in a TOSCA service template. They do not even have to
adhere to the TOSCA structure.
For examples of how to create your own custom functions, constraints, and other scriptlets for TOSCA, see here.
Now that you know how to use Puccini and understand how it works, check out all the various included examples.
And also check out Turandot, an orchestrator for Kubernetes based on Puccini and Clout.