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File metadata and controls

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We use magit for managing our git repos.

(use-package magit
  :ensure t
  :pin melpa-stable
  :commands (magit-status)
  :bind (("C-x g" . magit-status)
         ("C-x G" . magit-blame)))

Making magit work with github

(use-package forge
  :ensure t)

Making magit work with git-duet

If you like, you can explicitly configure magit to work with either git commit or git duet commit, using customize or (setq git-duet-enabled "enabled").

(defcustom git-duet-enabled "best-guess"
  "Whether or not to use git duet-commit instead of git commit."
  :group 'git-duet
  :type '(choice (const "best-guess") (const "enabled") (const "disabled")))

If you don’t tell us which commit method to use, we’ll guess based on the contents of ~/.gitconfig.

Note that this works on the assumption that you use git duet --global. I personally like to have export GIT_DUET_GLOBAL="true" in my .bashrc.

   (defun git-duet-should-we-use-it? ()
     "Decide whether or not to use git-duet.

   First check the customizable variable git-duet-enabled. If set to
   \"enabled\" then yes. If set to \"disabled\" then no. If set to
   \"best-guess\", try to guess the best option using
     (or   (equal git-duet-enabled "enabled")
	     (and     (equal git-duet-enabled "best-guess")

   (defun git-duet-available ()
     "Guess whether git-duet is available on this machine by
   checking for a duet section in ~/.gitconfig"
	 (insert-file "~/.gitconfig")
	 (search-forward "[duet \"env\"]" (point-max) t)))

To tie this all together, we use advice around magit-run-git-with-editor.

   (advice-add 'magit-run-git-with-editor :around

   (defun magit-run-git-with-editor--git-duet (fn &rest args)
     "Wrap magit-run-git-with-editor to use 'duet-commit' instead of 'commit'.

   You should pass magit-run-git-with-editor as FN, and any
   remaining args as ARGS."
     (if (and (git-duet-should-we-use-it?)
		(equal (car args) "commit"))
	   (apply fn "duet-commit" (cdr args))
	 (apply fn args)))

Making magit work with GPG

If you sign your commits with GPG, you might want to be able to enter GPG passphrases through emacs. This is possible with the pinentry package.

(use-package pinentry
  :ensure t)