$ docker-compose up
$ lein repl
user> (go)
Heroku Redis maxmemory-policy is volatile-lru
$ heroku redis:maxmemory --policy volatile-lru
Section headings use multimarkdown metadata.
Title: Name Of Page
% is used for forcing something to be processed literally. Notably used on the Paypal form pages to makes sure that <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="EB8BF96SAUTK6">
isn't transformed into <input type="hidden" name="hosted<i>button</i>id" value="EB8BF96SAUTK6">
The netlify
directory and netlify.toml
is used by Netlify. It serves a redirect from clojuriststogether.org
to www.clojuriststogether.org
. If our DNS provider (Hover) supported ALIAS records or ANAMEs then we wouldn't need to use this, and could instead set both www and the bare domain to both point to Heroku and handle the redirects there.