All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Fixed card data validations
- Fixed Swift version
- Added new screen for choose tokenized cards
- Added TokenCardModel object to init method AnyAmountPaymentType
- Added TokenCardModel object to init method FixedAmountPaymentType
- Fixed access level for PaymentInfoResponse
- Fixed access level for TranzzoError
Added additional property to PaymentInfoResponse object: customerUserAgent: String? customerCity: String? rrn: String? authCode: String? dcc: String? otpURL: String? makePaymentDescription: String? customerBirthday: String? payway: String? customerPatronym: String? terminalName: String? recipientCcToken: String? recipientCcMask: String? dccRates: String? fee: String? trafficSource: String? gateway: String? paymentSystem: String? entityId: String? externalTerminalName: String? recipientEmail: String? recipientPhone: String? recipientFname: String? recipientLname: String? recipientPatronym: String? merchantOrderId: String? receiptUrl: String? processedAmount: Double? processedCurrency: String? fixedFee: String? percentFee: String? comment: String? terminalFee: String? sendTerminalFee: String? splitFee: String? registryRefNo: String? processedAt: String?
Removed fee params from PaymentInfoResponse object
Fixed ApplePay
Fixed ApplePay
Changed amout type from Decimal to Double
Fixed dismissing payment controller
Fixed long animation for apple pay
Added additional property to Product object: customerEmail: String? unit: ProductUnitType? taxes: [ProductTaxe]? Added additional property to AdditionalData object: payment3dsBypass: Payment3dsBypassType
Fixed timeZoneOffset
Changed browserScreenWidth and browserScreenHeight type
Changed iso for browserLanguage
Changed processedAmount type
Moved property payment3dsBypass from AdditionalData to PaymentType object Moved property method from AdditionalData to PaymentType object
Added new card scanner Added lookup payment method Added arm64 support
Fixed compilation error
Fixed compilation errors
Added uiConfig to makePayment method Removed uiConfig from setConfig method
Fonts color for section title Section title visibility
Added additional property to ApplePayConfig object: merchantName: String