NOTE: this project is no longer updated or maintained. Spray has been superseded by Akka HTTP. See akka-http-spnego
spray-spnego provides Kerberos based authentication for spray-routing using SPNEGO. SPNEGO is a way to do GSSAPI authentication between clients and servers using the HTTP authentication header.
The included test-server project is both an example of how to use this project and a way to quickly test it within your Kerberos environment. It provides a secure ping-pong service (you do a GET to endpoint /ping and it responds with pong for the authenticated user). To run it first make sure:
- Kerberos is properly installed and configured on both server and client
- DNS is properly configured for the server (it's hostname resolves correctly to its ip-address and the other way around).
Next do the following:
- Create a keytab for HTTP/yourserver@YOURDOMAIN on the server
- Edit test-server/src/main/resources/application.conf to set tresata.spray.spnego.kerberos.principal and tresata.spray.spnego.kerberos.keytab
- Launch the test server with: ./launch-test-server
- On the client make sure you are logged into Kerberos (with kinit)
- On the client create a test connection with: curl -k --negotiate -u : -b ~/cookiejar.txt -c ~/cookiejar.txt https://yourserver:12345/ping
Have fun! Team @ Tresata