Contentful: Space: Emb; Content Type: Posts Domain:
Please replicate functionality of White House News/Articles/Statements section:
on embassy website, Categories may display on the left margin/sidenav, as is done with the styleguide.html Layout.
Similar categories are a field (named Category) in the Posts content type.
Note: the Emb Space is imported into two repos: embassy (emb in DC) and cgnyc (consulate general in nyc).
There is a Posts required Field named locationNews with options for: mfa, dc, nyc, sf. Posts tagged mfa and dc should be imported into the embassy repo. Posts tagged mfa and nyc will be imported into the cgnyc repo.
Post have a Tag field with an issue. I would like to have a filter by tag feature. This can be displayed as a simple dropdown select on the left margin.