-First Names (U.S.) |
+ |
+First Names (U.S.)
+ |
-Alemany's Discourse Markers |
+ |
+Alemany's Discourse Markers
+ |
-Language Assessment by Mechanical Turk Sentiment Words |
+ |
+Language Assessment by Mechanical Turk Sentiment Words
+ |
-Frequent U.S. First Names |
+ |
+Frequent U.S. First Names
+ |
-Frequent U.S. Last Names |
+ |
+Frequent U.S. Last Names
+ |
-Function Words |
+ |
+Function Words
+ |
-Augmented List of Grady Ward's English Words and Mark Kantrowitz's Names List |
+ |
+Augmented List of Grady Ward's English Words and Mark Kantrowitz's Names List
+ |
-Emoticons |
+ |
+ |
-Grady Ward's Moby Parts of Speech |
+ |
+Grady Ward's Moby Parts of Speech
+ |
-Lemmatization List |
+ |
+Lemmatization List
+ |
-Power Lookup Key |
+ |
+Power Lookup Key
+ |
-Hu Liu Polarity Lookup Table |
+ |
+Hu Liu Polarity Lookup Table
+ |
-Jockers Sentiment Polarity Table |
+ |
+Jockers Sentiment Polarity Table
+ |
-NRC Sentiment Polarity Table |
+ |
+NRC Sentiment Polarity Table
+ |
-Augmented Sentiword Polarity Table |
+ |
+Augmented Sentiword Polarity Table
+ |
-Strength Lookup Key |
+ |
+Strength Lookup Key
+ |
-Syllable Counts |
+ |
+Syllable Counts
+ |
-Valence Shifters |
+ |
+Valence Shifters
+ |
-Common Abbreviations |
+ |
+Common Abbreviations
+ |
-Contraction Conversions |
+ |
+Contraction Conversions
+ |
-Grades Hash |
+ |
+Grades Hash
+ |
-Ratings Data Set |
+ |
+Ratings Data Set
+ |
-Jockers Sentiment Data Set |
+ |
+Jockers Sentiment Data Set
+ |
-NRC Emotions |
+ |
+NRC Emotions
+ |
-Action Word List |
+ |
+Action Word List
+ |
-Adverb Word List |
+ |
+Adverb Word List
+ |
-Pronouns |
+ |
+ |
-Interjections |
+ |
+ |
-Preposition Words |
+ |
+Preposition Words
+ |
-Buckley & Salton Stopword List |
+ |
+Buckley & Salton Stopword List
+ |
-Leveled Dolch List of 220 Common Words |
+ |
+Leveled Dolch List of 220 Common Words
+ |
-Fry's 100 Most Commonly Used English Words |
+ |
+Fry's 100 Most Commonly Used English Words
+ |
-Fry's 1000 Most Commonly Used English Words |
+ |
+Fry's 1000 Most Commonly Used English Words
+ |
-Fry's 200 Most Commonly Used English Words |
+ |
+Fry's 200 Most Commonly Used English Words
+ |
-Fry's 25 Most Commonly Used English Words |
+ |
+Fry's 25 Most Commonly Used English Words
+ |
-Onix Text Retrieval Toolkit Stopword List 1 |
+ |
+Onix Text Retrieval Toolkit Stopword List 1
+ |