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Basic Server Install - Windows

Operating System Compatibility

  • Windows 10 - x64


This installer assumes you have a **clean **install of Windows and an Internet Connection


2-10 minute(s) install depending on your connection

What's in the Installer

  • Perl 5.24.4 x64
  • MariaDB x64 10.x
  • Latest PEQ Database
  • Latest PEQ Quests
  • Latest Plugins repository
  • Visual Studio Runtimes
  • Automatically added firewall rules
  • V2 Server Side Maps
  • Path Files
  • LUA
  • Optimized and latest server binaries (Stable)
  • Loginserver

!!! info More installer info found in the installation details

Server Installation


First you will need to download the starter files that will kick off the installation process found here: EQEmu Server Installer Files


Once you have the files downloaded, you need to make a folder somewhere that you would like your server to reside, the place I chose is C:\eqemu

Extract the files inside to the folder C:\eqemu

Zip file present in c:\eqemu

Extracted files present in directory

Run the Installer

Once extracted, right click eqemu_install.bat and Run as Administrator; from this point on the entire install will be automated and run on its own, this is assuming you have an internet connection so the installer can pull down all of the necessary server assets

Installation Details

Installed Components

Component Details
MariaDB x64 10.x (MySQL Server) User root (Doesn't allow remote connections) Password eqemu
Installed to C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.0
Strawberry Perl 5.24.4 x64 Installed to C:\Strawberry\perl\bin


Folder Purpose
bin Server executables are located
logs Server executable logs are written
shared Server executable shared memory mapped files are located
quests Server quest scripts zones, npcs, spells, items etc.
plugins Server quest plugins for Perl
lua_modules Server quest plugins for Lua
assets Server client patches, opcodes, misc
maps Server side geometry map


Script Purpose
t_start_server.bat Starts server; UCS, World, QueryServ and 30 Zone Processes
t_start_server_with_login.bat Starts server; Loginserver, UCS, World, QueryServ and 30 Zone Processes
t_stop_server.bat Stops server
t_database_backup.bat Helper script to easily create a backup of the MySQL database
t_set_gm_account.bat Helper script to easily set an account to GM status (Requires account logged in for the first time) Launcher script; not to be ran directly, called from batch scripts and can be configured to adjust zone process count Helper script to help summarize crashes that have occurred on a server to give to a developer for troubleshooting


Shortcuts Description
start_export_client_files.exe Shortcut ./bin/export_client_files.exe
start_import_client_files.exe Shortcut ./bin/import_client_files.exe
start_loginserver.exe Shortcut ./bin/loginserver.exe
start_queryserv.exe Shortcut ./bin/queryserv.exe
start_shared_memory.exe Shortcut ./bin/shared_memory.exe
start_ucs.exe Shortcut ./bin/ucs.exe
start_world.exe Shortcut ./bin/world.exe
start_zone.exe Shortcut ./bin/zone.exe

Ports Forwarded

Port Purpose
9000-9001 World process
7000-7500 Zone processes
7778 UCS / Mail
5998 Loginserver (Titanium)
5999 Loginserver (SoD+)
6000 Loginserver (HTTP Rest API)


When the installation process is done running, you will see "press any key to continue" once the final step of adding firewall rules has been complete that's when everything should be installed and ready to go

Your installation should closely resemble above

Change Server Name

!!! info Change your server name in eqemu_config.json under shortname and longname

Set a GM Account (Optional)

To set your account as a GM account; use the t_set_gm_account.bat helper script to set your loginserver account to be flagged. You will need to ensure you login to character select first in order for your account to be in the database

Login Server Installation

The windows installer comes pre-configured with a **Local Login Server **

!!! info The server installer is configured to connect to the both the EQEmu Public Login Server and the Local Login Server

You can use both methods of logging into your server

Login Methods

  • EQEmu Public Login Server
  • Local Login Server (Private LAN Play)

Many server operators choose to keep things simple by only using the public login server

!!! info For information regarding the configuration and operation of a **Local Login Server; **please refer to the documentation in the Login Server Space

Connecting Clients to a Login Server

!!! info Remember that all EverQuest Clients on the local network will need to have a modified eqhost.txt (Client file) file that points at your Local Login Server


Be sure to adjust the IP address to the IP address of your login server on your local network.

!!! info Port 5998 is required when using the Titanium or **Secrets of Faydwer **clients
Port 5999 is required when using the Seeds of Destruction, Underfoot or Rain of Fear client and above

Starting Server with Login Server (Optional)

Once you have configured your login server, restart your world server using the helper script; t_start_server_with_login_server and you should be good to go!

Connecting to Local Login Server

!!! info For more Local Login Server configuration options; see Login Server Space

Connect using your game client and you should see the server select screen

By default; the **login.json **used in the installer is set to auto_create_accounts when an account does not exist locally; making it very easy to get up and started. Resetting local login server accounts can be done through the login server command line also referenced in the login server documentation

  "account": {
    // ideal for local LAN setups, if you want a login attempt to automatically create an account
    // this will automatically create the account using the username and password if it doesn't exist
    "auto_create_accounts": true

Sample Server Select screen with local loginserver