- validation: fix label existence conditions in dev webhooks
v0.2.7-alpha.7.1 - 2024-10-03
- labels: change identical label keys
v0.2.7-alpha.7 - 2024-09-11
- host-network: π enable host network on request
- shm-size: π make shared mem size selectable
v0.2.7-alpha.6.4-we-patch-v1 - 2024-06-04
v0.2.7-alpha.6.4 - 2024-03-21
- code-editor: π implement code editor (robotide in v1alpha1)
- update: remove already exists condition from update to prevent redundant reconciles
v0.2.7-alpha.6.3 - 2024-03-18
v0.2.7-alpha.6.2 - 2024-03-18
- protocol: switch protocol field from v1.Protocol to string
v0.2.7-alpha.6.1 - 2024-03-07
v0.2.7-alpha.6 - 2024-03-06
- discovery-server: π select protocol for discovery server
- typo: fix field reference
v0.2.7-alpha.4-udp-test-2 - 2024-03-04
v0.2.7-alpha.5 - 2024-03-04
v0.2.7-alpha.4 - 2024-02-15
v0.2.7-alpha.1 - 2024-02-05
v0.2.6-alpha.19 - 2024-01-29
v0.2.6-alpha.18 - 2024-01-26
- gpu: set gpu core count to 0 if the service is not enabled
v0.2.6-alpha.17 - 2024-01-24
- launch: integrate launchmanager for environments
v0.2.6-alpha.16 - 2024-01-19
- build: integrate buildmanager for environments
v0.2.6-alpha.15 - 2024-01-18
- notebook: π allow notebook connections over ingress
v0.2.6-alpha.14.9 - 2024-01-02
- service: update connection keys
v0.2.6-alpha.14.8 - 2024-01-02
- notebook: integrate jupyter notebook
- service: update service path
v0.2.6-alpha.14.7 - 2023-12-25
v0.2.6-alpha.14.6 - 2023-12-13
- filebrowser: add base url to the file browser
- filebrowser: add file browser base url as env variable to services
v0.2.6-alpha.14.5 - 2023-12-13
v0.2.6-alpha.14.4 - 2023-12-13
- cm: update cm status of robotide
v0.2.6-alpha.14.3 - 2023-12-13
v0.2.6-alpha.14.2 - 2023-12-06
v0.2.6-alpha.14.1 - 2023-12-05
- background: support custom background processes in ide
v0.2.6-alpha.14 - 2023-12-04
- dcgm: get gpu device information from dcgm
- file-browser: support file browser in robots/applications
- api: convert gpu metrics from string to string map
- dockerfile: update dockerfile for custom metrics patcher
- script: reassign old metric key
- script: fix typos in fields and update dockerfile
v0.2.6-alpha.13.3 - 2023-11-20
v0.2.6-alpha.13.2-hostnetwork-enabled - 2023-11-16
v0.2.6-alpha.13.1 - 2023-11-09
v0.2.6-alpha.13 - 2023-11-08
- storage: π track storage/fs usages w/ metrics exporter
- volumes: π mount volume from host
v0.2.6-alpha.12.2 - 2023-11-07
v0.2.6-alpha.12.1 - 2023-11-02
v0.2.6-alpha.12 - 2023-10-30
v0.2.6-alpha.11 - 2023-10-30
- gpu: π track gpu allocations w/ metrics exporter
- gpu-metrics: set gpu instance as nvidia.com/gpu by default
v0.2.6-alpha.10 - 2023-10-17
- ports: π specify custom ports for ide and vdi container
v0.2.6-alpha.9 - 2023-10-16
- persistency: π enable choosing directories to make them persistent
- injections: fix func arguments for ipp injection
v0.2.6-alpha.8 - 2023-09-26
- offline: π ignore cloning errors in offline mode
v0.2.6-alpha.7 - 2023-09-25
- gpu: π support additional configs
- env: π replace containers w/ initcontainers in env config injection
v0.2.6-alpha.6 - 2023-09-22
- image-pull-policy: π set ipp of initcontainers
v0.2.6-alpha.5 - 2023-09-18
v0.2.6-alpha.4 - 2023-09-08
- webhooks: set gpu instance type if it's not specified
v0.2.6-alpha.3 - 2023-09-07
- gpu: π support mig instances
v0.2.6-alpha.2 - 2023-08-30
- image: π use config map for image query
- registry: π support custom image registries
- vdi: π add cpu option
v0.2.6-alpha.1 - 2023-08-10
- environment: π support provisioning environments
- environment: π implement environment api
- webhooks: π update webhook condition
v0.2.5-alpha.34 - 2023-08-09
v0.2.5-alpha.33 - 2023-08-09
- bridge: disable ros bridge on demand
- controllers: handle cyclomatic complexities in controllers
v0.2.5-alpha.32 - 2023-08-07
v0.2.5-alpha.31 - 2023-08-07
v0.2.5-alpha.30 - 2023-08-02
- domain-id: π support ros domain id
- workspaces: set default workspace path
v0.2.5-alpha.29 - 2023-07-20
- launch: pass environment variables to launch container
- launch-manager: π update launch container
v0.2.5-alpha.28 - 2023-07-14
- ingress: define keys and values for annotations
- websocket: avoid websocket connection interrupts in tcp ws services
v0.2.5-alpha.27 - 2023-07-12
v0.2.5-alpha.26 - 2023-07-11
- nodeport: replace internal ports connection prefixes w/ node ports
- nodeport: add connection prefixes
v0.2.5-alpha.25 - 2023-07-11
- nodeport: fix endpoint routes
v0.2.5-alpha.24 - 2023-07-11
v0.2.5-alpha.23 - 2023-07-07
- discoveryserver: check discovery server ip frequently from client objects
v0.2.5-alpha.22 - 2023-07-07
- serviceexport: check robotide serviceexport resource status
v0.2.5-alpha.21 - 2023-07-04
- remote-ide: update rds operational conditions
v0.2.5-alpha.20 - 2023-06-23
- relayserver: π use relay server to serve remote services
- remote: π make remote ide consumable from cloud instance
- webhooks: π disable relay server webhooks and enable robotdevsuite webhooks
v0.2.5-alpha.19 - 2023-06-21
- security-context: π remove checking container privilege for ws manager jobs
v0.2.5-alpha.18 - 2023-06-21
- security-context: π prevent nil pointer ref in container security context
v0.2.5-alpha.17 - 2023-06-21
v0.2.5-alpha.16 - 2023-06-21
v0.2.5-alpha.15 - 2023-06-06
- ingress: π fix ingress annotations
v0.2.5-alpha.13 - 2023-05-29
- image: π select robot image by querying versioning map
- launchmanager: π fix checking irrelevant type equalty in webhooks
- vdi: π fix vdi ingress and connection url
v0.2.5-alpha.12 - 2023-05-25
v0.2.5-alpha.11 - 2023-05-25
- typo: fix typo in logs
v0.2.5-alpha.10 - 2023-05-24
- ide: update ide host and path values in ingress
- ingress: π update ingress configurations
- oauth2: fix oauth2 url
- vdi: update vdi host and path values in ingress
v0.2.5-alpha.9 - 2023-05-08
- scheduling: stop assigning status to all steps in deletion attempts
- steps: fix instance scheduling of buildmanager steps
v0.2.5-alpha.8 - 2023-05-03
- launch: π add custom launch option
- build-manager: π fix cluster selection for steps
- build-manager: make phase ready if no step is assigned in instance
- fastdds: π fix fastdds config, use only udpv4
- import: fix broken imports
v0.2.5-alpha.7 - 2023-04-24
v0.2.5-alpha.6 - 2023-04-18
v0.2.5-alpha.5 - 2023-04-18
v0.2.5-alpha.4 - 2023-04-13
v0.2.5-alpha.3 - 2023-04-11
- field: change problematic dir names because of fabric8 code generation issues
v0.2.5-alpha.2 - 2023-04-07
- gpu: π watch volatile gpu utilization of node
- metrics-exporter: follow gpu and network metrics from host
- network: π watch network load of node network interfaces
- vdi: select vdi resolution
- client: create client for robot
- discovery-server: π manage a discovery server attached to the robot
- dynamic-ws: make workspaces changeable dynamically
- metrics: enable multiple ros 2 distribution option
- metrics: enable observing robot's metrics
- rmw-implementation: enable selecting rmw implementation
- robot: π manage main robot assets
- robot-build: add automation to the building process of robot
- robot-dev-suite: manage development suites attached to a robot
- robot-ide: provision cloud ide attached to robot
- robot-launch: add automation to the launching process of robot
- robot-vdi: provision virtual desktop attached to robot
- ros2-run: π support ros2 run command
- rosbridge: π manage ros bridge server for robot instance
- volume: π provision robot's volumes dynamically
- volumes: π configure robot's volumes
- workspaces: π prepare workspaces according to the definitions in robot manifest
- api: fix rmw implementation types
- attachments: add missing case for attachments
- check: add pvc status check
- column: fix column name and key
- discovery-server: fix robot with non-attached discovery server
- injections: fix non-permanent injections to containers
- ip: fix broken ip format
- labels: π get tenancy labels from robot instead of buildmanager
- labels: fix robot image label key
- launch-manager: π fix launch pod creation issue
- path: fix api path in project file
- robot-dev-suite: fix checking robot ide
- robot-dev-suite: π fix syncing component specs
- robot-ide: update display connection sources
- status: fix clearing the workload status if managers are not active
- status: clear status from robot
- typo: fix vdi resource name
- Merge pull request #24 from robolaunch/23-allow-multiple-launches