- Extend methods in PYZ
- Codeception helper navigation
- Fixed deprecation message, updated dependencies
- Fixed resolving gateway references in vendor namespaces
- Fixed resolving files in same directory
- Navigation in Twig files: resolve default twig includes
- Make all features configurable
- Show XML definitions: navigation from transfer.xml files to transfer objects, definitions and extensions
- Show XML definitions: limit to definitions and extensions
- Show XML definitions of transfer objects
- Updated Readme
- Navigation in Twig files
- Navigation in OMS XML files: compatibility for merchant-oms, custom state-machines and sub-process includes without extension
- Navigation in OMS XML files
- View file on GitHub
- PYZ directory and base namespace are configurable in Settings -> Tools -> PYZ Plugin
- Make the plugin release-ready
- Error messages in read and write actions
- Remove PhpStorm version constraint
- GoTo Stub from GatewayController
- Extend classes in PYZ
- GoTo GatewayController from Stub call