- If you get an error while accessing the URL's is most likely that I'm out of free monthly Heroku Dyno hours 🤐
- First romanian API for romanian jokes ever! Over 600 jokes available!
- Fast API queries! 🏃
- Just a dumb API developed in Express.JS which returns dumb romanian jokes made when I died of boredom
- I need to add more dumb jokes and new things in the future
- Stored in a
tier MongoDB on Atlas. Go easy lol.
- Clone this repo
- Open the containing folder
- Type npm i && npm start
- Open the API in your browser http://localhost:3000/v1/
- SEE THE NEW DOCS ON: ➡️ Official Documentation
- API Request limit is 100 requests per minute.
- API Endpoint URL hosted on heroku ➡️ https://romanian-jokes-api.herokuapp.com/v1/romanianjokes
- You can test it LIVE here ➡️ https://romanian-jokes-api.herokuapp.com/