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File metadata and controls

611 lines (501 loc) · 22.8 KB
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representation and semantics of metadata
Yann Hamdaoui

The representation and semantics of metadata

The goal of this RFC is to rethink how metadata (documentation, priority, custom merge function, etc.) are represented, accessed, and propagated, and what is their semantics with respect to merging.


This RFC has two main motivations:

  1. Merge semantics: Fix a number of strange and unintuitive behaviors observed in the wild while prototyping a Nix package set written in Nickel. A detailed report is given in #710. Most of the examples and explanations from this report are reproduced here for this RFC to be self-contained.
  2. Representation: Simplify the implementation and make it more efficient. The current representation of metadata implies that fetching the metadata of a value may involve evaluating arbitrary Nickel expressions, which doesn't really fit well with the idea of metadata. One striking example is optional fields, which is detailed later in this document.

Merge semantics

This section explores the first motivation: the current semantics of merging metadata is fragile.

The idea of merging is mainly inspired from two models1, the NixOS module system and the CUE programming language.

The NixOS module system and the CUE merge system are fundamentally based on the idea of composing small logical data blocks into a final result. Those blocks are not necessarily independent: a value defined in a block may depend on other values that will only be available later in the big merged blob (for NixOS modules, those are typically options). In Nickel terms, this is often referred to as recursive overriding.

This capability is what makes merging powerful, but comes with its share of questions. What should be the result of the following program?

  foo | Num
      | default = 5,
  bar = foo,
} & { foo = "a" }

If anything, this expression should evaluate to {foo = "a", bar = "a"}. However, the fact that foo has been annotated with a Num contract but may end up with a string in the final result without an error is disturbing. This example is small and artificial, but in real life the two merged blocks could be defined in different files, and the reason as to why an "a" ends up here where a number was expected could be hard to investigate.

In CUE, the underlying model guides the answer to this question. Types and values are not distinct entities (roughly, values can be seen as types with only one inhabitant, i.e. singletons), but live all in the same space. Merging intuitively corresponds to intersection. In that interpretation, trying to merge "a" with something of type Num will throw an error. Similarly, in NixOS modules, a configuration option of type string won't be merged with a number without an error (Nix doesn't have builtin types per se, but the NixOS module system is a library with a notion of type similar in spirit to Nickel's contracts).

Thus, it seems reasonable to do the same in Nickel. Let us write a first specification that we would like our system to enjoy:

Eventual validity (EvVal): let e be a merge expression x_1 & ... & x_n, where each x_is evaluate to a record. Then, if there exists j such that x_j has a field f with a contract C attached, then e.f | C (e.f respects the contract C)


Nickel does respect (EvVal). Actually, it does something stricter in the sense that more expressions are blamed than what would be strictly required by (EvVal). The current implementation eagerly "cross-applies" contracts of both sides:

Cross application (CrossApp): let e be a merge expression x & y, where x and y evaluate to records. Let f be a field, A1, ..., An be the contracts attached to f in x, and B1, ..., Bm the ones attached to f in y, then:

e.f = (x.f | B1 | ... | Bm) & (y.f | A1 | ... | An)

(with the obvious extensions to edge cases where f is not defined in x or y, or where either n or m is zero)

Note that in the current implementation, A1, ..., An have already been applied to the value of x.f. So, if we repeat all the contract applications that end up being evaluated, we get:

(x.f' | A1 | ... | An | B1 | ... | Bm) & (y.f' | A1 | ... | An | B1 | ... | Bm)

Where x.f' and y.f' are the original definitions for f before any contract application.

Cross-application is too eager

This choice has a number of unintuitive consequences. As opposed to the desired specification (EvVal), the implementation (CrossApp) may require intermediate values (that are built up during merging) to respect all the contracts attached to a field, while (EvVal) only requires that the final value respect all the contracts.

For example, contracts derived from record types are immediately testing for the absence and the presence of fields. Thus, the following program currently fails:

  foo | {
    bar : Num,
    baz : Str
& {foo = {}}
& { = 1}
& {foo.baz = "a"}

error: contract broken by a value: missing field `bar`
  ┌─ :1:1
1 │ {bar: Num, baz: Str}
  │ -------------------- expected type
  ┌─ repl-input-8:7:10
7 │ & {foo = {}}
  │          -- evaluated to this expression
  ┌─ <unknown> (generated by evaluation):1:1
1 │ { ... }
  │ ------- evaluated to this value

  ┌─ repl-input-8:2:9
2 │     foo | {
  │ ╭─────────^
3 │ │     bar : Num,
4 │ │     baz : Str
5 │ │   }
  │ ╰───^ bound here

Another eager contract is the dictionary contract {_ : T}. The following example (simplified) has been naturally written while brainstorming on how a Nix package would look like in Nickel:

nickel>let Drv = { out_path | Str, ..} in
let Package = { name | Str, drv | Drv, .. } in
  build_inputs | {_: Package} = {
  build = m%"
    %{}/bin/foo $out
} & {
  build_inputs = {
    foo = { name = "foo", drv.out_path = "/fake/path" },
    bar = { name = "bar", drv.out_path = "/fake/path" },

error: missing definition for `bar`

Surely, bar is not missing a definition in the final combined record. The issue is that the implementation of the {_: T} contract maps T onto the fields of its argument. This operation is eager, in that if one field doesn't have a definition right away, this operation fails. Because we do (CrossApp), the {_ : Package} contract is applied independently to both {foo, bar} and {foo = ..., bar = ...}. The former, which serves as an interface, is missing definitions and fails the contract no matter what it will be merged with.

For this particular case, we could make the {_: T} contract to map lazily, but that would require a new dedicated operator. And this sounds like yet another special casing: fact is, similar variants of record contracts could very well be user-defined, and we can't special case them all.

Cross-application breaks associativity

Recall the first failing example of the previous section:

  foo | {
    bar : Num,
    baz : Str
& {foo = {}}
& { = 1}
& {foo.baz = "a"}

error: contract broken by a value: missing field `bar`

Now, if we just add parentheses to first merge the concrete pieces of data together, the contract will be applied on the fully formed record, and the new program succeeds:

  foo | {
    bar : Num,
    baz : Str
& ({foo = {}}
& { = 1}
& {foo.baz = "a"})

{ foo = { baz = "a", bar = 1 } }

Thus, (CrossApp) breaks associativity of merging, which is a desirable algebraic property, and which is otherwise valid.

Outer cross-application doesn't make sense

Another source of strange behavior is when merging records with contracts attached (the contracts aren't attached to a field, but to the whole record). For example, what is the result of the following program?

({foo = 5} | {foo | Num})
& {bar = "bar"}

We merge two records, and one is additionally checked by a contract. Everything looks fine, and we expect this program to evaluate to {foo = 5, bar = "bar"}:

nickel>({foo = 5} | {foo | Num})
& {bar = "bar"}

error: contract broken by a value: extra field `bar`
  ┌─ :1:1
1 │ { ... }
  │ ------- expected type
  ┌─ repl-input-1:2:3
2 │ & {bar = "bar"}
  │   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ applied to this expression
  ┌─ <unknown> (generated by evaluation):1:1
1 │ { ... }
  │ ------- evaluated to this value

  ┌─ repl-input-1:1:14
1 │ ({foo = 5} | {foo | Num})
  │              ^^^^^^^^^^^ bound here

Ouch. What happens is that our semantics applies to top-level merge expressions, not only to record fields. In consequence, the {foo | Num} contract is cross-applied to {bar = "bar"} value.

Indeed, we only have one merge operator, and we defined quite straightforwardly the merging of records to be recursive: {foo = exp1, ...} & {foo = exp2, ...} evaluates to {foo = exp1 & exp2, ...}. Thus, we currently can't make a difference between "I am merging the fields of record as a result of a prior merging of those records" from "I am merging two top-level values", and contract are propagated in both cases.

This isn't related to (CrossApp) vs (EvVal): any (EvVal)-compliant implementation could exhibit this behavior. The issue appears because we have a simple recursive definition of merging for record fields that doesn't differentiate between a top-level merging and an "inherited" merging &', such that {foo = exp1} & {foo = exp2} is {foo = exp1 &' exp2}, and where &' may have a different behavior with respect to contract applications.


This section details the second motivation: the current representation of metadata in the AST makes them hard to fetch.

Metadata (originally called enriched values) have been implemented as a special node in the AST which holds attributes in addition to a standard value. The advantages of having a builtin notion of metadata – as opposed to simply represent them explicitly as a record in Nickel, e.g. {meta: Metadata, value: Dyn} – is to make them mostly transparent for the rest of the language. More precisely:

  1. Metadata are transparent for evaluation. The interpreter automatically unwraps the inner value silently by default. If we were to use an explicit representation as a record, now operators like + would have to work both on numbers and on values of type {meta: Metadata, value: Num}. Ditto for basically all builtin operators.

    Currently, only specific operations, like merge or fetching metadata, need to be metadata-aware. They do so thanks to a special mode in the evaluator, and the rest of the evaluation can just pretend they don't exist.

  2. Similarly, metadata are transparent for typechecking. Attaching a documentation to a value doesn't change its type (while, morally, we are turning a value of type a to Meta a = {meta: {..}, value: a}).

With the current design, metadata can basically appear anywhere in the AST. As a positive consequence, they propagate partly throughout computations, as long as a value with metadata is not forced. For example:

nickel> let some_block = {
  field | Num
        | doc "Some field"
        | default = 5,
  field_array = [field, 0],
nickel> let other_block = {
  field_head = array.head field_array
} & some_block
nickel>:query other_block.field_head
• contract: Num
• default: 5
• documentation: Some field

Here, the metadata of field have propagated through to the array element defined in field_array, that is then extracted in the field field_head of other_block.

However, having metadata everywhere has also a cost.

Fetching metadata

The first one is that the operation of fetching metadata involves evaluating arbitrary Nickel expressions. In the last example, querying other_block.field_head is done by evaluating other_block.field_head in so-called non-strict mode. This is like normal evaluation, but stops as soon as we encounter metadata.

This evaluation is required because when we get back an expression for field_head, the interpreter has absolutely no way of knowing in advance if metadata are hiding somewhere, and how much evaluation is required to extract them. We have no option but to evaluate the term until we reach either a value or a metadata node. If there is no metadata in the end, we've done all the work for nothing.

For querying metadata through nickel query, this might be fine: in fact, query also displays the value of the field, which requires evaluation anyway.

But in other cases, this cost may be prohibitive. On such example is optional fields (see #815). It seems natural to store them as metadata (same as for default values). But then, record operations such as record.fields need to decide "is this field optional and empty", and a linear time operation suddenly becomes arbitrary long as it might imply to evaluate each and every field.

Nested metadata

The second issue with metadata anywhere is the semantics of nested metavalues. Currently, when fetching, we stop at the first metadata we encounter. But they may very well be nested. The current implementation is oblivious to potential inner metadata:

nickel>let base = {
  foo | doc "Foo"
      | Str
      | default = "bar"
• contract: Str
• default: "bar"
• documentation: Foo

nickel>let base_hidden = {
  foo = ((("bar" | doc "Foo") | default) | Str)
• contract: Str
• value: "bar"

One solution could be to define a flattening operation (pedantically, a monoid operation, or a monad if metadata are rather seen as a container over a value): flatten : (Metadata, Metadata) -> Metadata.

While fetching metadata can take an arbitrary time to complete in principle, it's currently quick for the happy path, when metadata are located e.g. directly on record fields. Now, if we want to correctly handle nested metadata, we can't stop evaluation as soon as we encounter metadata anymore, because some other metadata could be lying underneath. We now have to systematically evaluate an expression down to a value, collecting and flattening metadata along the way.


In a configuration language such as Nickel, the fundamental data structure is the record, and the fundamental piece of data is the record field. In retrospect, fields seem to be the right level of granularity for metadata, and where they are most often attached in practice.

While metadata that can appear anywhere are in theory more flexible, the only example making use of such capability of metadata to be attached to other values than record fields is the example where metadata are propagated through an array and another record field. This example is contrived, and doesn't seem to correspond to a real use-case in a convincing way. In the NixOS module system, for example, metadata are attached to options only.

Field-based metadata would only be affected during merging, and combined eagerly when that happens: no later arbitrary evaluation, no nesting, just static data. Allowing them anywhere doesn't bring clear practical benefits, whereas it comes with substantial drawbacks, exposed in the previous sections.


The proposed change comes in to aspects:

  1. Metadata can only be written next to record fields, and are stored only there in the AST. Their semantics with respect to merging is left unchanged, except for cross-application of contracts (see the next point). Contract annotations and type annotations are still allowed on any value, but would be parsed as a different node (say, Annotated) and wouldn't impact the behavior of merging.
  2. Instead of implementing (CrossApp), we implement a laxer strategy, lazy propagation (which corresponds closely to (EvVal)). As we've done with lazy array contracts, contracts would be accumulated at the field level instead of being eagerly applied. Only when the field is extracted (or evaluated by any other mean: equality testing, deep sequing, etc.), we can apply the pending contracts. As for lazy array contracts, this also enables new potential optimizations, like eliminating redundant contract applications.

In 2., note that we just apply the accumulated contracts in sequence. In some sense, we form the conjunction of all the contracts, or equivalently the intersection. This intersection is however naive, so to speak. This intersection works well for common data contracts (predicates on numbers and strings, record and array contracts, etc.) where it corresponds to the intuition for the boolean AND., but not so much for function contracts. For example, ({f | Num -> Num} & {f | Str -> Str} & {f = fun x => x}).f "a" will blame, while f = fun x => x does satisfy each function contract in isolation. For more details, see Union and Intersection Contracts are Hard, Actually.

Revisiting the initial issues

  • cross-application is too eager: this problem is solved by the implementation of lazy propagation.

  • outer cross-application doesn't make sense: this is solved (somehow for free) by the restriction to record fields. Recall the original example:

    ({foo = 5} | {foo | Num})
    & {bar = "bar"}

    Now, because the annotation | {foo | Num} is not attached to a field, this is not a metadata, but a mere annotation, and doesn't impact merging. In particular, it doesn't propagate to the right-hand side {bar = "bar"}, which is the desired outcome.

  • fetching metadata: now metadata are only stored at record fields. We will probably have to restrict querying to record fields, but it is then accessed directly from a record.

  • nested metadata: nested metadata are still possible, in a way. For example:

      foo | doc "Foo" = bar.baz,
      bar.baz | doc "Baz" = null,

    We would still only return the outer metadata attached to foo. However, this semantics is arguably more natural here, because the "Baz" documentation is attached to a different field, even if foo inherited the same value. The right documentation to report seems to still be the one of foo.

    While in the previous situation, in a case like { foo = (( (null | default)) | doc "doc") }, ignoring the inner annotation (default) is arguably harder to justify.

Additional consequences

Propagating metadata

The field-based approach seems more intuitive in other situations. The current propagation of metadata isn't always the right semantics:

nickel>let config = {
  foo = bar,
  bar | default = 5,
nickel>config & {foo = 2}
{ bar = <default=5>, foo = <value=2> }

Here, we are able to override foo, although it hasn't been declared as having a default value. Because metadata propagate, foo inherits the default attribute from bar. The fact that foo is a default value should rather depend on foo being annotated with default, and shouldn't necessarily depend transitively on its assigned value. For example, if we override bar with a definite value in between, now foo can't be overridden anymore:

nickel>let config = {
  foo = bar,
  bar | default = 5,
nickel>config & {bar = 3} & {foo = 2}
error: non mergeable terms
  ┌─ repl-input-4:1:17
1 │ config & {bar = 3} & {foo = 2}
  │                 ^           ^ with this expression
  │                 │
  │                 cannot merge this expression

On the other hand, with a field-based approach, foo wouldn't inherit any metadata from bar, and wouldn't be a default value (both examples would fail consistently with a non mergeable terms error).

Missing definition

Currently, reporting an error for missing the definition of a field is quite complicated. By the dynamic nature of metadata, once we try to eventually evaluate metadata with no inner value, we are missing the original context: just getting the name of the field that we are currently evaluating requires to maintain an additional call-stack, for the sake of error reporting only, and to use heuristics to try to extract meaningful information.

As of today, this is still not totally reliable: here is an example (on recent master, 4bba9f0481d6e050b6d488ea0ce83d9742490fa4) where the error reporting is totally off:

nickel>let r = {
  field_head = array.head without_def
nickel> :query r.field_head
error: missing definition for `head`
    ┌─ <stdlib/array>:2:11
  2 │     array = {
    │ ╭───────────^
  3 │ │     NonEmpty
  4 │ │       | doc m%"
  5 │ │         Contract to ensure the given array is not empty.
    · │
273 │ │           (sort cmp (parts.right)) @ [first] @ (sort cmp (parts.wrong)),
274 │ │   }
    │ ╰───^ in this record
    ┌─ repl-input-1:3:16
  3 │   field_head = array.head without_def
    │                ---------- accessed here

Of course, array.head exists, and the issue is a missing definition for r.without_def.

If we store metadata at the field level, the only place where a value may miss a definition (that is, where there is an optional in the implementation) is at fields. When evaluating a field, we can now right away if it's missing a definition, and throw an error with the required context. It's not entirely true because of recursive fields, but it still potentially simplifies error reporting a lot, as compared to the current situation where an empty metadata can occur at any point during evaluation.

Conditionally-defined fields

Conditionally-defined fields have been proposed in #459. This feature exists in CUE, and in the NixOS module system as lib.mkIf. Fields can then be defined conditionally, depending on an arbitrary condition that possibly involve other fields of the record. This is yet another feature that would fit in metadata, but this is however quite hard to implement with the current metadata representation, for reasons similar to optional fields.

As for optionals, a field-based representation makes the task much simpler, by storing the conditional expressions directly at the record level. This expression can be forced when requested by a record operation.


  1. (Interestingly, the mixin modules of ML turns out to bear a lot of similarity with merging recursive records, but in retrospective only: both the original working draft of the merge system of Nickel and the NixOS module system were developed independently from mixin modules)