We use tox to run the test in a controller environment.
Each change should consider covering the followings:
- Create a release notes fragment. See section below.
- Write automated tests to the point of having at least 100% code coverage.
- Documenting the API.
- Update the documentation with usage examples.
towncrier is used to manage the release notes.
Beside the normal docstring and API documentation, each change which is visible to the users of txame should be documented in the release notes.
To avoid merge conflict in the release notes files, each item of the release notes is create in a separate file located in src/txacme/newsfragments/
The file will have the following format: ISSUE_ID.ITEM_TYPE. ISSUE_ID is the GitHub Issue ID targeted by this branch.
ITEM_TYPE is one of the default types supported by Towncrier. Below is the list for your convenience (might get out of date):
- .feature: Signifying a new feature.
- .bugfix: Signifying a bug fix.
- .doc: Signifying a documentation improvement.
- .removal: Signifying a deprecation or removal of public API.
- .misc: A ticket has been closed, but it is not of interest to users.
You can run all tests in a specific environment, or just a single test:
$ tox --develop -e py38-twlatest txacme.test.test_service $ tox --develop -e py39-twlatest \ txacme.test.test_service.AcmeIssuingServiceTests.test_timer_errors
You can check the test coverage, and diff coverage by running the dedicated coverage-report tox env:
$ tox -e py38-twlatest,coverage-report
There is a tox environment dedicated to code style checks:
$ tox -e flake8
and another one for documentation and API checks:
$ tox -e docs
If executing the tox environment is too slow for you, you can always enable a specific environment and execute the test with trial:
$ . .tox/py38-twlatest/bin/activate $ pip install -e . $ trial txacme.test.test_service.AcmeIssuingServiceTests.test_timer_errors