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File metadata and controls

91 lines (80 loc) · 2.89 KB


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Adding a new map

SVG file

  • Create a new folder /packages/[new-map]/ and a new file /packages/[new-map]/[new-map].svg in kebab-case. For example: /packages/new-zealand/new-zealand.svg
  • Use tab indentation
  • Use only <svg> and <path> tags (no doctype, external stylesheet, comment...). Other tags will be ignored
  • On the <svg> tag:
    • Set the xmlns="" namespace declaration
    • Adjust the viewBox attribute to remove any empty space on each side of the map (top, bottom, left, right)
    • Set an appropriate aria-label attribute Map of [New Map]. For example: Map of New Zealand
    • Do NOT use any other attribute than xmlns, viewBox and aria-label
  • On the <path> tags:
    • Set semantic id attributes (short or full names) in kebab-case. For example: ny for New York or taipei-city for Taipei City
    • Set English name attributes
    • Do NOT use any other attribute than id, name and d

Here is a simplified example of new-zealand.svg:

	viewBox="0 0 703 989"
	aria-label="Map of New Zealand"
		name="West Coast"

Package file

  • Create a new /packages/[new-map]/package.json file to describe the npm package to publish:
	"name": "@svg-maps/[new-map]",
	"version": "1.0.0",
	"description": "Map of [New Map]",
	"main": "index.js",
	"repository": {
		"type": "git",
		"url": "[new-map]"
	"keywords": [
	"author": "[Your Name] <[your email]>",
	"publishConfig": {
		"access": "public"
	"license": "[License of the map]"

JS file

  • Generate the JS file running the npm run build command
  • The /packages/[new-map]/index.js file should be generated. Otherwise it means the SVG file is not valid


  • Add a /packages/[new-map]/ file with the license of the map (Creative Commons Markdown)

  • Create a new /packages/[new-map]/ file to:

    • indicate the license of the map with a badge
    • list all the locations (states, counties...) alphabetically sorted and using the same names as in the SVG file
    • indicate the credits (source, license of the original map...)
    • describe your modifications
  • Add the new map in the main file:

    • using alphabetical order
    • linking to the package folder /packages/[new-map]

Reporting a bug

Open an issue.