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89 lines (56 loc) · 2.26 KB

File metadata and controls

89 lines (56 loc) · 2.26 KB


Platforms Swift Xcode MIT

This pod have some useful functions and extensions that are often use in swift projects For example you can check if a string is a valid email easily or design an imageView in circle

String Extensions

func isValidEmail() -> Bool {}

func isUrl() -> Bool {}

func cleanUrl() -> String {}

func phoneCall() {}

func mailTo() {}

func capitalizeFirstLetter() -> String {}

func toNumber() -> NSNumber? {}

func toFloat() -> Float {}

func toDouble() -> Double {}

func isEqualToZero() -> Bool {}

DateFormatter Extensions

static var rails: String {}

UIImageView Extensions

func loadImage(withUrl url: String?, andPlaceHolder placeHolder: UIImage? = nil, preloadWithPlaceHolder: Bool = true) {}

func designRounded(radius: Int) {}

func designCircle() {}

UIViewController Extensions

func showToast(title: String, subtitle: String? = nil, image: UIImage? = nil, duration: TimeInterval = 3, position: ToastPosition = .bottom, view: UIView? = nil) {}


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

CocoaPods 0.39.0+ is required to build TymateSwiftExtensions 0.0.1+.

To integrate Extensions into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source ''


pod 'TymateSwiftExtensions'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install


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    1. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b Your-New-Feature
    1. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Adding some super awesome update'
    1. Push to the branch: git push origin Your-New-Feature
    1. Submit a pull request!