The main goal of Octopod is to simplify deployment in Kubernetes.
When developing Octopod we were expecting Octopod itself to also be deployed with Kubernetes.
Users can interact with Octopod through:
- the Web UI (expected to be used by developers, project managers, QA engineers, etc.)
- the octo CLI (expected to be used by DevOps engineers and programmatically, e. g. on CI)
Interaction between Octopod and Kubernetes is done entirely through the control scripts. This allows Octopod to be adapted for use in practically any deployment setup.
Octopod stores all data about deployments and all performed operations in PostgreSQL.
Web UI – the user interface used to manipulate deployments. It interacts with Octopod Server through HTTP/1.1 requests and receives events from Octopod Server through Websockets. Authentication between Web UI and Octopod Server is done through Basic Auth. The Basic Auth token is read from a JSON config which is requested when the page is loaded. Access to the config should be configured through Ingress.
The interface does not contain technical details related to administering deployments ― managing deployments is done in a simple way. The interface is geared towards being used by developers of any level, QA engineers, project managers, and people without a technical background.
Octopod Server – the server that processes deployment management requests and delegates Kubernetes-specific logic to control scripts.
The server receives commands from the octo CLI and the Web UI through HTTP/1.1 and updates the state of deployments. The server also sends updates to the Web UI through Websockets. Octopod Server interacts with Kube API Server through the control scripts. Settings, deployment states and user action logs are stored in PostgreSQL.
PostgreSQL – DBMS used to store settings, deployment states and user action logs.
octo CLI – a command-line interface used to manage deployments. It sends HTTP/1.1 requests to Octopod Server. The requests are authenticated through the Authorization
It can perform all actions available in the Web UI, but also has access to view deployment logs.
The CLI is expected to be used by DevOps engineers, but can also be used if it is necessary to automate deployment management in some way, for example in CI scripts.
Control scripts – a Docker Container with executables which encapsulates all of the logic of interacting with the Kube API Server, cloud providers, deployments, version control, etc.
This is necessary to make Octopod itself independent from any particular deployment setup ― it can be set up to work with practically any setup.
When the Octopod Server Pod starts, the contents of the control scripts container are copied into the Octopod Server container file system. This means that the executables need to be either statically linked or interpreted through Bash since it needs to be executed in the Octopod Server container environment.
These scripts need to be implemented to deploy Octopod unless the set of generic scripts is used.
Kube API Server – an API server in Kubernetes which should be called from control scripts.
octo CLI is distributed as a statically linked executable. The prebuilt binaries can be found in the "Releases" tab of the GitHub repository.
Octopod Server and Web UI are distributed as a single Docker Image. Charts are used to deploy it in Kubernetes.
A Docker Image with control scripts should be provided by the user. They are available in our Docker Hub registry.
Here we provide sequence diagrams for every basic operation that can be performed in Octopod. These operations call control scripts. On the diagrams, they are labeled as Control Scripts.
We deploy several separate Kubernetes clusters:
- We have separate clusters for every product we deploy
- We also separate production and staging clusters
That makes two clusters per product.
So we get a cluster matrix similar to the following table, where each cell is a separate cluster:
Staging (Has Octopod installed) | Production (Octopod not installed) | |
Cactus shop | 🟩 🐙 Cluster A | 🟨 Cluster B |
Pottery service | 🟦 🐙 Cluster C | 🟪 Cluster D |
... | ... | ... |
Every color depicts a separate cluster. A 🐙 indicates that Octopod is installed in that cluster.
Every staging cluster has a separate Octopod installation with separate interfaces to manage the deployments.
A deployment can exist in one of six states:
- Running
- Failure
- CreatePending
- UpdatePending
- DeletePending
- Archived
Running, Failure, Archived states are "permanent", meaning the deployment is not in the process of executing a command.
CreatePending, UpdatePending, DeletePending states are temporary, meaning the deployment is currently in the process of executing a deployment command.
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