Provides the canonical TODOs app for backbone-parse-es6 showing improved TyphonJS functionality with JSPM / SystemJS.
More documentation and tutorial coming soon. The basic installation steps:
- Install Node (only once as necessary)
- Install Gulp globally "npm install gulp -g" (only once as necessary)
- Install JSPM / SystemJS globally "npm install jspm -g" (only once as necessary)
- Check out the source repo.
- run "npm install" from the local copy directory.
- run "jspm install" from the local copy directory.
- "index.html" will load the bundled site. "indexSrc.html" will load the ES6 source transpiled in the browser.
More info coming soon.
Live demo here:
Docs (class overview) here:
Please review electron-backbone-parse-es6-todos-improved for how to create a desktop version from the bundled version of this web app using Electron. Minimal code and configuration is necessary when using typhonjs-core-gulptasks to work with Electron.