Rosalution's backend uses FastAPI as a Python REST endpoint framework to accept and process frontend and user requests.
It is currently used to handle Rosalution's authentication system, interact with MongoDB for state management, and the web accessible Swagger API documentation.
- Python 3.11 - Install
- Pip - Install
Dependencies for the Rosalution backend service and development are
managed within the requirements.txt
file within the project's backend root structure.
To keep dependencies required for projects separate without changing global settings and packages we create isolated virtual environments for these projects.
All packages necessary for Rosalution development are installed into the ./backend/rosalution_env/
environment in the script.
To create this isolation we use the python virtual environment venv. Refer to the python virtual environment for documentation.
Note: Make sure script is run as this installs the rosalution_env and all it's dependencies.
To use in your shell, activate the virtual environment by running the following commands:
cd backend
source rosalution_env/bin/activate
Rosalution uses Environment variables for configuring the application at the time of startup.
- ROSALUTION_ENV Sets whether the application's environment is in production. This will run the backend with the
-O flag which will turn off
statements within the backend codebase when using the '` to start the application. - MONGODB_HOST Sets the host or host:port for the server host address for MongoDB. (default) rosalution-db - The default is the docker compose name for the service, so inside other docker containers within the same network, the docker compose name will resolve to that service
- MONGODB_DB Sets the database name to connect to at startup time (default) rosalution_db
Currently Rosalution only supports Central Authentication System (CAS) authentication for the production deployment. The default settings of Rosalution point the implementation to the UAB CAS.
Rosalution leverages the python-cas package to communicate with the UAB
CAS system. When the CAS object is instantiated, it accepts a service_url
and a server_url
which is specific to the
system the application is connecting to. The python-cas package's documentation can be found
If another entity has or wishes to employ a CAS authority, the defined configuration variables allow for this to happen.
These variables are found in ./backend/src/
auth_web_failure_redirect_route = "/login"
- This is not CAS specific, but it is employed when CAS fails and redirects the user to a specific url in the app
cas_api_service_url: str = ""
- The application's url and nexturl defines where to redirect when login is successful
- nexturl is a CAS parameter that tells the server where to redirect to in your application when completing the CAS interaction. The nexturl parameter will use a relative path.
cas_server_url: str = ""
- Defines where the CAS url can be reached
cas_login_enable: bool = False
- This is relevant when the application is deployed with production, affects how the logout function works
This project uses pylint
as a linting tool.
Running the linter:
# From ./backend/
pylint src tests
Rosalution uses yapf
to format the python codebase. Configuration is maintained in .style.yapf
within the
To recursively format all Python files in place, run the following
# From ./backend/
yapf -ir .
From the src
# From project source folder: ./src
uvicorn main:app --reload
Now go to localhost:port
in a web browser.
To run the backend service in a docker container.
# From the base project folder: /backend
docker system prune -a --volumes
docker build --target="development-stage" --tag="backend" -f "./Dockerfile" ./
docker images
# Grab the id from the container that was built for backend
# Also, the docker run command seems to want the full path to the rosalution folder
docker run -v <absolute_path_to_backend>/:/app/ -p <image_id>
# From the base project folder: /backend
docker system prune -a --volumes
docker build --target="production-stage" --tag="backend" -f "./Dockerfile" ./
docker images
# Grab the id from the container that was built for backend
# Also, the docker run command seems to want the full path to the rosalution folder
docker run -v <absolute_path_to_backend>/:/app/ -p <image_id>
Logging can be found at "./logging.conf".
As of now the logging is simple and only provides the logging level and the log message. If more information is desired
for debugging, the logging.conf
has a more detailed logger format available. This contains the level name, function
name where the logger was called, the line in the file where the logger was called, and the logger message.
Just comment out the less detailed one and uncomment the more detailed to use. The backend server will need to be restarted to reflect this change as FastAPI is not monitoring changes for this file.
Shows a list of analysis available for rosalution
{ Hello: "World" }
The backend service uses pytest
as a testing framework for the Python code. The tests are broken out into unit,
integration, and system tests.
Pytest notes:
In order for Rosalution to work, it requires a ROSALUTION_KEY environment variable to be set. Since the tests are not actually running Rosalution, this needs to be manually done each time when running pytest.
flag for the pytest routes the standard out to the console. It allows theprint()
statement to log output of variables for development purposes.
From the root ./
directory of the project:
Unit Tests:
ROSALUTION_KEY="fake-rosalution-key-used-in-pytest" pytest -s tests/unit
Integration Tests:
ROSALUTION_KEY="fake-rosalution-key-used-in-pytest" pytest -s tests/integration
Code coverage is generated by using the pytest-cov package. It was the easiest way to setup code coverage for unit testing to use pytest-cov and its default configuration, then to configure directly.
The unit tests rely on the .coveragerc file to omit the '' where the application routes are stored. '' is tested by integration tests and not unit tests.
To view an HTML report of coverage, change the option of --cov-report=term
to --cov-report=html
Read to learn more about pytest code coverage
tool configuration.
ROSALUTION_KEY="fake-rosalution-key-used-in-pytest" pytest --cov=src --cov-fail-under=80 --cov-branch --cov-report=term tests/unit/