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Running S3TransferUtility Sample

This sample demonstrates how to use the high-level class TransferUtility to perform download and upload tasks and manage the tasks. You can also follow the tutorial for a step-by-step guide in understanding the S3TransferUtilitySample.

  1. Create a identity pool

    • Go to Amazon Cognito Console and choose Manage Identity Pools.
    • Click Create new Identity pool button on the top left of the console.
    • Give a name for the Identity pool and check Enable access to unauthenticated identities under the Unauthenticated Identities section, click Create pool button on the bottom right.
    • To enable Cognito Identities to access your resources, expand the View Details section to see the two roles that are to be created. Make a note of the unauth role whose name is of the form Cognito_<IdentityPoolName>Unauth_Role. Now click Allow button in the bottom right of the console.
    • Under Get AWSCredentials section, in the code snippet to create CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider , find the Identity pool ID and the AWS region and make note of them. You will need to add to the sample application later.
  2. Set up permissions

    • Go to Amazon IAM Console and select "Roles".
    • Select the unauth role you just created in step 1, which is of the form Cognito_<IdentityPoolName>Unauth_Role.
    • Select Attach Policy, then find AmazonS3FullAccess and attach it it to the role.
    • Note: This will grant users in the identity pool full access to all buckets and operations in S3. In a real app, you should restrict users to only have access to the resources they need.
  3. Create a bucket

    • Go to Amazon S3 Console and click Create bucket.
    • Enter a name for the bucket that is DNS-compliant. For restrictions on bucket naming refer Bucket Restrictions and Limitations.
    • Choose the region that you want the bucket to be created.
    • Click Create. Note the name and the region of the bucket that was created.
  4. Import the sample project

    • Import the sample as Android project into your IDE of choice.
    • Open awsconfiguration.json in /res/raw directory.
    • Update PoolId with the ID of the Cognito Identity Pool created in Step-1.
    • Update Region with the region of the Cognito Identity Pool created from Step-1. For example, us-east-1. The Region column in Amazon Cognito Identity Regions represents the region string.
      "CredentialsProvider": {
        "CognitoIdentity": {
          "Default": {
            "PoolId": "REPLACE_ME",
            "Region": "REPLACE_ME"
    • Update Bucket with the name of the S3 Bucket created in Step-3.
    • Update Region with the region of the S3 Bucket created from Step-3. For example, us-east-1. The Regioncolumn in Amazon S3 Regions represents the region string.
      "S3TransferUtility": {
        "Default": {
          "Bucket": "REPLACE_ME",
          "Region": "REPLACE_ME"
  5. Import the AWS SDK for Android

    • This application used Gradle to resolve the dependencies required by the app and fetches from maven. This app depends on aws-android-sdk-s3 in build.gradle.
  6. Build and Run the sample