##Using the HP Helion Database provider
Creating a client is straight-forward:
var rackspace = pkgcloud.database.createClient({
provider: 'hp',
username: 'your-user-name',
apiKey: 'your-api-key',
region: 'region of identity service',
authUrl: 'https://your-identity-service'
More options for creating clients
The steps for provision a MySQL database from HP Helion cloud databases are:
- Choose a flavor (memory RAM size)
- Create an instance of a database server.
- When the instance is provisioned, create your database.
Also you can manage users across your instances and each instance can handle several databases.
client.getFlavors(function (err, flavors) {
// Look at the availables flavors for your instance
// Lets choose the ID 1 for 512MB flavor
client.getFlavor(1, function (err, flavor) {
// Create the instance for host the databases.
name: 'test-instance',
flavor: flavor,
// Optional, you can choose the disk size for the instance
// (1 - 8) in GB. Default to 1
size: 3
// Optional, you can give an array of database names for initialize
// when the instace is ready
databases: ['first-database', 'second-database']
}, function (err, instance) {
// At this point when the instance is ready we can manage the databases
name: 'test-database',
instance: instance
}, function (err, database) {
// Log the result
Allows the creation of specific users to have access to any database you create.
Accepts one user object as the options
argument or an array of user objects.
A user object is defined as follows:
username: 'nodejitsu', // required
password: 'foobar', // required
databases: ['first-db, second-db'], // required (Can be either string or array)
instance: instance // required (instance or instanceId)
note: If creating multiple users, the instance provided must be the same for both.