This is the C++ implementation of the paper [PDF] "ARAP Revisited: Discretizing the Elastic Energy using Intrinsic Voronoi Cells".
Authors: Ugo Finnendahl, Matthias Schwartz, Marc Alexa Journal: Computer Graphic Forum 2023
Clone the project recursively:
git clone --recursive
Configure with cmake and compile e.g.
cd intrinsic-arap
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j6
Start by e.g.
./iARAP_gui ../meshes/
author = {Finnendahl, Ugo and Schwartz, Matthias and Alexa, Marc},
title = {ARAP Revisited: Discretizing the Elastic Energy using Intrinsic Voronoi Cells},
journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
volume = {n/a},
number = {n/a},
year = {2023},
month = {4},
pages = {},
keywords = {modelling, deformations, polygonal modelling},
doi = {},
url = {},