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Alessandro Febretti edited this page Jan 18, 2015 · 12 revisions

Last revision: ver. 4.0.5 - 20 June 2013

The cyclops library offers some helper functionality to add vertex and fragment shaders to cyclops objects (that is, everything derived from the Entity class). Shaders are attached to entities using effects. Effects simplify support of several shading features like per-pixel lighting with multiple lights, shadow maps and multipass shading support. Effects can be applied using the Entity.setEffect method. setEffect takes a string effect definition, containing the effect type, custom shaders and optional arguments

An example of applying effects in python follows:

	# Create a cube and make it red
	box = BoxShape.create(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
	box.setEffect("colored -d red")

In general the effect string definition will look like <effect-type> [[value]](-option)+

Note for omegalib 4.0 and higher

In omegalib 4.0+, the cyclops material API has been extended to support all the functionality included in effects. Please see the Material page for more information. All the information described here is still valid. The Effect and material API is backwards compatible. But some explanation of the internals may be out of date. This document will be updated in the near future to better explain how the new material API works.

Effects and Materials, Some Background

In version 3.5 and higher of omegalib, Entities offer a new material API (Entity.getMaterial and the Material and Uniforms class). Materials and effects share a few common functionalities. For instance, you can set the diffuse color of an object using both:

	# do this...
	box.setEffect('colored -d blue')
	# or this (first color is diffuse, second is emissive)
	box.getMaterial().setColor(Color(0,0,1,0), Color(0, 0, 0))

In general, the setEffect function exists for historical reasons: before a simpler way to wrap the API to python was available, it was quicker to expose a simple function accepting a string definition of a visual effect instead of implementing a full material class. When the Material class was introduced, removal of setEffect was considered but ultimately this way of setting visual properties was kept for a few practical reasons:

  • using a single setEffect call instead of multiple longer material property sets keeps code shorter and more readable for simple effects. It is also very practical for runtime debugging of graphics (i.e. Its easier to type box.setEffect('colored -e #ffffff80 -t') than box.getMaterial().setColor(Color('#ffffff80'), Color('black')); box.getMaterial().getTransparent(True))
  • setEffect can be used to easily specify multipass effects using the pipe operator |.
  • effect definitions are easier to serialize / deserialize.

On the other hand, introducing the Material class is useful for the following reasons:

  • For dynamically changing properties (i.e. a diffuse color or alpha value changing every frame). the Material API is much more efficient, since it does not require string parsing and can also skip some internal OpenSceneGraph logic.
  • Materials let users specify shader uniforms (see the cyclops Uniforms class, from which Material derives).

The rest of this document will explain how to use effect definitions. For more information about the Material API, check the Cyclops Python Reference Page.

Common Effect Options

Option Meaning
-t Enable alpha blending
-a Enable additive blending (requires -t)
-D Disable depth testing
-C Disable backface culling
-w Render object as wireframe
-o [num] Polygon offset value. Used when rendering the same object multiple times, to offset the depth value and pass the depth test.
-g <value> Sets the specular gloss value (usually between 0 and 1). This parameter sets the unif_Gloss uniform in the fragment shader
-s <value> Sets the specular shininess value (usually between 0 and 100+). This parameter sets the unif_Shininess uniform in the fragment shader

The common options are available on all effects, both builtin (colored, textured, bump) and user-defined.

Custom shaders

Colored shading

Effect Definition Result
colored -d red
colored -d #404040
colored -d blue -g 1.0 -s 30
colored -d blue -g 0.5 -s 1
colored -d #202020 -g 1.0 -s 30 -t -a
colored -d black -e yellow
`colored -d yellow colored -d black -e red -w -o -10000`

Textured shading

Effect Definition Result
textured -d cyclops/test/checker.jpg
textured -d cyclops/test/graduated.jpg -t -a

Bump shading


Shaders Reference

Shader Macros

Macro Description
@vertexShader Added at the beginning of a shader, add the default cyclops vertex shader code. (default is /data/cyclops/common/forward/default.vert). You need to add this at the beginning of a vertex shader to use all the other macros and functions listed here.
@surfaceShader Added at the beginning of a shader, add the default cyclops fragment shader code. (default is /data/cyclops/common/forward/default.fragment). You need to add this at the beginning of a fragment shader to use all the other macros and functions listed here.
@unlit Added to a surface shader after the @surfaceShader macro, it disables lighting for this surface shader. Lights will have no effect. The albedo and emissive components of the surface will be added to the final luminance with no light modulation.
$@fragmentLightSection { }@ Defines the block of code that will be included in the shader for each active light Inisde the block, @lightIndex is the index of the current light in the gl_LightSource array. See /data/cyclops/common/forward/default.frag for an example of use. Re-defining this in your shader as an empty block can be used to disable lighting.
@vsinclude shadowMap internal
@fsinclude shadowMap internal
@fsinclude lightFunctions internal
@customFragmentDefs internal


Function Name Description
void setupSurfaceData(vec4 eyeSpacePosition) Used inside a cyclops vertex shader (see @vertexShader) to setup custom per-vertex rendering properties. Can be left empty.
SurfaceData getSurfaceData(void) Used inside a cyclops surface shader (see @surfaceShader) to define the properties of the renderable surface. Must return a SurfaceData structure with the properties of the current surface fragment.
vec4 lightFunction(SurfaceData sd, LightData ld) Used to implement custom light functions used by Light.setLightFuction. Accepts surface and light definition structures, and returns output luminance for the current surface fragment.

Common Variables

Variable Description
varying vec3 var_Normal
varying vec3 var_EyeVector
uniform float unif_Alpha



Variable Description
vec4 albedo The albedo of the surface. Will be modulated by the lights affecting the surface. Albedo alpha will be multiplied by emissive alpha.
vec4 emissive The emissive color of the surface. This color will be added to the final luminance, after lighting.
vec3 normal The normal of this surface fragment.
float shininess The shininess power of the fragment. Used for specular calculation.
float gloss The gloss of the fragment. Between 0 and 1. Modulates the specular luminance before adding it to the final fragment luminance (so, 0 disables specular)


Variable Description
vec4 diffuse The diffuse color of the light.
vec4 ambient The ambient color of the light.
vec4 specular The specular color of the light.
vec3 dir The light direction for directional lights.
vec3 halfDir The light half vector.
vec3 spotDirection The light direction for spot lights.
float spotCutoff The cutoff for spot lights.
float spotExponent The exponent for spot lights.
float shadow A shadow multiplier for lights generating shadow maps.
float distance The distance for spot lights.
vec3 attenuation The constant, linear, quadratic attenuation for the light.


Variable Description
vec4 luminance The final luminance for the fragment. Typically this is the final value written to the frame buffer.
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