One line per anaesthetic gas canister (AGC).
- Id: id of the AGC.
- OR: medlinq operating room Id e.g 21 for ZOP2/Saal 1, or 30 for ZOP2/Saal 10.
- InitialWeight: weight [g] of the AGC before use.
- FinalWeight: weight [g] of the AGC after use (red LED on SENSOfluran unit).
- LostWeight: weight lost [g] during storage at our hospital.
- DaysStored: days the AGC was stored in our hospital before shipping.
- TotalCases: total number of cases for this agc.
- TotalCasesTiva: total number of total intravenous anaesthesia cases for this agc.
- TotalCasesSev: total number of inhaled anaesthesia (sevoflurane) cases for this agc.
- TotalDurationCases: total (summed) duration of all cases where this agc was used.
- TotalDurationCasesTiva: total (summed) duration of all total intravenous anaesthesia cases where this agc was used.
- TotalDurationCasesSev: total (summed) duration of all inhaled anaesthesia (sevoflurane) cases where this agc was used.
- TotalUsedWeightSev: total sevoflurane consumption in gram of all cases where this agc was used.
One line per case.
- Device: device id.
- Description: human readable location (could change during study due to relocation of the Draeger Perseus device to another operating room).
- OR: medlinq operating room Id e.g 21 for ZOP2/Saal 1, or 30 for ZOP2/Saal 10.
- Date: date.
- Start: start time of case.
- End: end time of case.
- Duration: duration in minutes.
- AvgFlowTotal: average total fresh gas flow in L/min.
- AvgFlowO2: average oxygen fresh gas flow in L/min.
- AvgFlowAir: average air fresh gas flow in L/min.
- UsedVolumeSev: used sevoflurane in ml as exported from Draeger connect.
- UptakeVolumeSev: sevoflurane uptake in ml as exported from Draeger connect.
- EfficiencySev: efficiency sevoflurane in % as exported from Draeger connect.
- Case: case id.
- TimeStamp: timestamp.
- Flow: fresh gas flow in L/min.
- Vapor: vapor setting in Vol%.
- Duration: duration of "Flow" and "Vapor" setting combination in minutes.
- OR: medlinq operating room Id e.g 21 for ZOP2/Saal 1, or 30 for ZOP2/Saal 10.
- Start: date and time when the first anaesthetic gas canister (AGC) was installed.
- End: date and time when the last AGC was removed.