If your language is currently not supported, create a new folder under
locales/[language code]/
For the language code, please use the ISO 639-3 definitions.
Example: locales/deu/
After creating the folder, please make sure to add the identifier file.
locales/[language code]/_[language code].js
for e.g.
Add the new language code to the supported user language in the file
Locales['supportedLanguages'] = [
+ '[language code]',
To make sure we are mapping the language correctly, please add the corresponding
language mapping to src/utils/i18n/i18n_mapping.js
Create a new build rule in the file build/cwc/locales.js
Example for the "deu" translation:
* DEU Translation.
name: 'Locales.deu',
srcs: glob([
externs: [
compress: true,
options: {
closure: {
rewrite_polyfills: false,
out: 'genfiles/core/js/locales/deu.js',
Adjust the Blockly translation build rule in the file
to include the new supported language.
Example for the "deu" translation:
* Blockly translation
name: 'Blockly language files',
resources: [
BlocklyPath + 'msg/js/de.js',
out: 'genfiles/third_party/external/blockly/msg/',
Take a look into the locales/eng/
folder and start translating
the different type of text.
(Skip the deprecated locales/eng/translation.js
Please make sure that you only add translated text into this new file. It also fine to start with a few lines and adding the rest later.
If the new file is ready, create a pull request under the following URL: https://github.com/google/coding-with-chrome/pulls
The translation key has the following format for the i18t(...)
and {msg ...}
@@[Group]__[Key] (e.g. @@WELCOME_SCREEN__TITLE)
Group Most of the translations are defined for one group like "WELCOME_SCREEN__".
Key The key is used to identify the correct translation text like "TITLE".
All language translation files under locales/[language]/*.js
using the
following structure:
Locales[Language][Group] = {
'Key': 'Translated text',
Locales['deu']['WELCOME_SCREEN'] = {
'TITLE': 'Willkommen zu Programmieren mit Chrome!',
'DESCRIPTION': 'Coding with Chrome ist eine pädagogische Entwicklerumgebung',
If you miss the translation for certain UI parts, please submit pull request to add them. All translations are using a KEY for the translation and maybe separates files like locales/deu/welcome_screen.js.
Use the global "i18t" function to add the translation to any text. Please keep in mind that it could be that some text is already translated by general functions.
The i18t library also supports variables for dynamic content like:
Locales['deu']['WELCOME_SCREEN'] = {
'HELLO_NAME': 'Willkommen {$user} zu Programmieren mit Chrome!',
i18t('@@WELCOME_SCREEN__HELLO_NAME', {'user' : 'Tester'})
For soy files, use the {msg desc=""} {/msg} tags to mark any text. Please keep in mind that it could be that some text is translated by general functions instead directly.
{msg desc=""}