diff --git a/docs/processes/release/tasks/versions.md b/docs/processes/release/tasks/versions.md
index b09e35f64863..ecc85b15c65c 100644
--- a/docs/processes/release/tasks/versions.md
+++ b/docs/processes/release/tasks/versions.md
@@ -198,19 +198,7 @@ The command requires a version number string that follows the typical Java / Mav
In other words, the above `versions:set-property` step should be executed at the same time
`mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=74.0.1-SNAPSHOT` is executed.
-4. Update the `api.doc.version` property.
-Edit the root pom file at `icu4j/pom.xml` and manually make this change:
- * Before the RC release, ensure that the property includes the phrase "Release Candidate".
- ```
- ${icu.major.version} Release Candidate
- ```
- * For the final GA release, ensure that the property only includes the major version number.
- ```
- ${icu.major.version}
- ```
-5. Update the following variables in `icu4j/releases_tools/shared.sh`
+4. Update the following variables in `icu4j/releases_tools/shared.sh`
* `artifact_version` - The version used in the Maven `pom.xml` files. You can alternatively produce this value by running `mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -q -DforceStdout`.
* `github_rel_version` - The version used in the name of the GitHub downloadable artifacts. For example "73_2" or "74rc".