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Setup Gremlin Server

seanbarzilay edited this page Oct 10, 2017 · 1 revision

To get started with Unipop using Gremlin-Server first you need to download it from Download.

Then after extracting you need to install the required Unipop modules by executing
bin/ install com.github.unipop-graph unipop-elastic 0.2.1 or
bin/ install com.github.unipop-graph unipop-jdbc 0.2.1 or
bin/ install com.github.unipop-graph unipop-rest 0.2.1
if you are using windows then you should execute bin/gremlin-server.bat install ...

After installing the required modules we need to configure the server to load Unipop to do this you start by creating a new properties file with


and then duplicating the default server configuration file conf/gremlin-server.yaml and editing some of its properties.

First you need to add the plugin to the plugins section by adding
org.unipop.plugin.UnipopPlugin: {}
after that you need to change the graph property to point to your properties file ie. graph:conf/

And simply executing the server with you server configuration file ie. bin/ conf/unipop-server.yaml.