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redux router (with react bindings) - one route = one code

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redux router (with bindings) / one route = one code

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The main purpose of the lib is to have a full redux driven history API router that is fast and easy to use.

That's why we identify route by unique code, and use this codes internally.


The lib was created to simplify our routes usages. This is done by matching an unique code to a route (we never identify a route with its href).

This lib allows us, via bindings, to use path params and query params, and context informations on top of that. context informations are the data you are putting in route definitions, like "is this route public?"

So this lib aims to simplify the maintenance of your routes:

  • We use unique route code to identify routes, meaning that if you change related href your code is not impacted
  • We describe routes as nested components
  • We allow to put context informations into routes definition
  • context informations are copied from parent to children and can be overwritten, meaning that you can put a isPublic: false flag on a parent (and only on a parent), and all your children will have this isPublic: false set.


This lib is mostly influenced by redux-little-router and our first hoc hoc-little-router.


packages size gziped
@k-redux-router/core Size Size
@k-redux-router/react-redux Size Size
@k-redux-router/react-k-ramel Size Size


redux reducer, middleware, actions and selectors

yarn add @k-redux-router/core path-to-regexp

binding to ReactJS (there is no other binder at the moment)

  • with react-redux: yarn add @k-redux-router/react-redux
  • with k-ramel: yarn add @k-redux-router/react-k-ramel



routes definitions

// you define your routes in a plain object

export default {
  '/': { // url are keys of your route
    code: 'main', // your routes are defined by a code, this is **required**
    public: true, // you can add custom properties
    '/login': { // url is `/login`
      code: 'login',
      // all the properties from parent route are copied into children
      // so /login is public: true :)
    '/users': { // url is `/users`
      code: 'users',
      public: false, // you can override parent properties
      '/:id': { // url is `/users/:id`
        code: 'user',
        // public is false since parent defined it to false
        '/socials': { // url is `/users/:id/socials`
          code: 'user-socials', // code are UNIQUES !!


import { actions } from '@k-redux-router/core'

// dispatch a `@@router/PUSH` with
// - the route code (user here)
// - paths params that are named (id === 2 here)
// - eventually query params (as an object)
actions.push('user', { id: '2' })

// dispatch a `@@router/REPLACE` with
// - the route code (user here)
// - paths params that are named (id === 2 here)
// - eventually query params (as an object)
actions.replace('user', { id: '2' })

// dispatch a `@@router/GO_BACK` with
// - eventually the number of steps (1 is default)

// dispatch a `@@router/GO_FORWARD` with
// - eventually the number of steps (1 is default)


import { selectors } from '@k-redux-router/core'

// by default selectors() will look at `state.ui.router`
// you can change where the routes are located (where the reducer is binded), giving a callback
// in this example the router is located to ``
const decoratedSelectors = selectors(state =>

// state could be
// - retrieved from `getState` of redux-thunk
// - retrieved from `state` of react-redux
// - injected by `select` of redux-sagas
// - etc
// here this is a mock up
const state = {
  path: {
    to: {
      router: { /* mock up to illustrate */ }

// get the route defined by the code `user`

// get the result

// the current route code

// the current route

// is the route found? (404 or not)

// get query and path params

// get all the path params

// get all the query params

// get ONE path param by its name

// get ONE query param by its name

// get ONE param (either result param, path param or query param)
// - if the result param exists, this is returned first
// - then if the state param exists this is returned second
// - query param comes at last

create your store

with pure redux

import { createStore, applyMiddleware, combineReducers, compose } from 'redux'
import { router } from '@k-redux-router/core'
import routes from './routes' // your routes defined previously

// if you want redux-devtools ;-)
const composeEnhancers = window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__ || compose

// create the router
// - by default the path is `state.ui.router`
// - here we override it to ``
const router = createRouter(routes, { getState: state => })

// create the redux store
const store = createStore(
    path: combineReducers({
      to: combineReducer({
        // 1. bind the reducer where you want
        // here this is in to ``
        router: router.reducer,
  // 2. add the middleware

// 3. init the router
// this one is used to init the current route by reading your URL

export default store

with k-ramel

import { createStore } from 'k-ramel'
import { router } from '@k-redux-router/react-k-ramel'
import routes from './routes' // your routes defined previously

// create the redux store
export default createStore(
    ui: {},
    drivers: {
      // 1. add the driver (its name should be 'router')
      router: router({
        routes, // 2. bind your routes
        state: '' // 3. the path to the state (default is `ui.router`)
        getState: state => // 4. accessor to the state (default is `ui.router`)


At that time we only have binding for ReactJS but feel free to add more if needed :) You can use this library with either k-ramel or a raw redux application (with react-redux). The API is quite the same, the import will change:

  • k-ramel: import { forRoute } from '@k-redux-router/react-k-ramel'
  • react-redux: import { forRoute } from '@k-redux-router/react-redux'

connect a component to a route

import { forRoute } from '@k-redux-router/react-k-ramel'
// or import { forRoute } from '@k-redux-router/react-redux'

// this is the wrapped component (to print _or not_ based on route)
import Component from './Component'

// this will print `Component` when the route identified by the `main` code is found
// -> if you are in a `second` route that is a child of `main`
//    then Component will *NOT* be printed here
export default forRoute.absolute('main')(Component)

// this will print `Component` when the route identified by the `main` code is found
// in the tree
// -> if you are in a `second` route that is a child of `main`
//    then Component *WILL* be printed here
export default forRoute('main')(Component)

// You can use simple route codes (single string) or an array in all the previous hoc
// Here we will print component if either `second` or `third` route is found
export default forRoute.absolute(['second', 'third'])(Component)

// this will print `Component` when no routes are found (you can handle client 404 here)
export default forRoute.notFound()(Component)

// if you don't use the default reducer location (ui.router), you can override it here (react-redux)
export default forRoute('main', { getState: state => state.custom.location })(Component)

create links

import { Link } from '@k-redux-router/react-k-ramel'
// or import { Link } from '@k-redux-router/react-redux'

export default () => (
      {/* link to the `second` route */}
        click here

      {/* link to the `user` route passing its `id` in path params */}
        user detail

      {/* link to the `search` route passing query params */}
        query={{ max: 3, name: 'Jean' }}
        search users that are named 'Jean'

About alakarteio

alakarteio is created by two passionate french developers.

Do you want to contact them? Go to their website

Guillaume CRESPEL Fabien JUIF