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Source code of Constrained Adversarial Networks

Reproduce the results

Each bash script will run experiments for 5 times with different seeds. To see the tensorboard logs, launch

tensorboard --logdir out/tensorboard

the out folder will contain all the results:

  • out/log: copy of terminal output used for debugging
  • out/model_checkpoints: reusable checkpoints of the training phase
  • out/images: sample images generated while training
  • out/tensorboard: tensorboard plots of losses, metrics and other parameters

Constraint on super mario bros pipes

Baseline (GAN)

bash launch/level_generation/


bash launch/level_generation/

Constraints on super mario bros reachability

Baseline for level 1-3

bash launch/level_generation/

Baseline for level 3-3

bash launch/level_generation/

CAN for level 1-3

bash launch/level_generation/

CAN for level 3-3

bash launch/level_generation/

Constraints on MolGAN

MolGAN baseline logp sas qed

cd scripts

MolGAN baseline uniqueness

cd scripts

MolGAN SL logp sas qed

cd scripts

MolGAN SL uniqueness

cd scripts

Table of contents

  1. Modules
    1.1 Generators
    1.2 Discriminators
    1.3 Generator losses
    1.4 Discriminator losses
    1.5 Optimizers
    1.6 Statistics
    1.7 Building the graph: recap
    1.8 Computables
    1.8.1 Constraints Computables
  2. The Experiment class
    2.1 Visibility of custom classes
  3. The experiment.json file

This picture may seem confusing at first, but it roughly encapsulates what's happening during a run.
After reading the following documentation you should check back on this picture and see if it makes more sense.

how this repository works


The code is organized in different modules that can be plugged in or out given your needs or the experiment at hand, here we define what those "pluggable" units are, their role and their API.
Most pluggables roughly follow a simple pattern: they accept a dictionary, called graph_nodes that contains all important nodes of the computational graph, and return another dictionary of nodes, that will be merged with graph_nodes, asserting that no nodes with the same name are present. The graph_nodes dictionary maps node names (strings) to tf nodes, and it is a way of communication between all the different pluggable modules, indeed, the computation graph is built by passing the graph_nodes dictionary to all pluggable modules, in some order, which is actually the same order in which we present these different classes in this section (apart from statistics). Remember: the nodes returned by a certain class will be visible only to classes called after that.
This picture may seem confusing at first, but it roughly encapsulates what's happening when the computation graph is built.
After reading the following documentation you should check back on this picture and see if it makes more sense.

how this repository works

There are some expectations to allow interoperability between different, custom modules, as an example, the dictionary of nodes returned by every generator should contain a node named G_sample, which is the actual output of the generator, this way every discriminator, or other modules, have the certainty that in graph_nodes they will be able to find G_sample, and keep building the computational node using that.
For each pluggable module we now define its API, what it must do and what it can do.

Each generator, discriminator, loss, solver or statistic should subclass the general class in This provides a simple interface to avoid overriding the __call__ method. Your module should instead override _pre_processing(**graph_nodes), _forward(**graph_nodes) and _post_processing(**res). The first method should assert that all nodes required by your architecure are present in graph_nodes, e.g. assert "G_sample" in graph_nodes. The second method should build the computational graph, starting from some nodes in graph_nodes. Finally, if you think you should do some final operation on the tensorflow nodes you just created, you shoud override the third method. The third method does not receive graph_nodes but the results of _forward instead. The third method should return nothing.


Generators are the starting point of the computational graph.
The constructor accepts an experiment instance (explained later) as an argument.
Calling on the instance (__call__) method and passing the graph_nodes we obtain the output.
You can implement one entirely by yourself, or subclass one of the already provided base classes in
In any case you may want to init your variables/layers in the constructor and to actually keep on building the computational graph starting from graph_nodes in the __call__ or _forward method. Generators usually do not need to check if some node is present in graph_nodes because they are the starting point of the computational graph.

Input graph_nodes
Output G_graph_nodes, nodes_to_log
Must "G_sample" node must be contained in the new nodes G_graph_nodes
Must "z" node must be contained in the new nodes G_graph_nodes
Note This node is a placeholder for noise needed by the generator, which will be fed at every iteration by the trainer
     generator = MyGenerator(experiment)
     G_graph_nodes, G_to_log = generator(**graph_nodes)
     graph_nodes = safe_merge(graph_nodes, G_graph_nodes)

As discussed, the newly provided nodes (G_graph_nodes) will be merged with graph_nodes, so that these new nodes may be visible by modules called later.
G_to_log is, again, a dictionary mapping node names to tf nodes. Everything you provide here will be run at every training, validation, or testing iteration and printed in the log. Returning an empty dictionary is fine if you are not interested in logging anything. Check some generators in polygons_floor/ or the base class to get started.


With a discriminator we keep on building the computational graph.
The constructor accepts an experiment instance (explained later) as an argument.
Calling on the instance (__call__) method and passing the graph_nodes we obtain the output.
You can implement one entirely by yourself, or make use of the already provided base classes in
In any case you may want to init your variables/layers in the constructor and to actually keep on building the computational graph starting from graph_nodes in the __call__ or _forward method. Discriminators usually use the _pre_processing method to assert "G_sample" in graph_nodes.

Input graph_nodes
Output D_graph_nodes, nodes_to_log
Must Provide the "X" node within the new nodes D_graph_nodes
Note This node is a placeholder for real data, that will be feed by the trainer at each iteration
     discriminator = MyDiscriminator(experiment)
     D_graph_nodes, D_to_log = discriminator(**graph_nodes)
     graph_nodes = safe_merge(graph_nodes, D_graph_nodes)

The newly provided nodes (D_graph_nodes) will be merged with graph_nodes, so that these new nodes may be visible by modules called later.
D_to_log is, again, a dictionary mapping node names to tf nodes, which value will be logged at each training, validation or testing iteration.

Generator Losses

The computational graph continues with the generator loss. By now you should be accostumed by how things work.
We pass the graph_nodes, the class instance will "look" inside it for the nodes it needs/excepts, and return some new nodes and nodes which value must be printed at every iteration.
You can implement one entirely by yourself, or make use of the already provided base classes in

Input graph_nodes
Output G_loss_nodes, nodes_to_log
Must Provide the "G_loss" node with the new nodes G_loss_nodes
     generator_loss = Generator_loss(experiment)
     G_loss_nodes, G_loss_to_log = generator_loss(**graph_nodes)
     graph_nodes = safe_merge(graph_nodes, G_loss_nodes)

Discriminator Losses

We go on with the discriminator loss, we pass the graph_nodes, the class instance will "look" inside it for the nodes it needs/excepts, and return some new nodes and nodes which value must be printed at every iteration.
You can implement one entirely by yourself, or make use of the already provided base classes in

Input graph_nodes
Output D_loss_nodes, nodes_to_log
Must Provide the "D_loss" node with the new nodes D_loss_nodes
     discriminator_loss = discriminator_loss(experiment)
     D_loss_nodes, D_loss_to_log = discriminator_loss(**graph_nodes)
     graph_nodes = safe_merge(graph_nodes, D_loss_nodes)


To complete the computational graph we need 2 tf optimizer nodes, 1 for the generator and 1 for the discriminator. By the time we have defined our losses we have everything we need in graph_nodes.
As usual, you can implement optimizers yourself, or make use of the already provided base classes in

Input1 parameters to optimize
Input2 graph_nodes
Output solver/optimizer node
     theta_G = utils_tf.train_vars("can/generator")
     theta_D = utils_tf.train_vars("can/discriminator")
     discriminator_optimizer = experiment["DISCRIMINATOR_SOLVER"](experiment)
     generator_optimizer = experiment["GENERATOR_SOLVER"](experiment)
     D_solver = discriminator_optimizer(theta_D, **graph_nodes)
     G_solver = generator_optimizer(theta_G, **graph_nodes)

Optimizers return a single node, this is the tf operation that will be called at each training step, in order to adjust parameters.
Caveat: as you can see the trainer will look for variables with prefix can/generator and can/discriminator. When implementing your layers be sure to either be in the scope generator or discriminator, everything will already be in the can scope.
Check already present implementations for more clarity.

Building the graph: recap

This concludes the description of the different pluggable classes that can be used to build the computational graph. There is at least one ready implementation (usually more) for each of these modules in the repository. Before writing one from scratch, it would be better to check those out (and the base classes in
We tried to minimize the nodes that are required to be present in graph_nodes, in order to allow for more inter-operability, the trade off is that checking for the existence of these nodes is the duty of the user, or better, the duty of the class that is going to use them.
For example, the discriminator class is not required to return D_fake and D_real nodes, (the score the discriminator gives to fake and real data), so the discriminator loss class is in charge of checking that these nodes are actually in graph_nodes if they are required/used in the construction of the D_loss node.
In synthetis: you are allowed to use and mix different modules/pieces/classes, just make sure these pieces fit togheter.
If you make use of the base classes in the module, the intended place for assertions is the _pre_processing method, while tensor computations should be inserted in the _forward method. Moreover, remember to avoid name clashing when defining nodes to be merged in graph_nodes and in the nodes to be logged or in tensorboard summaries (clashing is actually asserted for graph_nodes and the nodes to be logged).


By default, the trainer will provide/feed to the tf graph, at each iteration, the noise vector z and batch of real data X.
This is done by constructing the feed dict for the session by assigning to z and X (from the graph_nodes, z and X are simply keys/names by which we find those placeholders) some values.

     feed_dict = {
         # generate batch_size random input noises
         graph_nodes["z"]: some_noise(),
         graph_nodes["X"]: some_data()
     # operations are, for example, the output of the solvers, feed_dict)

However, you might be interested in feeding to the graph something else or something more.
It could be another noise vector, z_2, assuming that such node/placeholder is in graph_nodes, or it could be something else completely.

Computables are custom classes by which you can do that. Every computable must inherit from Computable ( module).
In the constructor you have your chance at setting fields, saving some experiment parameters, data, and graph_nodes.

Input1 experiment
Input2 graph_nodes
Input3 train data
Input4 validation data
Input5 testing data data
Input6 graph_nodes
     computable = MyComputable(exp, train_data, valid_data, test_data, graph_nodes) 

At every training, validation, testing iteration the trainer will fill the tf feed dictionary with the usual z and X, and after that it will call all the computables you have provided, in order, to fill/modify the dictionary further, with the compute method.

Input1 experiment experiment class instance
Input2 feed_dict current state of the feed dict
Input3 shared_dict current state of the shared dict
Input4 current epoch current epoch number
Input5 real data indices data indices related to the data in "X"
Input6 generator step True/False, if this is a generator or discriminator step
Input7 step type Either "training", "validation" or "testing"

For each computable you have defined, the trainer will call the compute method by passing these arguments, thus giving you all possible information that you might be interested in, in order to decide the values you want to return.

     feed_dict = {
         # generate batch_size random input noises
         graph_nodes["z"]: some_noise(),
         graph_nodes["X"]: some_data()
     # this actually happens for every computable you have provided
     computable.compute(feed_dict, shared_dict, epoch, real_data_indices=real_tensors_indices, 
                         generator_step=False, step_type=step_type)
     # feed_dict is now modified/filled with more stuff, feed_dict)


One possible use case for Computables is to fill in constraints values (0 for respected, 1 for not respected) as extra features of already generated samples, similarly on hows it has been done in the past 2 CAN thesis, where given a starting noise z, one would compute the result fake/generated samples, compute constraints values on them, then run the actual whole graph by also feeling those values in the tf feed dict.
ConstraintComputable from the computables module is an extension of the Computable class, which does this. It takes care of:

  • computing and caching constraint values on real data
  • running G_sample internally, on the current state of the feed dict, to compute both real and fake data constraints values
  • In a validation/testing step, constraint values are always computed and logged
  • Logging is done on csv files in the log directory of the experiment, each ConstraintsComputables will produce up to 4 files (real/fake data + testing/validation step). These files are made to be easy to use/parse on the get go, and are named after the specific class of the ConstraintsComputables + step type + data type.
  • if CONSTRAINTS_FROM_EPOCH has a valid value and the current epoch is past or equal that, then the training mode is considered constrained, and constraints values will be computed for real and fake data; otherwise proxy values (all equal to zeros) will be returned.
  • It will check for the existence of C_real, C_fake and use_constraints nodes in the graph_nodes dictionary, and fill the feed_dict by mapping the C_real node to real constraints values, C_fake to fake constraints values, and the use_constraints node (if present) to a boolean equal to curr_epoch >= experiment["CONSTRAINTS_FROM_EPOCH"].

If you wish to have all this functionality on the get go, you simply have to extend this class and implement two functions: constraint_names (what are the name of each constraint computed on each sample?) and _constraints_function (the actual constraints computation, which you might want to implement in numba).
An example:

     class AreaMulti(ConstraintsComputable):
         def __init__(self, experiment, training_data, validation_data, test_data, graph_nodes):
             super().__init__(experiment, training_data, validation_data, test_data, graph_nodes)

         def constraints_names():
             Returns a list of names, where ith name represent the ith constraint computed
             by the constraint function of this class. Make sure the length of this list
             is equal to the number of constraints computed for each data point.
             names = [
             return names

         def _constraints_function(self, data):
             This is the function that effectively computes constraints on given data, must be implemented by the user.
             :param data: Data on which to compute the constraints function.
             return my_function(data)

Please refer to the base class in the computables module and/or the extended classes in polygons_floor/ to check out the implementation/more documentation.

Tensorboard statistics

You might be interested in sending statistics about nodes to tensorboard instead of logging them.
You can specify statistic for the generator and for the discriminator. These classes will be instantiated after the generator, discriminator, generator loss and discriminator loss respectively. They all follow the same pattern, the constructor accepts the experiment class, while the _forward method accepts the graph_nodes as an argument. You can use, as usual, the _pre_processing method to assert that all nodes you need are in graph_nodes. All statistic classes return a tf summary, and summaries are then merged all togethers before being sent to tensorboard. Summaries can be on all the nodes of the computational graph that has been added to graph_nodes. The statistics on the generator and the discriminatorwill be computed during the generator and discriminator step respectively.

Input graph_nodes
Output Tf summary.
     generator_statistic = Generator_statistic(experiment)
     G_summaries_nodes = generator_statistic(**graph_nodes)
     discriminator_statistic = discriminator_statistic(experiment)
     D_summaries_nodes = discriminator_statistic(**graph_nodes)

Putting the pieces together: the Experiment class

This class covers everything that characterizes an experiment/run, once an instance has been created, it should considered read only.

Adding new functionalities or fields after the creation of an instance is to be avoided.

The class works in this way:

  1. it imports public classes from the provided modules
  2. given the experiment file, it reads parameters that are common to every experiment
  3. based on the mandatory DATASET_TYPE parameter, it calls a dataset specific loader which, given the input experiment file (parsed as a dict), will take care of reading the necessary and dataset specific parameters.
  4. it adds some internal parameters needed for logs, checkpoints, storage, etc.

As a newcomer in this repository, you can (should) use the following pattern to add your work:

  • create a directory in src/ with a name of your choice
  • write your generators, discriminators, losses, solvers, computables, whatever in your own modules and put them in your directory. generators, discriminators, losses, constraints and solvers should subclass the default classes in,,, and
  • add the modules you want to be imported in the Experiment modules lists
  • hardcode in the if/else statement of load_specific_config a new case, which take care of your dataset type.
    Here you should provide a specific parameters dictionary, a get_dataset function and a plot_data function.
  • run your experiment.json, you will be able to use your stuff but also stuff coming from everyone else (others people architectures, etc.)

Usage pattern in more detail:

  • create a new directory, which will contain your code, here you can specify new architectures, constraints, solvers and losses. It is reasonable to follow the root directory pattern, i.e. name your modules like,,,,

  • given your modules, you make your classes visible to our loader by

    1. having them NOT starting with _, this means that, for example, classes named _CoolArchitecture in your module will be ignored, while CoolerArchitecture will be picked up.

    2. Adding the stuff you want to be loaded in the related modules list of the Experiment class.
      This is pretty simple, let's say your personal directory is called semantic_loss, where you have your own personal discriminators, (, which contains your brand new discriminator.
      First, import the module from which you want its public functions to be collected:

       from semantic_loss import architectures as sem_architectures

      Then, add this module to the list of discriminators:

       class Experiment:
           generators_modules = [common_generators]
           discriminator_modules = [common_discriminator, sem_discriminators]
           constraints_modules = [common_constraints]
           solvers_modules = [common_solvers]
           losses_modules = [common_losses]

      This will make sure that public functions and classes inside semantic_loss/ are picked up, and will be visible and be usable for all experiments. I.e. in your experiment.json you will be able to use whatever was in architectures, i.e "DISCRIMINATOR": "CoolerArchitecture".

  • Add your specific parameters loader, data loader and data plotter to the Experiment.__load_specific_config().
    This is overall pretty simple, and you have total freedom apart from the signature of data_loader and data_plotter functions.
    As an example, let's look at what we did for the SAT dataset:

     if common_config["DATASET_TYPE"] == "SAT":
         from semantic_loss.loader import get_config as sat_get_config
         specific_config = sat_get_config(config_as_dict)
         from semantic_loss.loader import get_dataset as sat_get_dataset
         get_dataset = sat_get_dataset
         from semantic_loss.loader import plot_data as sat_plot_data
         plot_data = sat_plot_data

    Let's break this down:

    First, we check if we are dealing with this kind of dataset.

         if common_config["DATASET_TYPE"] == "SAT":

    Second, we import a function that, given the experiment.json file parsed as a dictionary, will take care of reading the needed parameters, checking their correctness, assertions, etc.
    You have total freedom on what you do inside this function, as long as you return a dictionary that we can later merge with the common parameters. Try not to re-define common parameters.
    Given the signature of Experiment.__load_specific_config, you can actually access many different things for the purpose of building your specific parameters dictionary.

         from semantic_loss.loader import get_config as sat_get_config
         specific_config = sat_get_config(config_as_dict)

    Third, we provide a function that will return the training, test, validation set upon being called with no arguments.

         from semantic_loss.loader import get_dataset as sat_get_dataset
         get_dataset = sat_get_dataset

    Again, you have total freedom on what happens internally, if you load from pickles, images, whatever.

    Fourth, we provide a data plotter, which will be used during the run to create evaluation images.

         from semantic_loss.loader import plot_data as sat_plot_data
         plot_data = sat_plot_data

    Plot data will be called as plot_data(samples, epochs number). It is expected to return anything and to save stuffs in out/images/name of the experiment.
    If you don't want your data plotted or do not have a plot function, simply set it to None and the trainer will skip the evaluation images plotting step.

        plot_data = None
  • We are done and can now run our experiment with whatever parameters we wanted to add, by specifying them in the experiment.json along with the common parameters.
    A template.json experiment file containing the common parameters is provided in in/experiments.

Visibility of custom classes

As explained, you can add new architectures, losses, solvers, computables and statistics by adding to the Experiment class their relative modules. Initially, at least, you should not start from scratch but rather copy something from the common modules or from some specific modules, this will help you better understand the inner workings of the more complex things, like the discriminators or generators, which have been already explained here.
Generators, discriminators, losses, solvers, constraints, computables and statistics that you want to make visibile must be in their respective modules with a name that is not beginning with _. Stuff beginning with _ is to be considered private and will be ignored.

Example of an experiment.json file

The name that you give to the experiment.json file you pass to the main will simply be the name of the directories where logging, tensorboard output, etc. will go.
We now proceed to explain the parameters that are common to all experiments files, regardless of specific parameters that will later be picked up by the specific config loader.
You can find an example of experiment file in in/experiment/template.json, you might have to remove comments from it in order to be able to run it, afterwards you can edit or add any specific parameter you intend to use in your specific configuration.
Note: this is a work in progress, based on our findings in reading the original source code and on our refactoring.

DATASET_TYPE str Type of the dataset to use. Based on this, a different specific configuration loader will be called in the instantation of an experiment file. polygons
SHAPE list List of ints which describes the shape of training data. [20, 20, 1]
ANN_SEED int Seed used to generated batch indexes and to train and test the network. 1337
GENERATOR str Name of the generator class to use. Gan20Generator
DISCRIMINATOR str Name of the discriminator class to use. Can20Discriminator32LayerAuto
GENERATOR_LOSS str or list It can be the name of the generator loss class, a list of losses or a list of pairs (loss name, weight). Pairs should be lists. BganGeneratorLoss
DISCRIMINATOR_LOSS str or list It can be the name of the discriminator loss class, a list of losses or a list of pairs (loss name, weight). Pairs should be lists. BganDiscriminatorLoss
GENERATOR_SOLVER str Name of the solver class for the generator. GeneratorAdamSolver
DISCRIMINATOR_SOLVER str Name of the solver class for the discriminator. DiscriminatorAdamSolver
COMPUTABLES str A list with 0 or more computables. ["FloorPlanningConstraints"]
GENERATOR_STATISTICS list A list of 0 or more statistics that will be computed during the generator step. They should interest the generator nodes. ["MultinomialGeneratorStatistics"]
DISCRIMINATOR_STATISTICS list A list of 0 or more statistics that will be computed during the discriminator step. They should interest the discriminator nodes. ["GanDiscriminatorStatistics"]
BATCH_SIZE int Size of the batch to use during training. 64
NUM_BGAN_SAMPLES int Number of samples to generate for each distribution generated by the generator in the BGAN architecture. 20
LEARNING_RATE float Learning rate to use while training. 1e-4
NUM_ITER_GENERATOR int For how many iterations should the generator be trained at every GAN training iteration.
Defaults to 1 if not provided.
NUM_ITER_DISCRIMINATOR int For how many iterations should the discriminator be trained at every GAN training iteration.
Defaults to 1 if not provided.
LEAKINESS float Value of the leakiness of the leaky ReLU activation function used in the architectures (when used), for inputs <0. 0.2
Z_DIM int Size of the noise input vector for the generator. 64
LEARNING_EPOCHS int Number of training epochs. 250
TRAINING_TEST_VALIDATION_SPLITS list A list of ints or float that describes how the dataset is split. The dataset specific configuration loader and dataset function have the freedom (and the duty) to use this to in the way they prefer. [18940, 4096, 0]
EVAL_NOISE_SEED int Seed to use for the generation of evaluation samples, so that the same seed is used for all evaluation phases. 1337
CONSTRAINTS_FROM_EPOCH int Start constraints from a specific epoch, not mandatory. 0