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File metadata and controls

84 lines (51 loc) · 3.22 KB


The original sample exam did not have questions for all topics on the 2023 EX188 exam.

This document adds a few missing topics.

Extra tasks

Task 8

Use the MariaDB container from task 3.

Refactor your configuration in such a way that you create four Podman secrets:

  • mysql_user: "duffman", from file ~/mysql_user
  • mysql_password: "saysoyeah", from file ~/mysql_password
  • mysql_root_password: "SQLp4ss", from file ~/mysql_root_password
  • mysql_database: "beer", from file ~/mysql_database

Run the container in the background, with the following parameters:

  • You will again use the image "mariadb" from the registry on registry.do180.lab.
  • Give the container the name secretsdb.
  • Publish port 3306 on external port 3307.
  • The variables for database startup should be set as secret environment variables.

Once the container is up and running, prove that your settings are correctly applied.

Connect to your database as the root user and check for the existence of the beer database:

echo "show databases;" | mysql -uduffman -h -psaysoyeah -P 3307

Run the command located in /sql/beer.sql to insert values into the database.

mysql -uroot -h -pSQLp4ss -P 3307 < /sql/beer.sql

Task 9

Create a Dockerfile which creates a container image with the following requirements. Store the Dockerfile as ~/task9.dockerfile.

  • Based on centos:7.
  • During the build, create a user account.
  • "joe" must be the default user.
  • Read an argument during build-time to override the name "joe".
  • The container must run "whoami" to show the active user.

NOTE: Arguments are NOT passed during runtime of the container! They are passed during the container build.

Create two container images using this Dockerfile, named hello-joe:1.0 and hello-lisa:1.0.

When run, they should respectively output "joe" and "lisa".

Task 10


This task heavily leans on the Docker Samples project's Voting App.

Use the incomplete Podman Stack file located in /dockerfiles/voting/docker-compose.yml. Use the comments in the file to guide you through the process of creating a Podman Stack with the following requirements:

  • There are two networks: front-end (of type bridge) and back-end (of type internal).
  • There is one volume: db-data

The Stack consists of five services:

  • Using the "redis" image, named "redis", in network "front-end"
  • Using the "postgres:9.4" image, named "db", in network "back-end", with volume "db-data" mounted on /var/postgres.
  • The Postgres container needs to have two environment variables: POSTGRES_USER and POSTGRES_PASSWORD, both set to "postgres".
  • Using the "dockersamples/examplevotingapp_vote" image, named "vote", in networks "back-end" and in "front-end".
  • The "vote" container exposes port 5000 on public port 5000. It depends on "redis".
  • Using the "dockersamples/examplevotingapp_result" image, named "result", in networks "back-end" and in "front-end".
  • The "vote" container exposes port 5001 on public port 5001. It depends on "db".
  • Using the "dockersamples/examplevotingapp_worker" image, named "worker", in networks "back-end" and "front-end".
  • The "worker" container depends on both "db" and "redis".