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+# Mapping from Fluent UI System Icons to Uno FluentUI Assets
+The table below indicates the icons from [Fluent UI System Icons](https://github.com/microsoft/fluentui-system-icons) that are currently used in Uno FluentUI Assets, with the glyph positions they are mapped to.
+Where the icons don't exactly align, this is indicated by the notes. The 'Filled' column indicates whether the Filled icon variant was used.
+The 'Couldn't Find' column indicates glyphs for which even an imperfect match for the Segoe UI assets could not be found. In these cases, original icons were created in a Fluent Design style. The assets for those icons can be found [here](../src/assets).
+## Fluent UI System Icons mapping
+| Unicodes | Segoe | FluentUI Best Match |Accuracy | Notes | Couldn't find | Filled? |
+| E8FB | Accept | Checkmark | | | | |
+| E710 | Add | Add | | | | |
+| F0AF | ArrowRight8 | Arrow Forward | | | | |
+| E799 | AspectRatio | App Span? App recent? | ! | closest available, not great | | |
+| E787 | Calendar | Calendar | similar | Softer edges | | |
+| E722 | Camera | Camera | similar | Softer edges | | |
+| E711 | Cancel | Dismiss | | | | |
+| E8C1 | Characters | Local Language | similar | different Japanese character, but otherwise similar | | |
+| E73E | CheckMark | CheckMmark | | | | |
+| E001 | CheckMark (E73E) | Checkmark | | | | |
+| E081 | CheckMark (E73E) | Checkmark | | | | |
+| E10B | CheckMark (E73E) | Checkmark | | | | |
+| E0E4 | ChecvronUp (E70E) | Chevron Up | | | | |
+| E70D | ChevronDown | Chevron Down | | | | |
+| E0E5 | ChevronDown (E70D) | Chevron Down | | | | |
+| E96E | ChevronDownSmall | Chevron Down | similar | Not bold, not "small" | | |
+| E0E2 | ChevronLeft (E76B) | Chevron Left | | | | |
+| E76C | ChevronRight | Chevron Right | | | | |
+| E0E3 | ChevronRight (E76C) | Chevron Right | | | | |
+| E74D | Delete | Delete | similar | similar | | |
+| E70F | Edit | Edit | | | | |
+| EB9D | FastForward | Fast Forward | similar | Triangles are conjoined | | |
+| E734 | FavoriteStar | Star | similar | Softer edges | | |
+| E735 | FavoriteStarFill | Star | | | | x |
+| E00A | FavoriteStarFill (E735) | Star | | | | x |
+| E082 | FavoriteStarFill (E735) | Star | | | | x |
+| E11A | Find | Search | similar | Flipped Vertically | | |
+| E740 | FullScreen | Arrow Maximize | | | | |
+| E700 | GlobalNavigationButton | Navigation | | | | |
+| EB52 | HeartFill | Heart | | | | x |
+| E946 | Info | Info | | | | |
+| E715 | Mail | Mail | similar | Softer edges | | |
+| E89C | MailForward | Mail Move To Focussed | similar | Mail is open | | |
+| EC15 | MiracastLogoSmall | Cast | similar | Cast bottom left instead of top right | | |
+| E10C | More (E712) | More | | | | |
+| 03A3 | N/A | AutoSum | | | | |
+| E893 | Next | Next | | | | |
+| E8B9 | Picture | Picture in Picture | similar | Picture in picture instead of one overlaid on other | | |
+| E718 | Pin | Pin | similar | Pin turned 45 degrees counter-clockwise | | |
+| E768 | Play | Play | | | | |
+| EC57 | PlaybackRate1x | Play Circle | ! | no arrow indicator | | |
+| E892 | Previous | Previous | | | | |
+| E915 | RadioBullet | Radio Button | | | | x |
+| E7A6 | Redo | Arrow Redo | | | | |
+| E72C | Refresh | Arrow Clockwise | similar | Tilted 45% clockwise | | |
+| E8EE | RepeatAll | Arrow Repeat All (Arrow Clockwise?) | similar | Similar, but two arrows instead of just one loop | | |
+| EB9E | Rewind | Rewind | similar | Triangles are conjoined | | |
+| E74E | Save | Save | | | | |
+| E713 | Setting | Settings | | | | |
+| E8B1 | Shuffle | | | | X | |
+| ED3C | SkipBack10 | | | | X | |
+| ED3D | SkipForward30 | | | | X | |
+| E71A | Stop | Stop | | | | |
+| ED1E | Subtitles | Chat | similar | Softer edges | | |
+| ED1F | SubtitlesAudio | TextBox Align Bottom | ! | No audio icon. No little arrow to make it look more like a chat bubble | | |
+| | Sugest | Read Aloud | | | | |
+| E7A7 | Undo | Arrow Undo | | | | |
+| E9CE | Unknown | Question Circle | | | | |
+| E767 | Volume | Speaker | | | | |
+| E909 | World | Globe | similar | Less detailed. Grid vs countries | | |
+| E73C | CheckboxIndeterminate | | | | | |
+| F78D | RevealPasswordMedium | Eye Show | | | | |
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