diff --git a/src/Directory.Build.targets b/src/Directory.Build.targets
index 17ca86704452..fc5880056b6f 100644
--- a/src/Directory.Build.targets
+++ b/src/Directory.Build.targets
@@ -63,13 +63,13 @@
 		<!-- IMPORTANT!!! KEEP BOTH MSTest and MTP versions in sync -->
-		<!-- For a given MSTest version, go to https://www.nuget.org/packages/MSTest.TestAdapter/3.7.0#dependencies-body-tab -->
-		<!-- (replacing 3.7.0 in the url with the MSTest version in question) -->
+		<!-- For a given MSTest version, go to https://www.nuget.org/packages/MSTest.TestAdapter/3.7.1#dependencies-body-tab -->
+		<!-- (replacing 3.7.1 in the url with the MSTest version in question) -->
 		<!-- And look for MTP version in there, and make sure MicrosoftTestingPlatformVersion is the same -->
 		<!-- Alternatively, migrate to MSTest.Sdk and let it handle the MTP versioning for you -->
 		<!-- In case of MSTest.Sdk, the TrxReport package will not be needed. It will be added automatically -->
-		<MSTestVersion>3.7.0</MSTestVersion>
-		<MicrosoftTestingPlatformVersion>1.5.0</MicrosoftTestingPlatformVersion>
+		<MSTestVersion>3.7.1</MSTestVersion>
+		<MicrosoftTestingPlatformVersion>1.5.1</MicrosoftTestingPlatformVersion>
 		<!-- TODO: Uncomment when we're net8.0+ to have SamplesApp serve as a good test for SkiaSharp 3 support -->