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File metadata and controls

137 lines (113 loc) · 5.13 KB



  • 設定

    • FLI=log2(pool_size) - log2(GRANULARITY) = 16

    • SLI=4

    • GRANULARITY=4*4=2^4

    • pool_size=2MB=10242=220 bytes

fn map_ceil(size: usize) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
    debug_assert!(size >= GRANULARITY);
    debug_assert!(size % GRANULARITY == 0);
    let mut fl = usize::BITS - GRANULARITY_LOG2 - 1 - size.leading_zeros();

    // The shift amount can be negative, and rotation lets us handle both
    // cases without branching.
    let mut sl = size.rotate_right((fl + GRANULARITY_LOG2).wrapping_sub(Self::SLI));

    // The most significant one of `size` should be now at `sl[SLI]`
    debug_assert!(((sl >> Self::SLI) & 1) == 1);

    // Underflowed digits appear in `sl[SLI + 1..USIZE-BITS]`. They should
    // be rounded up
    sl = (sl & (SLLEN - 1)) + (sl >= (1 << (Self::SLI + 1))) as usize;

    // if sl[SLI] { fl += 1; sl = 0; }
    fl += (sl >> Self::SLI) as u32;

    // `fl` must be in a valid range
    if fl as usize >= FLLEN {
        return None;

    Some((fl as usize, sl & (SLLEN - 1)))


  • main struct: tlsf::Tlsf

    • fl_bitmap, sl_bitmap, freelist

  • allocation granularity: size_of::<usize>() * 4

    • free block aligned to ↑

  • block header: tlsf::BlockHdr

    • ↓とのことからプール内の最後のブロックは常に`SIZE_LAST_IN_POOL`と`SIZE_USED`がどっちも立っている

The end of each memory pool is capped by a sentinel block (a permanently occupied block) instead of a normal block with a last-block-in-pool flag. This simplifies the code a bit and improves its worst-case performance and code size. ---

  • BlockHdr::next_phys_block: 次のブロックの存在を仮定

  • BlockHdr を共通部分として構成

    • FreeBlockHdr: 双方向リスト

    • UsedBlockHdr: BlockHdr のみ

  • Tlsf::new

    • const genericsでパラメータを初期化している←RefinedRust向けに動的な初期化に書き換える必要がありそう

      • const parameterについてコンパイル時にvalidationしてるので、適当な動的初期化を検証してconst genericsを使ったトレイトでラップすれば良さそう

  • Tlsf::map_floor(size: usize)

    • size から適当なfreelistを見つける

  • first level indexの計算

let fl = usize::BITS - GRANULARITY_LOG2 - 1 - size.leading_zeros();
  • second level indexの計算

let sl = size.rotate_right((fl + GRANULARITY_LOG2).wrapping_sub(Self::SLI));
The shift amount can be negative, and rotation lets us handle both
cases without branching. Underflowed digits can be simply masked out
in `map_floor`.
  • Tlsf::map_ceil: すべてのアイテムが要求サイズ以上なfreelistを見つける

  • Tlsf::map_ceil_and_unmap: すべてのアイテムが要求サイズ以上なfreelistを見つけ, そのリストの最小の要素のサイズを返す

  • Tlsf::link_free_block: map_floorで計算して新しいブロックをリストに挿入

  • Tlsf::unlink_free_block: blockへのnonnullptrとsizeで削除

  • Tlsf::insert_free_block_ptr: スライスのポインタからメモリプールに追加する

  • Tlsf::insert_free_block_ptr_aligned

  • Tlsf::append_free_block_ptr:

In the current implementation, this method can coalesce memory pools
only if the maximum pool size is outside the range of `usize`, i.e.,
`log2(GRANULARITY) + FLLEN >= usize::BITS`. This is because it does not
track each pool's size and cannot check whether the resulting pool will
have a valid size.
  • Tlsf::insert_free_block: safe wrapper mutでexcl, 'pool でoutlive self

  • Tlsf::pool_size_to_contain_allocation: layoutの割当が成功するような最小のGRANULARITY-alignedなメモリプールのサイズ

  • Tlsf::allcate:

    • layout.alignがGRANUALITYより小さいときは最終的にアライン後のポインタを比較して検証している

After choosing a free block, we need to adjust the payload's location
to meet the alignment requirement. Every block is aligned to
`GRANULARITY` bytes. `size_of::<UsedBlockHdr>` is `GRANULARITY / 2`
bytes, so the address immediately following `UsedBlockHdr` is only
aligned to `GRANULARITY / 2` bytes. Consequently, we need to insert
a padding containing at most `max(align - GRANULARITY / 2, 0)` bytes.
// Invariant: No two adjacent free blocks
debug_assert!((next_phys_block.as_ref().size & SIZE_USED) != 0);
next_phys_block.as_mut().prev_phys_block = Some(new_free_block.cast());
  • Tlsf::deallocate_block: used block headerをとって、freelistに戻す

  • 前後のfree blockを結合

  • sizeのlsb 2ビットは 使ってないので加算でflagを継承できる

// It's coalescable. Add its size to `size`. This will transfer
// any `SIZE_LAST_IN_POOL` flag `next_phys_block` may have at
// the same time.
size += next_phys_block_size;