All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- #226 refactor user access to collections and dashboards
- #227 refactor dashboard date and time selector
- #157 Add variables to collections
- #105 fix wind arrow direction
- #164 allow queries from iframe
- #173 add Query model and page
- #179 Link queries per dashboard
- #181 Update dashboard UI
- #107 Add map visualisation example
- #184 Add forecasts table
- #197 Add optional date selector flag to dashboard
- #199 Add image to collection and dashboard
- #214 Fix setting date range navigation
- #13 Add dashboard variables to scripts
- #167 More compact mobile display
- #154 use hammerjs TouchInput to fix swipe action breaking
- #159 Fix date text cut off
- #32 Update wind arrow chart display
- #33 Handle multiple queries in one chart
- #160 Refactor Dashboard to render HTML content
- #161 Secure communication between Dashboard and iframe
- #12 show wind speed on wind arrow chart
- #13 add variables to dashboard
- #14 add collections and dashboards
- #17 add single stat
- #18 add date range
- #19 add ordering to chart, add data sources
- #24 remove setting user access to dashboards in collections
- #27 resize charts without reloading data
- #29 fix chart reordering and UI
- #30 handle start and end range query
- #32 wind arrow chart working
- #35 add decimals for rounding chart labels
- #36 handle multiple dataset labels
- #38 add group by dropdown
- #42 fix chart date alignment
- #49 fix data truncation
- #51 set height of chart
- #54 set y-axis min and max
- #61 add legends
- #62 remove template components
- #64 users can still edit
- #67 fix forbidden error on scroll
- #68 Copy / Paste Chart
- #70 refactor top bar
- #74 fix "null" unit
- #75 fix info box display
- #76 fix chart resizing
- #83 users can still delete/edit/copy
- #87 refactor legends
- #88 check for labels
- #91 hide toolbar when scrolling down
- #92 fix padding and alignment for home page
- #97 tweak single stat size
- #111 Embed D3.js visualisations as scripts
- #113 Fix multiple series labels
- #115 Add copy and paste single stat function
- #115 Add copy and paste single stat function
- #121 Rename order column to index on Dashboard
- #121 Rename order column to index on Dashboard
- #123 Export chart data to CSV
- #125 Fix setting variable name
- #128 Hide fab icons on scroll
- #129 fix error on scroll
- #134 Remove series from chart on legend click
- #137 Fix collection title
- #139 Upgrade Angular to version 9
- #95 Add 3h interval to query
- #48 Add Year dashboard view
- #84 calculate x interval for month and week
- #130 edit dashboard in context
- #130 Remove dashboard settings and variables components
- #142 Use chart data for csv download
- #118 Add swiping to dashboards