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Airship iOS SDK 16.x to 17.0 Migration Guide

Xcode requirements

SDK 17.x now requires Xcode 14.3 or newer.

Minimum deployment version

SDK 17.x is compatible with iOS 14+. Apps using Airship will need to update the minimum deployment version.

Removed modules

The following modules are no longer supported and have been removed from the SDK:


Users of Accengage should remove the AirshipAccengage module from their project after completing the migration process. For further information about migration and removal, see the Accengage Migration guide.


The Airship Chat module is no longer supported and has been removed from the SDK.


The Airship Location module is no longer supported and has been removed from the SDK. If you want to continue prompting users for location permissions, you must update your integration to set a location permission delegate on the PermissionsManager:

import Foundation
import CoreLocation
import AirshipCore
import Combine

class LocationPermissionDelegate: AirshipPermissionDelegate {
    let locationManager = CLLocationManager()

    func checkPermissionStatus() async -> AirshipCore.AirshipPermissionStatus {
        return self.status

    func requestPermission() async -> AirshipCore.AirshipPermissionStatus {
        guard (self.status == .notDetermined) else {
            return self.status

        guard (AppStateTracker.shared.state == .active) else {
            return .notDetermined

        await waitActive()
        return self.status

    var status: AirshipPermissionStatus {
        switch(locationManager.authorizationStatus) {
        case .notDetermined:
            return .notDetermined
        case .restricted:
            return .denied
        case .denied:
            return .denied
        case .authorizedAlways:
            return .granted
        case .authorizedWhenInUse:
            return .granted
        @unknown default:
            return .notDetermined

private func waitActive() async {
    var subscription: AnyCancellable?
    await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in
        subscription = NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: AppStateTracker.didBecomeActiveNotification)
            .sink { _ in


Then after takeOff, register the permission delegate for the location permission:

    permission: .location


The Airship Extended Actions only contained the RateAppAction which is now available in the core module.

Allowed URLs

The URL allow list configuration has been changed to an opt-out process, rather than an opt-in process like previous SDK versions. By default, all URLs are allowed by SDK 17, unless explicitly disallowed by the app via the urlAllowList or urlAllowListScopeOpen config options.

Allow list behavior changes:

  • If neither urlAllowList or urlAllowListScopeOpenURL are set in your Airship config, the SDK will default to allowing all URLs and an error message will be logged.
  • To suppress the error message, set urlAllowList or urlAllowListScopeOpenURL to [*] to your config to adopt the new allow-all behavior, or customize the allowed URLs as needed.
  • URLs for media displayed within in-app messages will no longer be checked against the URL allow lists.
  • YouTube has been removed from the default allow list. If your application makes use of opening links to YouTube from Airship messaging, you will need to update your allow list to explicitly allow, or allow all URLs with [*].

Renamed classes

Some common class names have been renamed to prevent collisions with other libraries/apps:

Legacy class name New class name
Config AirshipConfig
Channel AirshipChannel
Contact AirshipContact
Push AirshipPush
PrivacyManager AirshipPrivacyManager
Analytics AirshipAnalytics
Action AirshipAction
Situation ActionSituation
Features AirshipFeature
Event AirshipEvent

In-App Automation

Updated the default display interval for In-App Messages

The new default display interval for in-app messages is now set to 0 seconds. Apps that wish to maintain the previous default display interval of 30 seconds should set the display interval manually, after takeOff:

InAppAutomation.shared.inAppMessageManager.displayInterval = 30.0

Deep link delegate

Deep link delegate is now async.

SDK 16:

deepLinkDelegate.receivedDeepLink(deepLink) {

SDK 17:

await deepLinkDelegate.receivedDeepLink(deepLink) {


Contact conflict listener interface updated

Contact conflict event is now available as a NSNotification or using to listen for events:

SDK 16:

conflictDelegate?.onConflict(anonymousContactData: anonData, namedUserID: namedUserID)

SDK 17: { event in
    // ...
    selector: #selector(conflictEventReceived),
    name: AirshipContact.contactConflictEvent

Async Named User ID access

Named User ID access is now an async property:

SDK 16:

let namedUserID =

SDK 17:

let namedUserID = await

Async Subscription lists access

Subscription list is now an async method:

SDK 16: { contactSubscriptionLists, error in
    // Use the contactSubscriptionLists

SDK 17:

let contactSubscriptions = try await


Async Subscription lists access

Subscription list is now an async method:

SDK 16: { channelSubscriptionLists, error in
    // Use the channelSubscriptionLists

SDK 17:

let channelSubscriptions = try await

Live Activities

The API's to track and restore live activity tracking have been updated to no longer require a Task:

SDK 16:

Task {
    name: "order-1234"

Task {
    await { restorer in
        await restorer.restore(
            forType: Activity<DeliveryAttributes>.self
        await restorer.restore(
            forType: Activity<SomeOtherAttributes>.self

SDK 17:
    name: "order-1234"
) { restorer in
    await restorer.restore(
        forType: Activity<DeliveryAttributes>.self
    await restorer.restore(
        forType: Activity<SomeOtherAttributes>.self

Message Center

The MessageCenter module has been rewritten in Swift and the OOTB UI in SwiftUI. With the rewrite, we are providing a new set of APIs that take advantage of Swift's structured concurrency.

Message listing API Changes

All methods on the Message Center for listing are now async, and the listing is no longer stored in memory.

Accessing message list

SDK 16:

let messages = MessageCenter.shared.messageList.messages

SDK 17:

let messages = await MessageCenter.shared.inbox.messages

Deleting a message

SDK 16:

MessageCenter.shared.messageList.markMessagesDeleted([message]) { // completed }

SDK 17:

// by message ID
await MessageCenter.shared.inbox.delete(messageIDs: ["messageID"])

// by message
await MessageCenter.shared.inbox.delete(messages: [message])

Marking a message as read

SDK 16:

MessageCenter.shared.messageList.markMessagesRead([message]) { // completed }

SDK 17:

// by message ID
await MessageCenter.shared.inbox.markRead(messageIDs: ["messageID"])

// by message
await MessageCenter.shared.inbox.markRead(messages: [message])

Refreshing the message listing

SDK 16:

MessageCenter.shared.messageList.retrieveMessageList(successBlock: {
   // handle success
}, withFailureBlock: {
    // handle failure

SDK 17:

await MessageCenter.shared.inbox.refreshMessages()

Listening to message listing updates

SDK 16:

                                            selector: #selector(messageListWillUpdate),
                                            name: UAInboxMessageListWillUpdateNotification,
                                            object: nil)
                                            selector: #selector(messageListUpdated),
                                            name: UAInboxMessageListUpdatedNotification,
                                            object: nil)

SDK 17:

    .receive(on: RunLoop.main)
    .sink(receiveValue: { messages in
        // Latest messages
    .store(in: &self.subscriptions)

Message Center UI

Now our Message Center View has been rewritten using SwiftUI. The UIKit based views have been removed.

Embedding Message Center in SwiftUI

struct CustomMessageCenter: View {
    let controller = MessageCenterController()
    var body: some View {
        MessageCenterView(controller: controller)

Embedding Message Center in UIKit

SDK 16:

import AirshipKit

class MessageCenterViewController : DefaultMessageCenterSplitViewController {


SDK 17:

// 1
let messageCenterviewController = MessageCenterViewControllerFactory.make(
controller: controller

if let messageCenterView = messageCenterviewController.view {
    // 2
    // Add the message center view controller to the destination view controller.

    // 3
    // Create and activate the constraints.
    messageCenterView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        messageCenterView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.topAnchor),
        messageCenterView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.bottomAnchor),
        messageCenterView.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.leftAnchor),
        messageCenterView.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.rightAnchor),


MessageCenterStyle has been renamed to MessageCenterTheme to avoid confusing with SwiftUI style patterns.

SDK 16:

let style = MessageCenterStyle() = style

SDK 17:

var messageCenterTheme = MessageCenterTheme()

MessageCenter.shared.theme = messageCenterTheme

You can also set the theme on the MessageCenterView directly:


MessageCenterView(controller: controller)

Load custom message center message view

Fetch user credentials:

SDK 16:

MessageCenter.shared.user.getData { user in
    // ...

SDK 17:

let user = await MessageCenter.shared.inbox.user

Load webView:

The example below shows how to fetch the credentials, set auth on the request, and load a message into the webview. This code assumes a custom view controller with an embedded WKWebView, as well as a MessageCenterMessage ready to be loaded.

SDK 16:

let requestObj = NSMutableURLRequest(url:message.messageURL) 
MessageCenter.shared.user.getData { data in 

    // set the auth 
    let auth = Utils.authHeaderString(withName: data.username, password: data.password) 
    requestObj.setValue(auth, forHTTPHeaderField:"Authorization")

    // load the request 

}, queue: DispatchQueue.main)

SDK 17:

var request = URLRequest(url: message.bodyURL)
let user = await MessageCenter.shared.inbox.user
// set the auth
request.setValue(user.basicAuthString, forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")
// load the request

Preference Center

Preference Center UI

The Preference Center UI has been rewritten in SwiftUI.

Embedding Preference Center in SwiftUI

PreferenceCenterView(preferenceCenterID: "preferenceCenter-ID")

Embedding Preference Center in UIKit

// 1
let preferenceCenterviewController = PreferenceCenterViewControllerFactory.makeViewController(preferenceCenterID: "neat")

if let preferenceCenterView = preferenceCenterviewController.view {

    // 2
    // Add the prefrence center view controller to the destination view controller.

    // 3
    // Create and activate the constraints.
    preferenceCenterView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        preferenceCenterView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.topAnchor),
        preferenceCenterView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.bottomAnchor),
        preferenceCenterView.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.leftAnchor),
        preferenceCenterView.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.rightAnchor),


PreferenceCenterStyle has been replaced by PreferenceCenterTheme.

SDK 16:

let style = PreferenceCenterStyle() = style

SDK 17:

var theme = PreferenceCenterTheme()

PreferenceCenter.shared.theme = theme

A theme can also be set directly on the PreferenceCenterView:

 PreferenceCenterView(preferenceCenterID: "preferenceCenterID")


Actions have been rewritten to use async/await and be Sendable.

Registering actions

SDK 16:

Airship.shared.actionRegistry.register(action, names: ["action_name", "action_alias"])

SDK 17:

Airship.shared.actionRegistry.registerEntry(names: ["action_name", "action_alias"]) {
    return ActionEntry(action: action)

Defining actions

SDK 16:

let customAction = BlockAction { args, completionHandler in
    print("Action is performing with args: \(args)")

SDK 17:

let customAction = BlockAction { args in
    print("Action is performing with args: \(args)")
    return nil

Running actions

SDK 16:

// Run an action by name"action_name", value: "action_value", situation: .manualInvocation) { result in
    print("Action finished!")

// Run an action directly, value: "action_value", situation: .manualInvocation) { result in
    print("Action finished!")

SDK 17:

// Run an action by name
let result = await
    actionName: "action_name",
    arguments: ActionArguments(
        string: "action_value",
        situation: .manualInvocation

// Run an action directly
let result = await
    action: action,
        string: "action_value",
        situation: .manualInvocation