From 81304d9451a10ae8d7d193fbf1d79dae169f020d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: KTrain5369 <>
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2024 14:00:19 +1000
Subject: [PATCH] WIP i18n, w/ minor grammar fixes

grammar annoys me so much idk why
 i18n/lang/en-US.json   | 74 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 pages/attributions.vue |  2 +-
 pages/index.vue        | 74 ++++++++++++------------------------------
 3 files changed, 96 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/i18n/lang/en-US.json b/i18n/lang/en-US.json
index ec08a51..e0815a7 100644
--- a/i18n/lang/en-US.json
+++ b/i18n/lang/en-US.json
@@ -78,6 +78,80 @@
+  "reasonsWhy": {
+    "hero": "WHY?",
+    "sub": "Many people wonder why not to use Essential. We hope to make the reasons clear.",
+    "do_not_harass": "In case it wasn't clear, don't harass any people affiliated with Essential. We simply find that the flaws with Essential make itundesirable in most modded Minecraft circumstances. We do not have any conflicts with anybody at Essential.",
+    "report_problems": "Please report any problems on our ",
+    "or": "or",
+    "signoff1": "with ",
+    "signoff2": "from all at the Vital team",
+    "reasons": {
+      "incompatibility": {
+        "name": "Incompatibilty",
+        "explainer": [
+          "Essential's large-sweeping modifications to the game cause many side effects, mainly incompatibility with other mods.",
+          "While Essential's decision to go source-available (not the same as open-source) may help improve compatibility issues, it's too soon to tell.",
+          "For uninitiated users, open-source differs from source-available in that any user can create and distribute their own improved version of the software, which source-available doesn't let you do.",
+          "We have a gallery of people saying that removing Essential has fixed an issue they experienced, you can find this at and click on the button."
+        ]
+      },
+      "bloat": {
+        "name": "Too much bloat",
+        "explainer": [
+          "For a mod that advertises itself as the 'essential tool for Minecraft', it bundles too many features with it that are better split into other mods.",
+          "The concept of an all-in-one mod isn't bad, but as a mod that should easily fit with other mods, having too many features causes too many potential conflicts. This means that, if a feature causes a crash, the only easy solution for most users is removing the entire mod.",
+          "Even without considering that, bundling lots of features into one mod defeats the purpose of a mod loader (to load mods with only the features you want). And with the features it does have, they seem to be at least semi-random and doesn't really make sense to bundle into one mod.",
+          "It's also advertised more as a client than a mod, even though it is a mod, and because clients are locked-down with lots of features that don't make sense together if they were a mod instead, it could explain the seemingly random bundle of features that are in Essential."
+        ]
+      },
+      "microtransactions": {
+        "name": "Microtransactions",
+        "explainer": [
+          "In a game that is primarily played by children, Essential advertises its cosmetics shop, featuring microtransactions where you can buy 'Essential Coins'.",
+          "While Essential does need money to support their devs and some of their features, a store with special currency microtransactions seems very predatory considering the context.",
+          "Additionally, they have a system where you can purchase coins only in 'bundles' which encourages over-purchase of coins, potentially wasting the remaining coins.",
+          "This isn't exclusive to Essential, as it's also the case with Minecraft Bedrock Edition (which is a major annoyance point for most players), as well as many other (mainly mobile/gacha) games. This, however, makes it seem like they know what they are doing."
+        ]
+      },
+      "security_privacy": {
+        "name": "Security & Privacy",
+        "explainer": [
+          "Essential requires that you accept the ToS in order to use the mod. This can come across as a red flag to some, as generally this is only present as a confirmation that you don't mind your data being harvested.",
+          "While Essential's Privacy Policy states the data they collect (and it's not very significant to most people), most people will not be reading the policy, especially with the required legalese to cover their bases.",
+          "Additionally, this is a game played by kids, the cohort that are most likely clueless on what a Terms of Service or Privacy Policy is, and don't understand the data they are giving out by agreeing and especially don't understand the language being used, even if kids are legally not allowed to agree to contracts in some areas.",
+          "For full clarity, Essential says, on their Privacy Policy (checked 27 Aug 2024), they collect:",
+          "- Minecraft UUID, Minecraft & modloader versions",
+          "- Mod Checksums using MD5",
+          "- User interfaces the player enters during their session",
+          "- Cosmetics that players choose to preview",
+          "- Essential config values (with random A/B testing)",
+          "- Servers you join (if you choose to enable it in privacy settings)",
+          "- Your computer specs",
+          "Their privacy policy can be found at, which may be updated at any point after the writing of this."
+        ]
+      },
+      "clutter": {
+        "name": "Cluttered Interface",
+        "explainer": [
+          "This one comes more down to opinion but it's one we believe many players can share. You may disagree with this heavily, and that's okay.",
+          "Essential's interface has many options and buttons. These tend to lead to severe clutter in certain parts of the game.",
+          "Staying on the default configuration, the amount of screen space taken up by Essential makes the game cumbersome to navigate.",
+          "Additionally, some of the buttons on the main menu aren't necessary or can be placed better. It's not a lot, but on the default screen size the space it takes up can be significant."
+        ]
+      },
+      "force_install": {
+        "name": "Forced install in some mods",
+        "explainer": [
+          "This point isn't really a problem with Essential themselves, rather the majority of mods that use it. For this reason, consider this as more of an add-on reason than a main point, hence why it's all the way down here.",
+          "Many mods that use Essential libraries often install Essential itself anyways, for no clear reason. This means that the mod gets installed and basically does nothing except increase startup time considerably for machines on the lower end.",
+          "While maybe some players might get interested in the mod and check it out, the reality is that after a while they won't even use the features of Essential or only a marginal subset of it which would be better if they were split up.",
+          "This can also lead to a massive security issue, as should Essential's servers get compromised, these mods will unknowingly be including a potential RAT (remote access trojan), which is a big problem within the Minecraft modding community. This was brought up during the discussion of fractureiser, a Minecraft RAT that was detected during June 2023, which also caused Essential to disable their auto-update feature by default and make their mod source-available.",
+          "However, again, this is not a bad thing about Essential themselves, moreso the mods that decide to include it."
+        ]
+      }
+    }
+  },
   "alternatives": {
     "hero": "ALTERNATIVES",
     "reason": "Essential has many issues. This page provides alternatives.",
diff --git a/pages/attributions.vue b/pages/attributions.vue
index f017cd4..e12d793 100644
--- a/pages/attributions.vue
+++ b/pages/attributions.vue
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ const sections = {
   title: "Attributions",
-  description: "The people who made Notessential possible.",
+  description: "The people who made NotEssential possible.",
   ogImage: "/img/icon512.png",
diff --git a/pages/index.vue b/pages/index.vue
index 40da65e..e5fb23f 100644
--- a/pages/index.vue
+++ b/pages/index.vue
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
       Please report any problems on our
-      <NELink to="" :external="true"
-        >Github</NELink
+      <NELink to="" :external="true"
+        >GitHub</NELink
       <NELink to="" :external="true"
@@ -65,69 +65,37 @@ if (process.client) {
+const locale = useI18n().locale.value
+const altMessages = JSON.parse(
+  JSON.stringify(useI18n().messages.value[locale].reasonsWhy),
+const texts = altMessages.texts
 const reasonsWhy = [
-    title: "Incompatibilty",
-    body: [
-      "Essential's large-sweeping modifications to the game cause many side effects, mainly incompatibility with other mods.",
-      "While Essential's decision to go source-available (not the same as open-source) may help improve compatibility issues, it's too soon to tell.",
-      "For uninitiated users, open-source differs from source-available in that any user can create and distribute their own improved version of the software, which source-available doesn't let you do.",
-      "We have a gallery of people saying that removing Essential has fixed an issue they experienced, you can find this at and click on the button.",
-    ],
+    title:,
+    body: texts.reasons.incompatibility.explainer,
-    title: "Too much bloat",
-    body: [
-      'For a mod that advertises itself as the "essential tool for Minecraft", it bundles too many features with it that are better split into other mods.',
-      "The concept of an all-in-one mod isn't bad, but as a mod that should easily fit with other mods, having too many features causes too many potential conflicts. This means that, if a feature causes a crash, the only easy solution for most users is removing the entire mod.",
-      "Even without considering that, bundling lots of features into one mod defeats the purpose of a mod loader (to load mods with only the features you want). And with the features it does have, they seem to be at least semi-random and doesn't really make sense to bundle into one mod.",
-      "It's also advertised more as a client than a mod, even though it is a mod, and because clients are locked-down with lots of features that don't make sense together if they were a mod instead, it could explain the seemingly random bundle of features that are in Essential.",
-    ],
+    title:,
+    body: texts.reasons.bloat.explainer,
-    title: "Microtransactions",
-    body: [
-      'In a game that is primarily played by children, Essential advertises its cosmetics shop, featuring microtransactions where you can buy "Essential Coins".',
-      "While Essential does need money to support their devs and some of their features, a store with special currency microtransactions seems very predatory considering the context.",
-      'Additionally, they have a system where you can purchase coins only in "bundles" which encourages over-purchase of coins, potentially wasting the remaining coins.',
-      "This isn't exclusive to Essential, as it's also the case with Minecraft Bedrock Edition (which is a major annoyance point for most players), as well as many other (mainly mobile/gacha) games. This, however, makes it seem like they know what they are doing.",
-    ],
+    title:,
+    body: texts.reasons.microtransactions.explainer,
-    title: "Security and Privacy",
-    body: [
-      "Essential requires that you accept the ToS in order to use the mod. This can come across as a red flag to some, as generally this is only present as a confirmation that you don't mind your data being harvested.",
-      "While Essential's Privacy Policy states the data they collect (and it's not very significant to most people), most people will not be reading the policy, especially with the required legalese to cover their bases.",
-      "Additionally, this is a game played by kids, the cohort that are most likely clueless on what a Terms of Service or Privacy Policy is, and don't understand the data they are giving out by agreeing and especially don't understand the language being used, even if kids are legally not allowed to agree to contracts in some areas.",
-      "For full clarity, Essential says, on their Privacy Policy (checked 27 Aug 2024), they collect:",
-      "- Minecraft UUID, Minecraft & modloader versions",
-      "- Mod Checksums using MD5",
-      "- User interfaces the player enters during their session",
-      "- Cosmetics that players choose to preview",
-      "- Essential config values (with random A/B testing)",
-      "- Servers you join (if you choose to enable it in privacy settings)",
-      "- Your computer specs",
-      "Their privacy policy can be found at, which may be updated at any point after the writing of this.",
-    ],
+    title:,
+    body: texts.reasons.security_privacy.explainer,
-    title: "Cluttered Interface",
-    body: [
-      "This one comes more down to opinion but it's one we believe many players can share. You may disagree with this heavily, and that's okay.",
-      "Essential's interface has many options and buttons. These tend to lead to severe clutter in certain parts of the game.",
-      "Staying on the default configuration, the amount of screen space taken up by Essential makes the game cumbersome to navigate.",
-      "Additionally, some of the buttons on the main menu aren't necessary or can be placed better. It's not a lot, but on the default screen size the space it takes up can be significant.",
-    ],
+    title:,
+    body: texts.reasons.clutter.explainer,
-    title: "Forced install in some mods",
-    body: [
-      "This point isn't really a problem with Essential themselves, rather the majority of mods that use it. For this reason, consider this as more of an add-on reason than a main point, hence why it's all the way down here.",
-      "Many mods that use Essential libraries often install Essential itself anyways, for no clear reason. This means that the mod gets installed and basically does nothing except increase startup time considerably for machines on the lower end.",
-      "While maybe some players might get interested in the mod and check it out, the reality is that after a while they won't even use the features of Essential or only a marginal subset of it which would be better if they were split up.",
-      "This can also lead to a massive security issue, as should Essential's servers get compromised, these mods will unknowingly be including a potential RAT (remote access trojan), which is a big problem within the Minecraft modding community. This was brought up during the discussion of fractureiser, a Minecraft RAT that was detected during June 2023, which also caused Essential to disable their auto-update feature by default and make their mod source-available.",
-      "However, again, this is not a bad thing about Essential themselves, moreso the mods that decide to include it.",
-    ],
+    title:,
+    body: texts.reasons.force_install.explainer,