- analyse the UUID check technique's efficiency
- fix c++11 debug function param error
- completely remove std::system() grep commands
- add github metrics for license (looks cool af)
- add CTest before alpha release
- test for processor type and stuff like that for cpuid EAX=1
- grep everywhere for QEMU shit
- implement VM::EXTREME flag
- update the cli tool image in the readme
- focus on hyperv detection (https://labs.nettitude.com/blog/vm-detection-tricks-part-3-hyper-v-raw-network-protocol/)
- add percentage overload functionality for VM::detect()
- maybe document the project in codeproject.com when a 1.0 is ready
- add a cpuid fuzzer (baremetal and VM)
- organise the registry existence function better and group them together as a single utility function
- add <source_location> for error handling
- make an MIT version for 1.0
- add function to add custom techniques for end-user
- fix memoization
- add a python script to automatically set the lines of the seperate sections in the header
- add C++20 concepts for the VM::add_custom() function
- check for valid monitor technique
- fix the is_admin code for windows
- test it on compiler explorer with windows 32-bit settings
- upload the lib to dnf
- upload the lib to apt
- add ARM support
- look into what
is - implement techniques from here
- add multiple choice for VM::brand()
- add c++20 module support
- design a way to disable some techniques way easier
- make a man file in markdown for the cli tool
- implement smbios version technique here
- implement a display size technique for linux with EDID
- implement a technique that matches the CPU product name and match it with a database of core counts for that specific CPU product
- add usage example in the .hpp file directly below the banner
- use the [[assume()]] attribute in C++23 for certain areas (not sure where exactly)
- maybe add [[deprecated]]?
- implement techniques from here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43026032/detect-running-on-virtual-machine
- add a .clang_format thingy
- maybe add internal is_cached functionalities in the cache fetchers
- make the whole cache table into a mutex so i can claim it's thread-safe
- make a medium post about it
- test the VM::modify_score() function
- check if bios date in /sys/class/dmi/id/ could be useful under QEMU
- make the cli demo in the readme for the 1.9 version
- fix the percentage thing for the disabled techniques
- adopt the firmware technique from the vmprotect source code leak
- add a .so, .dll, and .dylib shared object files in the release
- make a struct version as an alternative
- add the license style like in ffmpeg https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/tree/master?tab=License-1-ov-file
- fix the issue of VM::QEMU_USB being ultra slow
- make a MIT transformer python script from GPL to MIT
- /sys/class/dmi/id/product_name check this in qemu
- update sourceforge
- fix the VM::vmaware struct
- do the ACPI technique and add it to hyper-x
- [ ]
- add the library to conan.io when released
- add a python version of the library (or any other lang for that matter)
- add a GUI version of the lib
- add a rust version of the lib
- submit the project to oss-fuzz