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a27a4ba · Jan 8, 2021


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File metadata and controls

263 lines (179 loc) · 7.8 KB


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It's a command-line util that scans packaged binaries and resolves their SHA digest values into the package information. The whole idea behind this utility is described in the Versioneye's blogpost "Identifying components by SHA values".

One can use this utility to lookup a version details of the package, fetch a license ID for the binary or get vulnerability details or automate due diligence process without installing any runtime or additional dependencies.

Default file extensions for package managers:

  • Nuget (SHA512) - *.nupkg
  • Maven (SHA1) - *.jar
  • PYPI (MD5) - *.tar.gz, *.whl
  • NPM (SHA1) - *.tgz


Download binaries from the releases and save it into your binaries folder

#NB! change version and op-sys
curl -s -L -o "${HOME}/bin/veye_checker"

chmod a+x ~/bin/veye_checker
  • resolve - scans the target folder recursively, translates a value of a file digest via VersionEye API into the product details and prints out results.
veye_checker resolve ../jars -a "api-key" -c "confs/veye_checker_local.toml"
VERSIONEYE_API_KEY="apitoken" veye_checker resolve ../jars
veye_checker resolve ../jars -o resolve.csv -a "api-key"

# only resolve binaries which are bigger than 5Kb, but smaller than 10Kb
veye_checker resolve tests/fixtures/files/ --max-file-size=10000 --min-file-size=5000

configure which digest algorithms to use commandline flags for blocking algos: no-md5, no-sha1, no-sha512 commandline options to overwrite list of file-extensions of a digest algos: ext-md5, ext-sha1, ext-sha512

veye_checker resolve ../jars -a "api-key" --no-md5 --ext-sha1="whl,jar,tgz"
  • shas - scans the target folder recursively and outputs digests of supported packagefiles:
veye_checker shas ../jars/ 
veye_checker shas ../jars/ -o results.csv
VERSIONEYE_CSV_SEPARATOR="," veye_checker shas temp/bins/

# only generate diggest values for files which size in the range (5Kb, 10Kb)
veye_checker shas tests/fixtures/files/ --max-file-size=10000 --min-file-size=5000

It is possible to configure which digest algorithms to use. commandline flags for blocking algos: no-md5, no-sha1, no-sha512 commandline options to overwrite list of file-extensions of a digest algos: ext-md5, ext-sha1, ext-sha512 commandline flag -v / --verbose prints out scan configuration

# dont use MD5 for next scan and update file extensions to use for SHA1
veye_checker shas ../jars -a "api-key" -v --no-md5 --ext-sha1="whl,jar,tgz"
  • lookup - fetches product details from VersionEye api by the SHA/digest value.
veye_checker lookup <SHA_STRING> -a <YOUR_API_KEY>

VERSIONEYE_API_KEY="apikey" veye_checker lookup <SHA_STRING>

API keys

All the commands ( lookup, resolve, etc ) requesting data from the VersionEye api require the API-key, which you can obtain from your's profile page.

It's possible to specify the api-key 3 ways:

  • via environment variable VERSIONEYE_API_KEY
export VERSIONEYE_API_KEY="abcdef1234" veye_checker lookup SHA_VALUE_123
  • add veye_checker.toml config file:
key = "abcdef1234"
  • specify explicitly via command parameter
veye_checker lookup SHA_VALUE_123 -a abcdef1234

Configuration via ENV variable

It's possible to tweak a setting of the command-line tool with environmental variables, and all the variables follow a pattern: VERSIONEYE_GROUPID_VARIABLEID.

full id default value description
VERSIONEYE_API_KEY None specifies API key for the Versioneye API
VERSIONEYE_API_HOST specifies custom host name for VersionEye API, useful when using hosted or enterprise version.
VERSIONEYE_API_PATH api/v2 specifies URL path between the host and REST resource
VERSIONEYE_API_PORT None specifies port number for API
VERSIONEYE_API_SCHEME https specifies URI scheme
VERSIONEYE_CSV_SEPARATOR ; overrides separator in output row, can be only single character
VERSIONEYE_CSV_QUOTE " what character to use for quoting, can be only single character
VERSIONEYE_CSV_FLEXIBLE false should it skip empty fields at the end, accepted values 1, T, TRUE to activate; all other values equal to FALSE
VERSIONEYE_PROXY_HOST None specifies proxy host
VERSIONEYE_PROXY_PORT None specifies proxy port
VERSIONEYE_PROXY_SCHEME http specifies proxy scheme
VERSIONEYE_SCAN_MAX_FILE_SIZE 64MB max file size in bytes
VERSIONEYE_SCAN_MIN_FILE_SIZE 0 min file size in bytes

NB! Use cmd-line flags or config-file to configure file extensions used by a digest algo;

Configuration via config file

One can also put all the permanent configurations for the veye_checker tool into a veye_checker.toml file. By default the tool will lookup configuration file in the working directory, but you can always specify location with the -c flag or --config option after the subcommand.

All the fields in the configuration file are optional, and the commandline tool will use default values for unspecified fields.

# veye_checker.toml
key = "Your API key"
host = ""
path = "api/v2"
port = 80
scheme = "https"

separator = ","
quote     = "'"
flexible  = 0

host = ""
port = 3128
scheme = "http"

# configure file extensions
blocked = false
exts = ["whl", "gz"]

# Dont use SHA1
blocked = true

# specify scan options
max_file_size = 67108864
min_file_size = 1024


cargo build

# or simpler command
cargo run

# or running tests
cargo test -- --test-threads=1

# test only api-calls 
VERSIONEYE_API_KEY="APIKEY" cargo test --features "api"

# or optimized production release
cargo build --release


  • to run all the unit tests
cargo test -- --test-threads=1

--test-threads=1 is required for tests that are checking does reading configuration from ENV variables work;

  • to run integration test against API configs
VERSIONEYE_API_KEY="your_api_key" cargo test --features="api"
  • running integration tests against proxy
  1. start squid proxy
docker pull sameersbn/squid:latest

docker run --name squid -d --restart=always \
  --publish 3128:3128 \
  --volume /veye-checker/temp/cache:/var/spool/squid3 \
docker stop|run squid
  1. run tests
    cargo test test_proxy --features=proxy
  • to run acceptance tests
cd tests/acceptance

# on *nix machines
VERSIONEYE_API_KEY="your_api_key" ./ 

# on Macs
VERSIONEYE_API_KEY="your_api_key" ./


It's opensource project and any kind of contribution is more than welcome.

Here's simple guideline to preferable workflow:

  • open a issue
  • implement after it lands into milestones
  • write tests
  • update docs
  • make PR
  • review

and your changes makes into next release