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867 lines (675 loc) · 78.9 KB

File metadata and controls

867 lines (675 loc) · 78.9 KB


v0.0.56 - 2018-06-28


  • #844 - The BlobCell_onBlobClone() method could produce too much data for cryptography to encrypt at once. This method now produces up to 63 rows at a time to clone.

v0.0.55 - 2018-05-09


  • #769 - Add a time.sleep() call in the loop which is executed when no events obtained from the selector. This prevents CPU usage from spiking on systems without Epoll enabled (mainly OSX).

v0.0.54 - 2018-05-01


  • #740, #746 - Made OSX test runners run faster by compiling Python 3.6.5 once using pyenv and then use a venv per branch.
  • #745 - Increase information included in the AuthDeny exception by Cortex.reqUserPerm() to include the username of the user who did not have the permission.


  • #739 - The --importfile option was not properly parsing certificate paths. This meant that real-world certificates were unable to be imported into a certstore. This has been addressed.

v0.0.53 - 2018-04-27


  • #734 - Add a smaller default LMDB map size for lmdb databases which do not need to be large.


  • #733 - Fix cryotank indexing test races.
  • #735 - Fix a race which can occur during teardown.
  • #736 - Fix neuron test race conditions.

v0.0.52 - 2018-04-27


OSX Support is preliminary restored in this release. Windows is still not supported, however we are aware of users successfully using Synapse under the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) available in Windows 10.

New Features

  • #697, #722 - The CryoTank now supports selective field indexing using Synapse type normalization. This allows for records to be retrieved based on indexed values. A remote API has been added for this and is available via the CryoClient for managing indexing on tanks managed by a CryoCell.
  • #723 - Add a get:opers() command to Storm which allows the introspection of which registered storm operators are available to a Cortex.
  • #725 - Added aCortex RBAC system for controlling node creation, deletion, property setting and tagging. Currently, this is applicable to users using SSL to share out Cortexes, since user authentication is done via SSL certificate common name. This does require explicit configuration to use. See for a configuration example. The RBAC interface can also be configured via cmdr.
  • #727 - Move from using select.Epoll() to selectors.DefaultSelector() for the global plex defined in This allows restoring OS X use of Synapse.


  • #724 - Add cell Ctor type when doing cell registration. This allows a Neuron and CellPool to have awareness of what types of objects have registered with it.
  • #726 - Refactored CryoCell and CryoClient.


  • #728 - Fix a race condition in cryotank index testing.
  • #535, #730 - Fix Cmdr CLI loop for OSX. Thanks @blackout for the bug report.
  • #731, #732 - Fix unittests so that they run on OSX.

v0.0.51 - 2018-04-13


  • #719 - When doing a type norm for time, include the valu being normed in the BadTypeValu.
  • #720 - When a node is deleted using Cortex.delTufo(), the node form, primary property, and current user scope are logged at the info level. This also applies to nodes deleted via Storm and splices.
  • #721 - Add test showing that a splice contains the current user.

v0.0.50 - 2018-04-08

New Features

  • #714 - inet:addr type was modified to represent a URL like format to represent tcp/udp/icmp clients and servers. The inet:client and inet:server types were added, which are subs of the inet:addr type.
  • #714 - Added inet:servfile comp form. This is the intersection of an inet:server and a file:bytes node. It a file available from a given server over an arbitrary protocol.
  • #714 - Added inet:download guid form to represent an instance of a inet:client downloading an arbitrary file:bytes from a inet:server at some point in time.
  • #717 - Storm operators may now send status messages along with their results. These messages are displayed after any nodes are printed. This is a backwards-compatible change. There are no built-in Storm operators which use this currently.


  • #709, #711, #712 - Move to CircleCi as a CI testrunner. Remove all Drone / Travis CI code.
  • #715 - Remove the automatic EventBus event propagation from a Cortex to a loaded CoreModule. This has an unnecessary performance impact and is not needed for a CoreModule to subscribe to events from the Cortex. A CoreModule implementation has a reference to the Cortex directly and can listen for the events as needed.
  • #717 - The SynTest.getDmonCore() API now sets the local scope variable syn:core to refer to the actual Cortex object which backs the Proxy object yielded by the API. This allows test writers using that API to access the underlying Cortex to perform function calls which may not be possible to execute over the Proxy.
  • #714 - Update the it:av:sig form to be the intersection of a it:prod:soft and a str:lwr. Previously, this was a sepr type containing an ou:alias but that does not account for an organization having multiple products. The it:av:filehit also was changed from a sepr to a comp type since signature names are not safe to use in seprs as sepr character may appear in the names. There are no migrations in place for these modeling changes. Please reach out to Vertex Project on Slack if you have data using these forms that requires migration.
  • #714 - Update the synapse.models.inet.ipv6norm() (used for normalizing IPv6 types) now also returns a ipv4 sub if the normalized address is in the IPv4 address space.
  • #718 - Remove the Storm vartree implementation. It was incomplete and will be replaced in the future with an implicit pivot syntax which will achieve the same effect in a cleaner fashion.


  • #710 - Fix a test which was leaking a CellPool object which was attempting a reconnect loop which would never reconnect.
  • #716 - Normalize tags when calling Cortex.getTufosByTag or doing tag filtering in Storm.

v0.0.49 - 2018-03-26

V0.0.49 is primarily a bugfix release to address regressions and issues from v0.0.47.


  • #706 - The Cortex.formNodeByProp() API will now call setTufoProps() on a node if it already exists and properties are passed into formNodeByProp. This allows properties to be added in a “last caller wins” scenario.
  • #706 - The node:add splice now accepts a tags value which contains a list of tags to add to the node created by the splice.


  • #705 - Fix an issue in Configable\’s @confdef decorator helper for identifying config options in classes. This method was previously skipping Telepath proxy objects during introspection; and a regression was introduced which didn’t properly skip non-callable object methods. This caused an issue when doing introspection on objects which had Telepath Proxy objects as the value of class attributes. This regression has been fixed by properly skipping non-callable class members.
  • #706 - Splice changes introduced in v0.0.47 were improperly wrapping messages. This meant that the Cortex.splice() and Cortex.splices() APIs required splice messages as though they came off of the EventBus. This required sending duplicate, redundant data over the network during remote calls. This splice reactors now expect unpacked splices. This does not affect splices written to splice files or splices converted to the new format, since those splices were already unwrapped.
  • #707 - The Telepath socket multiplexor (synapse.lib.socket.Plex) had an issue added where xlist sockets may not have been properly culled from the list of Sockets maintained by the plex. The xlist sockets were the same as the rlist sockets, so this has been simplified. In addition, an identity check for fileno was changed to a equality check.


  • #706 - Examples of all differentsplice message forms have been added in a Cortex test test_cortex_splices. This can be used as an immediate reference to people doing manual splice creation.
  • #708 - Added synapse.cryotank.CryoCell to the automatically generated Configable docs.

v0.0.48 - 2018-03-21

New Features

  • #698 - Add source, seen, record and recref forms to allow for tracking data sources and references in a Cortex hypergraph.
  • #698 - Add ou:meet, ou:meet:attendee, ou:conference, and ou:conference:attendee forms to allow for tracking meetings and conferences, as well as their attendees.


  • #702 - synapse.lib.datapath now has a DataPath() class which is used to represent the steps in a given path. This allows pre-computation of a given datapath to reduce overhead when the same path may need to be parsed multiple times.


  • #703 - Ensure that the AxonCell was sending the correct marshalled exceptions.
  • #704 - Change the auth value of the Cortex configuration for a cell:pool to be a Base64 encoded version of the msgpack encoded auth dictionary. This allows for configuring the cell:pool via a JSON Daemon configuration file.

v0.0.47 - 2018-03-14


There are a sizeable amount of changes included in v0.0.47. A few items are highlighted here; please see the sections after the summary for a full list of new features and enhancements.

Notable New features

  • A new data storage object, the CryoTank, has been introduced. This utilizes LMDB to perform fast storage and retrieval of structured records. This can be used to quickly store and retrieve large feeds of data.
  • A new service architecture has been implemented in Synapse. This uses an asynchronous, generator based approach to networking and remote calling. This has been utilized to reimplement the Axon storage (now AxonCell), as well as implementing the networking protocol for the CryoTank, the CryoCell. Detailed documentation for this service architecture will be included in future Synapse release.
  • A new LMDB key-value store helper has been added, the KvStor. This is used to implement persist dictionary and set objects, which are used as helpers to the Cell. Previously, a service could use their own Cortex as a simple KV store, but that was potentially heavy thing to do. This alternative is considerably lighter for these simple use cases.
  • Storm now supports the use of subquery filters. An example query is the following: inet:dns:a -{ :ipv4 -> inet:ipv4 +cc=us } which will lift all inet:dns:a nodes, then filter nodes whose IPv4 address has a us country code. Detailed documentation for this will be added in a future Synapse release.

Backwards Incompatible Changes

  • A global socket multiplexor, implemented using EPOLL, has been added to Synapse. This change means that Synapse will only work on Linux at the moment. The Vertex Project does plan on restoring Windows and OSX support in a future release.
  • The Cortex Splice format has changed, in order to support better filtration. This requires that splice producers and splice consumers update simultaneously to v0.0.47. If users have existing splice logs that need to be updated, a helper function has been written to to convert an existing splice log file to the new format. See the notes below for additional information.
  • The following Synapse components have been removed or altered significantly:
    • synapse.axon has been rewritten substantially. In addition, it no longer imports synapse.lib.hashset using a star import.
    • synapse.lib.persist has been removed. It is no longer used in core Synapse code.
    • synapse.lib.heap has been removed. It contained an implementation error and is no longer used in core Synapse code.
    • synapse.lib.atomfile has been changed to currently only support Linux.

Known Issues

  • #700 - The axon:upload handler on the AxonCell can allow bytes to be stored twice in the same BlobStor. This may result in a BlobStor having bytes which the AxonCell does not have direct knowledge of. No data is lost here, but extra disk space may be consumed.

New Features

  • #637, #650, #695 - Added synapse.lib.cell. This contains the Cell class and related helper classes. The Cell is the base class for a microservices architecture. Similar to a CoreModule, the Cell is designed to be subclassed and have some functions overridden. See Cell docstrings for additional notes.
  • #637, #695 - Added synapse.neuron module. This contains the Neuron() class which is used as a service directory for Synapse Cell based services. The Neuron is responsible for doing service provisioning and service name resolution. Additional documentation related to Neuron, Cell architectures will be included in a future Synapse release.
  • #650, #679 - The synapse.axon.Axon implementation was removed, and replaced by a new AxonCell and BlobCell implementations. This decouples the Axon idea from the Cortex implementation, and makes the AxonCell solely responsible for storing files and doing retrieval by SHA256 hash. The AxonCell acts as a indexing master, while multiple BlobCells need to be used in order to store files. The AxonClient helper is available to interact with a AxonCell, while the BlobClient is available to interact with the BlocCell. The use of this new storage implementation does require the deployment of a Neuron, since these are all Cell based services. Additional documentation related to Axon architecture will be included in a future Synapse release.
  • #637, #654, #655, #674 - Added a new module, synapse.cryotank. It contains a CryoTank() class, which is used for storing structured data (anything that can be msgpacked) into a LMDB database. It also contains a CryoCell() class for creation, management, deletion of CryoTank objects, as well as for putting data into remote CryoTank’s. It has a CryoClient() helper object which can be used to interact with the remote CryoCell.
  • #648, #649, #672, #674, #675 - Added to look at data from remote CryoTanks, dump that data to disk in different formats, or add data to a remote CryoTank when reading data from stdin.
  • #681 - Add cellpool:conf config option to the Cortex. This is a dictionary which takes three value, a auth blob for talking to a Neuron, as well as the host and port used to connect to the Neuron. The configuration of a cellpool:conf, and subsequentially axon:name, is required in order to allow a Cortex to save bytes to a AxonCell using the formNodeByBytes() and formNodeByFd() APIs.
  • #637 - Added RetnWait() to the synapse.lib.thread. This can (and should) be used as a context manager, which can emulate a synchronous callback occuring, while waiting for a local thread.event to be set.
  • #650 - Added synapse.lib.lmdb. This contains several LMDB related classes for future use with new Cortex storage layers. The APIs for these objects should not be considered stable for third party use at this time.
  • #637, #642, #658 - Added a new module,, to handle asynchronous networking code. This includes a new EPoll based multiplexer for Socket IO. An instance of this plex is used as part of a global plex (located in synapse.glob). This change currently makes Synapse only compatible with Linux operating systems. Eventually, we’ll re-add Windows and OSX support in a future release.
  • #687 - Added ps:persona and ps:persona:has forms to represent the idea of a persona.
  • #637 - Added a new way to marshall exceptions, synapse.common.getexcfo() which will be the preferred way to marshall exceptions moving forward for Synapse code.
  • #636, #638, #676, #678, #689 - Added the synapse.lib.crypto module. This contains several new modules. synapse.lib.crypto.tinfoil contains a simple AESGCM encryption/decryption class called TinFoilHat. synapse.lib.crypto.ecc contains helpers for doing ECC key pair generation and doing ECDHE key exchange. synapse.lib.crypto.vault contains a Vault() class. The Vault() can be used to store key pairs and do key signing locally.
  • #634 - The Storm CLI command jointags() was split into jointags() and pivottags() which behave similarly to the pivot() and refs() commands, respectively. The old default behavior for jointags() was moved to pivottags(), and the current jointags() behavior now reflects the old jointags(keep_nodes=1) behavior.
  • #628, #659 - Added synapse.lib.kv. This module contains the KvStor() class; which implements a LMDB backed kv-store. An instance of the KvStor() object can be used to get KvLook(), KvDict() and KvSet() objects. The KvLook can be used to do key=valu type storage, which is directly backed by the LMDB database. The KvDict can be used for key=valu storage, but it also keeps a in-memory dictionary of the contents to avoid database lookups. The KvSet can be treated similarly to a set() object, but addition and removal is backed by the LMDB database.
  • #691 - Added a initial HTTP model for tracking to the inet model. Added inet:http:request, inet:http:response, inet:http:header, inet:http:param, inet:http:reqhead, and inet:http:reqparam forms.
  • #606 - Added synapse.lib.membrane and Membrane() class. The Membrane object can be used as a filter on the events fired by a EventBus to determine whether or not they are sent to a function provided to the Membrane() object.
  • #606 - Added a membranes config option to the Cortex which applies rules to splice events and puts splices into a named Fifo for later consumption.


  • #667 - Added subquery based filtration for Storm. Subqueries take all of the query nodes, apply either a positive or negative a filter to those nodes, and then add matching nodes back to the query results.
  • #685 - Migrated ou:has* forms to a generic ou:org:has Xref form. Add seen:min and seen:max secondary properties.
  • #650 - Added genraises() API to This mimics the raises() API, but expects the function to be a generator. This consumes the generator in a bound local and expects that to raise.
  • #650 - Added getAxonCore() API to to get a TstEnv instance which has a Axon, Cortex, Blob, Neuron, Daemon and clients configured already.
  • #650 - Added synapse.common.ehex()/synapse.common.uhex() wraps around binascii.hexlify() and binascii.unhexlify() APIs.
  • #650 - Added synapse.common.buid() to generate a 32 byte hash. Unlike the guid() API, this returns bytes. It can take a msgpackable object to generate a stable buid.
  • #650 - Added synapse.common.spin() to consume a generator and discard the results as fast as possible.
  • #686 - Updated to extract configable docs for a defined list of classes which use the initConfDefs() API to to define their config options.
  • #650 - Added initConfDefs() API to synapse.lib.config.Configable(). This function is executed during __init__. It is intended to be overridden by implementers, and will replace use of the @confdef decorator function over time. Care must be taken by implementers when class mixing or inheriting that a new class properly calls or overrides initConfDefs.
  • #650 - Updated synapse.lib.queue.Queue behavior to raise an exception (IsFini or TimeOut) when get() has no objects to return. Previously this returned None; however it was impossible to distinguish if the queue legitimately returned None or there was a timeout or if the Queue had been fini’d.
  • #673, #681 - Changed the Cortex config option of axon:url to be axon:name. This is the name of the AxonCell resolve via the cores’ CellPool.
  • #670 - ou:hasalias form to note when a org has an alias or alternative name.
  • #671, #687 - Migrated ps:has* forms to a single ps:person:has xref form. Add seen:min and seen:max secondary properties.
  • #631 - The synapse.async module was renamed to synapse.synasync in order to allow for future compatibility with Python 3.7.
  • #637, #650 - Added iterfile(), loadfile() and dumpfile() APIs to synapse.lib.msgpack. These iterate over a file, load the contents of a file, and save a value to a file, respectively.
  • #637 - Removed synapse.lib.heapfile. It had implementation errors which caused issues with data recovery and is no longer used for backing Axon storage. In addition, synapse.lib.persist was also removed since it is no longer being used.
  • #637 - Added synapse.lib.const to store constants.
  • #637 - The AtomFile implementations were simplified to use pread/pwrite and drop memory mapped file support.
  • #637 - A new decorator API, inpool was added to fire functions in the synapse global thread pool. This is available from synapse.glob. Assuming synapse.glob is imported as s_glob, it can decorate functions as @s_glob.inpool.
  • #637 - The DmonConf() class has been updated to parse a cells directive, which can be used to launch Cell based objects. These objects are run in their own processes.
  • #640, #641 - The SynTest helper function getLoggerStream() now yields a io.StringIO object which is mixed in with a threading.Event object. In addition, the getLoggerStream() now takes a second, optional, argument which must be a string. When a log message containing that string is logged, the event will be set. This allows writing tests which wait for a log message to be logged prior to continuing the test.
  • #635 - Added seen:min and seen:max secondary properties to inet:dns:req.
  • #632 - Added loadConfPath() API to syapse.lib.config.Configable to load configuration options from a JSON file at a given path.
  • #629 - Changed thedigests() API in synapse.lib.hashset.HashSet() to return the digests in bytes instead hex.
  • #627 - Added a waitall() API to to wait for all steps to complete.
  • #626 - Added lockfile() API to synapse.common. This is a helper for advisory locking around a file provided by the fcntl library.
  • #620 - In Storm, lifts by form which are followed by a positive tag filter are now optimized to use a single lift-by-tag operation at the storage layer.
  • #615 - The use of limits in the Storm query language has been normalized. For operators which consume the input set of nodes, a limit applies a maximum number of nodes to the output set. For operators which do not consume the input set of nodes, a limit applies to the maximum number of nodes added to the current working set.
  • #619 - Add test showing that read-only properties can be set via ingest if they do not previously exist.
  • #614 - Added a --importfile switch to the tool to assist with easily importing a certificate file to their certdir.
  • #616 - Added isTufoProp() API to the DataModel to check to see if a property is a valid prop for the currently loaded data model.
  • #600 - Splices format was changed to better encapsulate the splice to support filtering. Old splice logs will not be replayable as is, and can be converted with synapse.lib.splices.convertSpliceFd(). This change is backwards incompatible with previous versions of synapse.
  • #611 - Added seen:min and seen:max secondary properties to inet:urlredir.
  • #610 - Splice Pump producers have debug messages logged about splice consumption, errors, and remaining splices.


  • #690 - Defvals passed to configuration options for synapse.lib.config.Configable will now smash existing values for a given option when they are set.
  • #493, #677 - Removed unused (and not working) ssh:// link implementation stub.
  • #669 - Removed unused parse_macro_join function from synapse.lib.syntax.
  • #668 - Fix an issue where the inet:fqdn normalization would allow an internationalized domain to be stored after doing IDNA encoding, but would fail to render in the Storm CLI due to it actually being invalid Punycode. The raw string is now returned if the string starts with xn--. This is a harsh reminder the world is not tidy.
  • #657 - Fix race conditions related to Fifo resync/ack/push operations.
  • #652 - The synapse.lib.queue.Queue object would accept additional data after it had either done() or fini() called on it. This is no longer allowed.
  • #651 - Fix a bug in synapse.lib.config.Configable where config options passed in during __init__ were set prior to all confdefs being loaded.
  • #637 - synapse.common.gendirs() would fail if the directories needed to be made by os.makedirs() already existed. This has been fixed.
  • #633 - Removed py command from the base CLI commands. This could be used to perform authenticated remote code execution as the process running the Daemon object that a user connected to.
  • #623 - node:del events fired by Cortex.delTufo() were incorrectly setting the primary property on the node:del events. This was preventing tag deletion from working properly.
  • #617 - Clean up Cortex fifo APIs to not automatically incref Fifo objects for every object access.
  • #618 - Refactored Cortex.__init__() to allow using the syn:cortex alias to start up a Cortex via a Daemon properly.
  • #616 - Fix bug in _initCoreFifo which prevented Fifo’s from being initialized on startup properly. Changed the syn:fifo node to a comp type.


  • #630 - Updated docstrings in synapse.lib.sqlite.

v0.0.46 - 2018-03-06


  • Pull in version bounds for third-party packages from the master branch. This addresses an immediate issue where Synapse fails to work with a pypi installation and Tornado 5.0.0 is installed.

v0.0.45 - 2018-02-13

New Features

  • #661 - Added the inet:group form and type. This is analogous to the inet:user form for tracking a given group name.


  • #666 - Add ps:person:name:en and various name:en subprops props to distinguish between localized and English versions of names.
  • #661 - The inet:web:group form was made more robust. The second field of the sepr type was renamed to :id to represent a site specific identifier, freeing the :name property up to represent a descriptive name of the group. :name:en was added to provide for a English version of the name. :signup, :signup:ipv4 and signup:ipv6 props were added to track when groups were created. :loc and :latlong props were added to allow for some location based tracking. :seen:min and :seen:max secondary properties were added to track when a group was active.
  • #662 - The python msgpack library was version locked to 0.5.1.
  • #663 - Added :name:en and :realname:en secondary props to inet:web:acct for tracking English specific versions of a name.


  • #624 - The ps:person was missing the :name:middle field. This has been added.
  • #660 - The ou:member form was broken. This has been changed to be a Comp type and had the secondary property :end added to it.

v0.0.44 - 2018-01-11

Notices related to v0.0.44

The minimum version of msgpack used by Synapse has been upgraded to be at least 0.5.0. This is complicated by the fact that the msgpack-python package was renamed to msgpack by its maintainers. Installation of Synapse from PyPi using the sdist and wheel packages should upgrade msgpack in a working state, and docker image users should not be affected by this change. Users which directly use a checkout of the Synapse Github repository should uninstall msgpack-python and then install msgpack. This can be done with the following commands (you may need to adjust them for your installation; accounting for aliases or the use of python3, etc):

  • python -m pip uninstall msgpack-python
  • python -m pip install msgpack

The synapse.lib.heap.Heapfile and synapse.axon.Axon structures are planned to undergo a significant rewrite, possibly landing as early as v0.0.45. These rewrites will not be backwards compatible, in order to account for design issues in these structures. If you are using these classes for doing data storage, please reach out to us via Slack as soon as possible (see for a link to join our Synapse Slack chatroom).

New Features

  • #592 - Added GUID type it:auth:passwdhash to store password hashes without requiring the plaintext password.
  • #604 - Added synapse.lib.atomic.Counter() class as a thread safe counter object.
  • #595 - Added the rcode secondary property to the inet:dns:look form to allow encoding the DNS response code for a given lookup.
  • #595 - The it:dev:regkey type is now a lowercased string. Existing it:dev:regkey and it:dev:regval:key values will be automatically lowercased as a model migration.
  • #607 - Added Axon.getAxonStatus() and AxonHost.getAxonHostStatus() APIs to get runtime information about Axons.


  • #591 - Removed the Cortex CLI command nextseq in favor of using the Storm macro command nexttag().
  • #591 - Add Storm test coverage.
  • #593 - Added puts() API to the synapse.lib.fifo.Fifo object to the Fifo structure to allow for bulk object adding.
  • #596 - Added Axon tests to show a clone sync operation restarting after a persist offset file is removed.
  • #601 - Ensure the synapse.lib.heap.Heap file storage only grows upward and cannot be resized down by replaying a resize event.
  • #602 - Set backoff / backoff-retry values for the Drone ci configuration for the git plugin.
  • #603 - The synapse.lib.tags.tufoHasTag() and synapse.lib.tufo.tagged() APIs were equivalent functions. tufoHasTag has been removed.
  • #598, #609 - Updated msgpack-python>=0.4.8 to msgpack=>0.5.1 as a dependency.
  • #598 - Updated synaspe.lib.msgpack.Unpk msgpack unpacker helper to use the new tell() API introduced in msgpack 0.5.0.
  • #598 - Added a future-proofing msgpack test to ensure we break when the msgpack python API eventually changes to assuming a strict utf8 compliance and can then versionlock our use of msgpack.
  • #605 - Added simple integrity checking to the synapse.lib.heap.HeapFile structure.


  • #591 - synapse.lib.cache.KeyCache behavior updated to no longer store cache valus if they are None. If None was cached, that value was unable to be updated later.
  • #594, #597 - Fix Ingest user docs which were using outdated forms. Thanks @tn3rt for the bug report!
  • #599 - Fix AxonMixin.eatfd() and AxonMixin.eatbytes() to allow file descriptors and bytes which have zero bytes to be consumed.


  • #605 - Rewrote API docstrings for synapse.lib.heap.HeapFile.

v0.0.43 - 2018-01-02

New Features

  • #590 - Added synapse.lib.remcycle.fetch() API which allows retrieving a URL using Tornado and executing a user provided callback to process the response.


  • #589 - Added the ability to set a tags directive in an Ingest forms definition; which allows setting per-form tags without adding the tags to the current or child scopes.

v0.0.42 - 2017-12-29

New Features

  • #588 - Added a RFC2822 address parser and type/form, inet:rfc2822:addr. This normalizes and parses string identifiers and attempts to extract email addresses as a secondary property.


  • #587 - Make synapse.lib.msgpack helper functions resilient to unmatched unicode surrogate characters. This also affects the synapse.lib.socket.Socket and synapse.lib.persist.Dir msgpack unpackers. This is done by passing unicode_errors='surrogatepass' to the msgpack pack/unpack functions. This makes synapse more resilient to malformed string data which may be encountered in the real world.


  • #587 - Removed synapse.statemach. It was previously used for providing object persistence at an API level but has been unused within Synapse and was generally not a safe tool to use for third party use.

v0.0.41 - 2017-12-28

New Features

  • #574 - Added EventBus.onWith() API. This is a context manager which acts like .on(), but the callback is removed when the context manager is exited.
  • #575 - Added class to allow testing CLI command loops using unittest mock.
  • #577 - Added synapse.lib.certdir.genClientCert() API to allow creation of a PKCS12 certificate bundle for a user certificate, private key and CA cert.
  • #577 - Added a --p12 option to the easycert tool. This allows a user to bundle their certificate, private key and CA cert into a PKC12 formatted file.
  • #578 - Added the Storm macro syntax <- to represent a join() operation.


  • #576 - The Daemon now fini's EventBus() objects in LIFO order when it is fini'd. In other words, objects created in a dmon configuration are torn down in reverse order that they are created.
  • #576, #581 - Increased test coverage for CLI related tests.
  • #577 - Updated tests for synapse.lib.certdir to ensure that the certificates made by certdir were correct.
  • #577 - Updated tests for to ensure that the certificates made by easycert were correct.
  • #578 - Updated the storm join() operator syntax to behave exactly like the pivot() operator with respect to source and destination properties. join() still is an additive operator which does not consume the source nodes.
  • #583 - synapse.lib.remcycle.Hypnos now registers and persists ingest definitions as syn:ingest nodes in its Cortex.


  • #579 - Fix a reference to onCtx (the original name for the EventBus.onWith() function).
  • #584 - Cortex Storage backings had different behaviors when limit=0 was passed to functions which joined rows together to make tufos. This has been fixed, so that a limit=0 API parameter will return 0 rows.


  • #573 - Added telepath docstrings for evalurl().
  • #577 - Rewrote API documentation for synapse.lib.certdir.
  • #586 - Updated the Storm join() documentation to reflect changes to its arguments.

v0.0.40 - 2017-12-11

New Features

  • #564 - Added a int:2:str10 typecast to convert a integer value to the base10 string value.
  • #569 - The Telepath Proxy object now fires the local event tele:sock:runsockfini when the Proxy is attempting to reconnect to its remote Daemon. This can be hooked by implementers to detect the loss of an existing connection to a remote Daemon.
  • #572 - The synapse.axon.AxonCluster helper object is now a subclass of EventBus. This will now automatically close its corresponding SvcProx instance on its own .fini().
  • #572 - Added the function to extract a type hierarchy from nested tufo-style objects. This can be a useful for debugging.


  • #565 - Increase Tornado related test timeouts from 5 to 30 seconds.
  • #570 - Additional debug logging added to synapse.axon.Axon actions.
  • #572 - Additional debug logging added to synapse.lib.persist.Dir actions.


  • #561 - When a telepath Proxy object is made, by default it will create its own socket Plex object. This Plex is now fini’d when the proxy is fini’d.
  • #568 - Add synapse.glob to synapse.lib.socket imports to fix a missing reference.
  • #567- The synapse.lib.persist.Dir.items() method yielded offsets which could switch from being relative offsets to being absolute offsets. This has been changed to always yield absolute offsets.
  • #570 - The synapse.axon.Axon._fireAxonClone thread now uses the tele:sock:runsockfini event to detect that a disconnect has occurred for its remote Proxy, and uses that to break out of its innermost synapse.lib.persist.Dir.items() loop. The previous behavior would fail to reconnect if part of an Axon cluster went down and then came back up, as the Proxy contained potentially invalid link information instead of getting an updated link tufo from the Axon’s ServiceBus.
  • #571 - Fini Axon threads after calling self.syncdir.fini() to ensure that any threads which are in the real time event pump from the syncdir can safely close their resources before attempting to stop any threads.


  • #572 - Miscellaneous API docstring improvements.

v0.0.39 - 2017-12-11

New Features

  • #553 - Synapse Docker images will now have -debug images available as well for all master and tagged builds. This image is built off of the vertexproject/pydebug:3.6-slim image. This image has full GDB support for Python enabled. See for more information.


  • #551 - Make 4096 bit RSA keys by default when using the tool. Thanks @galyac!
  • #550 - Add additional debug logging to Synapse when starting up a Cortex, executing remote methods via Telepath and around SSL errors.
  • #554 - Validate the Storm tree() recurlim argument is greater than or equal to zero.
  • #557 - inet:dns:look:tcp4:ipv4 and inet:dns:look:tcp4:udp4 sub properties of port and ipv4 have been added, so a DNS response can be recorded from a server even if the server source port is unknown.
  • #559 - Add a limit parameter to the Storm totags() operator.
  • #560 - Add unit test for synapse.lib.dark.


  • #555 - Set the x509 extension number of certificates made by to version 3 (0x02). This allows Chrome to validate the certificates starting in Chrome 63.
  • #558 - When an exception is raised during the synapse.lib.socket.Plex._plexMainLoop call to, perform a check to see if any sockets are fini'd or have fileno() == -1 and perform a cleanup operation on that socket. This can reduce a race condition where a bad socket can get wedged and prevent the multiplexor from working correctly.
  • #558 - Change the implementation to call self.sock.send() itself instead of calling through the default Socket.send() method. This allows us to properly catch SSLWantReadError and SSLWantWriteError exceptions; instead of allowing teh default method to catch them as OSError exceptions and fini the socket. The previous behavior lead to SSL Sockets being unstable.
  • #556 - Fix the Storm filter function for +range() so that filter operator works properly.
  • #562 - Fix the Storm filter function for +in() so that filter operator works properly.


  • #552 - Add documentation for the Storm operators to the user guide: pivot(), join(), refs(), fromtags(), totags(), jointags(), and tree().

v0.0.38 - 2017-12-01

New Features

  • #545 - Added storm macro function get:tasks and an API for introspecting tasks which have been registered on a Cortex.


  • #544 - Added new fields (url and whois:fqdn) to whois:contact.
  • #547 - Enabled pyup monitoring for Synapse release notes and added config file to disable pyup update checks.
  • #549 - Removed cryptography from


  • #548 - Added to maintain release notes within the repository.

v0.0.37 - 2017-11-29

New Features

  • #542 - The Daemon now automatically calls item.fini() for items which are made from a Daemon configuration which are EventBus objects when the Daemon is fini()'d. This allows the Daemon to tear down all instances of eventbus objects which it makes without having to share the object and set the onfini option when configuring the share.


  • #541 - Added exe, proc and host secondary properties to the inet:dns:look format to allow capturing a DNS lookup which may have originated from a file, process or a host.
  • #540 - When the socket multiplexer does an accept() call, the remote ip and port are logged at the debug (logging.DEBUG) log level.


  • #58, 537 - Fixed IPv6 type norm() operations for OSX by using the ipaddress library instead of the s_socket.inet_ntop() function.
  • #543 - Recent changes to pytest (included in the base image used for doing CI testing) changed how logging is performed. This disables those pytest changes.

v0.0.36 - 2017-11-27

New Features

  • #529 - Synapse Docker container vertexproject/synapse is now built off of a base container, vertexproject/synaspe-base-image:py36. This container is hosted from and is also used for CI testing. The synapse-base-image contains all of the dependencies required for Synapse, as well as having software updated via apt-get. The base container also has :py35 and :py34 tags available as well.
  • #523 - Added Cortex.extCoreFifo() to put of a list of items in a named Cortex FIFO.
  • #523 - Added DataModel.addPropTypeHook() to allow a DataModel user to fire a function whenever a type is used to define a property. This can be used to define callbacks by a CoreModule.
  • #523, #538 - Added synapse.lib.db to handle pooled connections to databases. Added synapse.lib.sqlite to handle SQLite specific DB optimizations.
  • #523 - Added synapse.lib.gis to handle geospatial computations.
  • #523 - Added helper. This allows for for interlocking events for multithreaded tests.
  • #523 - Multiple improvements to CoreModule’s. They may now get a unique _mod_iden property by an implementor. This value can be retrieved with the CoreModule.getModIden() API. Added getModProp() and setModProp() APIs so that the CoreModule can store data in the attached Cortex object. Added a finiCoreModule() API which is automatically registered as a fini function for the CoreModule. CoreModule implementors can override this API in order to have resources torn down automatically.
  • #523 - Added synapse.lib.revision module to provide helpers for doing revision path enforcement.
  • #523 - Added syn:alias node types to allow for a global GUID alias for a given iden.
  • #523 - Added synapse.models.geospace.LatLongType and synapse.models.geospace.DistType for normalizing Latitude/longitude data and distances.
  • #523 - Added geo:nloc form to allow tracking the physical location of a given node over time.
  • #539 - Added inet:wifi:ap node type to allow the intersection of a SSID and a BSSID value.
  • #539 - Added tel:mob:imid form to represent the knowledge of an IMEI and IMSI together.
  • #539 - Added tel:mob:imsiphone node type to represent the knowledge of an IMEI and a telephone together.


  • #528 - When a property value is included in the Storm stats() operator, that value is now normed using getPropNorm().
  • #529, #532 - The SvcProxy now refires syn:svc:init and syn:svc:fini events, so users of the SvcProxy may now react to those events to know that a service has been added or removed from the SvcBus.
  • #534 - Log messages for exceptions which occur on the EventBus which cause an exception in dist() function now include the repr of the EventBus object so it is clear what type of object had the error, and the mesg itself.
  • #534 - traceback.print_exc() calls have been replaced by `logger.exception()`` calls so traceback information is directed through logging mechanisms, instead of being printed to stdout.
  • #534 - The Axon.has() api now validates the hvalu parameter is not None before querying the Axon db via getTufosByProp, to ensure that we are not returning an arbitrary axon:blob tufo.
  • #523 - Cortex.formTufoByProp() will now fire node:set:prop events for each property in a newly created node. This does not affect splice generation.
  • #523 - Cortex.delTufo() will now fire node:set:prop events for each secondary property in the deleted node to indicate the new-valu is None.
  • #523 - Added SynTest.getDirCore() and SynTest.getTestSteps() helpers for getting directory backed Cortexes and TestStep objects, respectively.
  • #523 - CoreModule.getModPath() Now returns None if the Cortex the module is loaded in is not a directory backed Cortex.
  • #523 - synapse.lib.queue.Queue now has a size() API and a __len__ implementation which allows inspection of how many items are in the internal collections.deque object.
  • #523 - Added synapse.lib.scope.pop() and synapse.lib.scope.Scope.pop() methods, which allow either a thread or object local scope to have a named object pop’ed out of it, similar to dict.pop().
  • #523 - Storm syntax integer parser now supports parsing negative values (starting with a - sign), parsing values which start with 0x as hex values, parsing values which start with 0b as binary strings, and parsing floats properly.
  • #539 - CompType forms now accept dictionary of values as input. They keys which map to fields and optfields are used to form the node.
  • #539 - Added ipv4, tcp4, and udp4 secondary properties to inet:dns:look. These represent the IP address which requested the look, and the servers which may have responded to the look.


  • #529 - The SvcProxy object was incorrectly registering services by name, as well as tags, in its' ByTag helper. This was causing the SvcProxy to think additional services were still available after they were no longer available to the SvcBus. This has been corrected, and the SvcProxy no longer misuses the ByTag helper.
  • #531 - The atexit handler for the EventBus had a bad reference which could have triggered a NameError on shutdown. This has been fixed.
  • #533 - Change the Axon test test_axon_host_spinbackup to use waiters on syn:svc:init events to address a race condition.
  • #534 - Additional proxy objects are fini'd during Axon tests.
  • #523 - Socket.send() now catches OSError and ConnectionError exceptions and fini’s the socket if they occur.


  • #527 - Added Storm documentation for the stats() operator.
  • #534 - Docstrings for synapse.lib.persist.Dir.items(), synapse.lib.service.SvcProxy.callByTag, synapse.lib.service.runSynSvc have been rewritten.

v0.0.35 - 2017-11-16

New Features

  • #524 - The Cortex class has a new API getCoreMods, which returns a list of the currently loaded CoreModules in the Cortex.


  • #522 - Exceptions raised during the thread Pool _run_work function are logged with additional information about what failed to run.


  • #522 - The synapse.lib.msgpack.en() function's use of the global msgpack.Packer object was wrapped in a try/except block; so that in the event of an exception during packing, we call the reset method to clear internal buffers of the object. It was possible that a serialization failure leaves data in the object, which would then be passed along to a subsequent caller. See msgpack/msgpack-python#258 for example code showing this issue.
  • #522 - Ensure that the axonbus Proxy objects made by Axon and Axonhost objects are fini'd.
  • #522 - Fini more objects during Axon and Telepath tests which were not properly fini'd.
  • #525 - The Axon _fireAxonClones function did not wait for its existing clones to come online (since they are handled by threads) befor entering the _findAxonClones routine. This could have caused the Axon to attempt to make additional clones for itself until the number of clones the Axon had loaded met the axon:clones option. The _fireAxonClones clones routine now waits 60 seconds for each previously known clone to come online before attempting to bring new clones online for itself.
  • #526 - Pypi package had included a scripts package. This included development related scripts and was not intended for redistribution; and it collides with an existing scripts package on Pypi.


  • #522 - Update docstrings for telepath.openurl and telepath.openlink APIs. dditional clones for itself until the number of clones the Axon had loaded me

v0.0.34 - 2017-11-10

New Features

  • #504 - Universal node properties, tufo:form and node:created, are now model properties. Those properties do not have a form associated with them. In addition, the universal node property node:ndef was added. This is the guid derived from the primary property and primary property together, giving a way to universally represent a node value in a anonymous form. Universal properties are now added to the the datamodel documentation generated by autodoc. The associated migration for adding node:ndef values to nodes migrates all forms loaded into the Cortex datamodel at the time of startup. Depending on the size of a Cortex, this migration may take a long time to complete and it is encouraged that large (10 million+ node) Cortexes have a test migration done on a backup of the Cortex.
  • #515 - Add a inet:addr type, which normalizes both IPV4 and IPV6 values to a single IPV6 value, which will produce a IPV4 sub if the address is part of the v6 -> v4 mapped space.
  • #515 - Add a inet:dns:req form to record a DNS request which was made by an IP at a given time.
  • #515 - Add a inet:dns:type type to enumerate different types of DNS requests.


  • #516 - The task:<taskname> events fired by the Storm task() operator includes all the nodes in the current query set under the nodes value, instead of firing a single event per node under the node key.
  • #504 - The msgpack helpers, synapse.common.msgenpack, synapse.common.msgunpack and synapse.common.msgpackfd were removed. They are duplicates of functionality present in synapse.lib.msgpack content. They are replaced by synpase.lib.msgpack.en, synapse.lib.msgpack.un and synapse.lib.fd respectively.


  • #517 - The Cortex.delTufoTag API did not return the tufo to the caller. It now returns the modified tufo to the caller.
  • #518 - Ensure Axon resources are fini'd during Axon related tests.
  • #519 - The tests for normalizing the string 'now' as a time type are more forgiving of system load.


  • #512 - Added style guide notes to prefer returning None over raising exceptions.
  • #513 - Added filter documentation for storm
  • #520 - Added a link to the Synapse slack chat to the readme.rst file. Invite your friends, they're welcome here!

v0.0.33 - 2017-11-07

New Features

  • #502 - Added the dir:/// handler for opening a Cortex (currently SQLite backed) by file path.
  • #502 - Added a Telepath reminder API to facillitate server side statefullness on Proxy reconnect.
  • #502 - Added a Cortex metadata directory configable option and helpers for CoreModules to access that directory.
  • #507 - Added inet:dns:rev6 form for recording IPV56 PTR lookups.


  • #502 - Added a reqPerm() API helper to require a user have a given permission.
  • #502 - Removed old/broken session management code.


  • #170, #501 - Replaced the Python re module with regex. This addresses a unicode parsing error in the re module which prevented the correct identification of some punycode encoded FQDN values.
  • #508 - Add a signal handler for SIGTERM to the Eventbus.main() function. This allows for gracefully shutting down a dmon which was started in a Docker contain. Previously, SIGTERM was not caught and caused the Python process to close ungracefully.
  • #509 - Removed Python 3.7 from test matrix until synapse.async library is removed.
  • #509 - Fixed a bug in formTufoByProp which allowed the formation of nodes which were valid props, but not actually forms.
  • #509 - Fixed a bug in storm that prevented setting read-only properties on nodes which may not have had the read-only property present.


  • #503 - Added docstrings to, and models.
  • #505 - Added link to docker for the vertexproject/synapse images.
  • #510 - Added docs for running PostgreSQL cortex tests manually with Docker.
  • #511 - Added code style guidelines to indicate the preference of the regex module over the use of re.

v0.0.32 - 2017-10-31

New Features

  • #480 - Added a fully asynchronous push FIFO structure in order to support future Synapse built services.
  • #490 - Added a make:json typecast which can be used to cast an object into a JSON string.
  • #492 - Added a JSONL to messagepack tool. can be used to convert a JSONL file to a stream of messagepack's blobs.
  • #496 - Added a ingest helper setGestFunc to the IngestApi mixin. This allows a function to be registered which performs data ingest without relying on a full ingest definition being created.
  • #480 - Configable objects have a new method, reqConfOpts(). This method checks all configabl options; if an option has the property 'req' which evaluates to True and the value is not set on the object, a ReqConfOpt exception is thrown. This can be used to enforce an object to have specific configuration options set.


  • #490 - Ensured Synapse was generating pretty JSON strings in places where a human may end up reading the JSON directly.
  • #497 - Made axon exception logging more verbose.
  • #489 - Docker images are now built in DockerCloud using a Dockerfile contained in the Synapse repository. The vertexproject/synapse image will use the python:3.6.3-slim base image moving forward, as to keep container size smaller.
  • #480 - During a graceful shutdown, an atexit handler will now attempt to fini() all EventBus objects which have not been fini()'d and have had the self._fini_atexit flag set to True on them.
  • #480 - AtomFile objects may now be truncated to reduce their size.


  • #487 - Removed Python 2.7 from the list of suppported Python versions in trove classifiers.
  • #491 - Fixed a race condition in splicepump tests for node:created values.
  • #494 - Added a minimum and maximum value for the IntType integer value to ensure it is bound within a signed 64big value. This is reflective of storage limitations of the SQLITE and PSQL storage backings. This ensures that we cannot make a node in one storage backing that cannot be moved to another storage backing because of storage-specific issues.
  • #499 - The storm pivot operator was not runt-node aware; so it was unable to pivot to runt nodes. This has been fixed.
  • #498 - Telepath's Proxy object was unable to successfully reconnect to a shared object if the Proxy object had event handlers registered to it. The order of operations for handling a reconnection has been changed to allow this to function properly.


  • #488 - Updated scheduler persec/loop function docstrings to clarify the return values and ability to cancel future tasks.

v0.0.31 - 2017-10-27

New Features

  • #477 - Added node:created universal TUFO property. This is set when a node is created via formNodeByProp, and enables lifting/sorting nodes by the time they are created. Existing nodes will have node:created props set on them based on the Cortex timestamp value of their node:form property. Since this requires lifting every tufo:form row in a Cortex, it is reccomended that this is first tested in a copy of any production cortexes before doing a production deployment; so any neccesary outage windows can be planned.
  • #484 - The Cortex axon:url configable option now accepts a URL to a service bus. It will create an AxonCluster object if that is the case.


  • #478 - Properties which are read-only will be able to be set on a node if that property does not exist on the node.
  • #485 - Test context managers in now properly clean up after themselves in the event of a test failure/error.
  • #485 - Added setTstEnvars context manager to the SynTest class to enable running tests with specific environmental variables set.


  • #459, #478 - Refactor how nodes are created using formTufoByProp. This has the impact that nodes automatically created via the autoadds mechanism will now have any secondary properties available added to them from the process of doing data normalization.


  • #483 - Remove outdated readme examples
  • #486 - Add docstrings to inet:iface properties.

v0.0.30 - 2017-10-23

New Features

  • #473 - Added it:prod:soft, it:prod:softver, it:hostsoft types and associated forms, to allow tracking software, versions of software and software installed on a given host.
  • #473 - Added it:semver data type for doing type normalization of Semantic Version numbers. Added helper functions for both Semantic version parsing and generic version parsing to synapse.lib.version
  • #473 - Added it:version:brute typecast to attempt parsing a version string into a normalized system value that can be used to do ordered comparison of version strings.
  • #476 - Added inet:iface type and form for modeling a network interface on a particular device being bound to a particular IP, host, phone or wifi SSID. Added inet:wifi:ssid type.
  • #476 - Added ps:contact type and form to act as a conglomerate of contact information for a individual.
  • #476 - Added tel:mob:tac, tel:mod:imei and tel:mob:imsi types and forms for modeling cellphone related information. This includes parsing and validation of pre-2004 IMEI/IMSI numbers.
  • #482 - Moved test helper functions from synapse.tests.common to so other users of Synapse can reuse our pre-existing test helpers (SynTest, TestEnv and TstOutput).


  • #465 - Added axon:listener, axon:tags and axon:syncopts to the AxonHost class, so these default values can be passed to Axons made by an AxonHost.
  • #479 - Add test for calling the storm task() operator on a remote cortex with a local calback handler.


  • #475 - Changed PropValuType to use reqPropNorm instead of getPropNorm to enforce that the property referred to BY the type must be a modeled property.

v0.0.29 - 2017-10-19

New Features

  • #471 - The dmon tool, can now accept the log level via a environmental variable, SYN_DMON_LOG_LEVEL. This can be added as an environmental variable in a docker compose file using the Vertex Project Synapse Docker images to configure the logging level.


  • #467 - Added it:exec:proc:path, it:exec:proc:src:proc and it:exec:proc:src:exe properties to the it:exec:proc form. Removed the it:exec:subproc form since it is not needed with the :src: properties on it:exec:proc.
  • #467 - Removed the computer science model ( since it was superseded by the host execution model.
  • #467 - Added inet:flow:src:exe and inet:flow:dst:exe properties to inet:flow to allow modeling data between file:bytes nodes.
  • #468, #469, #472 - Added pytest-xdist to the script to speed up local (dev) test runs of synapse.
  • #470 - Remove unnecessary docker related functionality.


  • #466, #474 - Fixed bug in non-blocking SSL link which would sometimes prevent data from being transmitted


  • #462 - Added documentation for the host execution model in

v0.0.28 - 2017-10-16

New Features

  • #456 - A global thread pool has been added to Synapse and a Task object convention added for executing tasks in the pool. This is in preparation of future feature support.


  • #461 - The storm query operator refs() now also lifts nodes by prop-valu combination in order to get nodes which may refer to the source nodes. This allows identifying XREF nodes which point TO the inbound node.
  • #463 - The TimeType now norms the string "now" as the current system time.
  • #464 - Added a "guid" helper for Ingest to assist in making GuidType nodes without having to form strings out of variables.

v0.0.27 - 2017-10-12

New Features

  • #446, #450 - Adds the ability for GuidType nodes to normalize a list of items, in order to generate stable guids for potentially re-encounterable data. This only works when generating a property norm value (getPropNorm) and does not work for purely type normalization (getTypeNorm). Storm keyword list argument parsing can be used to generate stable GUID using the CLI, Ingest or Storm mechanisms.
  • #452 - Synapse now stores the current version of the Synapse library in the Cortex blob store at the end of Cortex initialization. This was done in order to prepare for eventually enforcing required upgrade paths for data migrations or other features.
  • #447 - Added the new form inet:web:postref XREF to track an inet:web:post which refers to another node.
  • #447 - Added the new form inet:web:action GUID to to track an arbitrary action by an ``inet:web:acct`. The actions tracked by this are by defined by [Synapse] user convention.
  • #447 - Added the new form inet:web:actref XREF to track how an inet:web:action may have interacted with another node.
  • #454 - Added the inet:web:chprofile GUID to track previous values of a inet:web:acct node, representing changes to user accounts or profiles.
  • #454 - Added the inet:web:post:repost property to track the concept of a inet:web:post being a copy of another post.
  • #455 - Added a pair of Storm (and Cortex) Configable options to enable and set logging levels for Storm queries. These are storm:query:log:en and storm:query:log:level. This logs what the query is and what the user execution context was.
  • #426 - Axon and AxonHost objects are now Configable objects with configuration definitions that are used to define their behavior.


  • #442 - Python 2.7 support dropped from Synapse.
  • #447 - Migrated all inet:net* forms to the inet:web:* space. The following is a map of the migrated forms and their corresponding new forms:
('inet:netuser', 'inet:web:acct')
('inet:netgroup', 'inet:web:group')
('inet:netmemb', 'inet:web:memb')
('inet:follows', 'inet:web:follows')
('inet:netpost', 'inet:web:post')
('inet:netfile', 'inet:web:file')
('ps:hasnetuser', 'ps:haswebacct')
('ou:hasnetuser', 'ou:haswebacct')

These forms will automatically be migrated in existing Cortexes. If XREF types were used to point to any of these forms and the cortex was not first migrated to v0.0.26, the XREF type migration will fail. It is recommended that users first upgrade to v0.0.26 prior to upgrading to v0.0.27.

  • #447 - Added Storage.updateProperty() and Storage.updatePropertyValu() APIs to the Cortex storage layer for doing bulk property and property-by-value updates. These are explicitly NOT exposed in the Cortex class.
  • #449 - Thinned out some components of the EventBus class for performance reasons. This did result in the removal of the synapse.eventbus.on() decorator for decorating functions to be used as event callbacks.
  • #456 - Removed unused Synapse modules: synapse.hivemind, synapse.mindmeld, synapse.lib.moddef.
  • #426 - Logging in tests is now controlled by the environmental variable SYN_TEST_LOG_LEVEL which, as an integer, will set the logging level used by the root logger.
  • #426 - The environmental variable SYN_TEST_SKIP_LONG can be set to a non-zero integer to skip potentially long running tests. This can shave up to a minute of test execution time.
  • #426 - Axons now have the in-memory cache enabled on their Cortex by default.
  • #458 - The inet:web:acct:occupation property has been changed from a str:txt type to str:lwr to allow for better foldability between user-declared occupations.


  • #443 - Make the daemon return more useful error messages when an exception has occurred during execution of a remote request.
  • #444, #445 - Allow an inet:srv4 type to accept an integer string as input. Also adds additional boundary checking when norming an ip:port string to ensure that irreversible inputs are not accepted.
  • #453 - Cleaned up skifIfNoInternet() test helpers. They will now be allowed to fail unless the SYN_TEST_SKIP_INTERNET environmental variable is set to a non-zero integer.
  • #426 - The synapse.lib.heap.Heap class was not properly responding to heap:resize events. This was remedied.
  • #426 - Wrapped a .items() iterator in synapse.daemon.OnHelp with a list to prevent a RuntimeError.
  • #426 - Fix the synapse.lib.service.SvcProxy.getSynSvcs() method to return a Telepath safe list instead of a dict.values() view object.
  • #426 - Fix the synapse.lib.service.SvcProxy.init to strap in event handlers AFTER initializing instance variables to avoid a race condition on startup.
  • #426 - AxonHost now waits before advertising itself on the bus, and properly calculates the number of axons it needs to make. This addressed an issue where the AxonHost was generating a non-deterministic number of Axons.
  • #426 - The Axon’s thread to make clones for itself on a ServiceBus now waits until a remote clone is made. This addressed an issue where the Axon would make extra clones for itself.


  • #448 - Added in-model documentation for the file: model defined in
  • #451 - Added user guide information for Storm lift operations, lift(), guid() and alltags().
  • #426 - Docstrings in the synapse.axon module were rewritten or added when needed.

v0.0.26 - 2017-09-26

New Features

  • #438 - Added PropValu datatype to synapse. This allows a secondary (or primary) property to be modeled as a string in the form property=<repr valu>. This type also yields sub of "prop" representing the property, and "strval" or "intval" being the system normalized value of the property. This allow for node creation where a reference to another node property is needed but cannot be defined up front in the model. The additional subs allow for filtering/pivoting operations on nodes which use the PropValu type. A simple example of the string form for a PropValue is inet:ipv4= A more complex example of the string form for a PropValu is inet:passwd=oh=my=graph!
  • #438 - XREF types have been updated to use the PropValu datatype instead of storing data in the property columns. This removes any extra-model data from the property columns in Cortex rows, and allows the implementation of pivotable XREF nodes. The string syntax for XREF creation was changed to be in line with the Comp datatype syntax, which looks now looks like ``. This will affect any ingests or programmatic creation of xref nodes done by users. An example of the string form of a Xref now looks like the following: (98db59098e385f0bfdec8a6a0a6118b3,"inet:passwd=oh=my=graph!"). Note that the PropValue portion of the value is quote delimited.


  • #438 - The refs() storm operator is updated to be aware of secondary properties which are PropValu types and will pivot off of them, even if the props themselves are not forms.
  • #438 - The file:imgof and file:txtref nodes no longer have glob property xref:*, instead :xref is now a PropValu and has the additional :xref:prop, :xref:intval and :xref:strval secondary props. This does require a data migration, so deployment of v0.0.26 should be tested on Cortexes which use those forms prior to production use.
  • #438 - Migrated unittests to using getRamCore() helper when possible.
  • #438 - Added unittest self.len() helper. Started some migration there.
  • #439 - Cleaned up Socket() class implementation to be better, stronger and faster.
  • #440 - Moved the syn:type, syn:form and syn:prop forms (and other items declared in DataModel) to be part of the "syn" model. These core elements are now themselves introspect-able.
  • #440 - Added syn:prop:base and syn:prop:relname to syn:prop nodes, so those nodes can now be lifted by a basename or a relative property name.
  • #441 - Added Python 3.7 RC1 to the test matrix. Pinned postgres test image to postgres:9.6.
  • The Storm runtime now respects the storm:limit:lift configable value as the default limit when lifting nodes.


  • #440 - Changed how runtime nodes (runts) used to represent the data model in a cortex are created. These are now made from the type and property definitions based on the loaded data model; having been guided by the data model being processed. This restores things like "syn:prop:form" which was accidentally dropped from nodes.

v0.0.25 - 2017-09-19

New Features

  • #404 - Added model for inet:web:netlogon to track netuser's logging into services.
  • #433 - Added inet:dns:mx, inet:dns:cname, inet:dns:soa, inet:dns:txt node types for recording different DNS responses.
  • #436 - Added the ability to define triggers. Triggers are predefined actions which can react to events and trigger storm queries, in order to automate activities and actions.
  • #436 - Rewrote the user authentication system to be more integrated with Cortex (and used within the trigger subsystem). This allows adding user roles and permissions to add, delete, or update nodes.


  • #404 - Added inet:whois:nsrec comp nodes to track nameserver's associated with whois record. This removed the inet:whois:rec:ns* properties and migrates existing props into the new nodes.


  • #437 - Fix the tag interval filtering in the Storm query system.


  • #435 - Rewrote docstrings for synapse.lib.queue subsystem.

v0.0.24 - 2017-09-14


  • #430 - CortexTest class was split into CortexBaseTest and CortexTest. CortexBaseTest is used for running the basic_core_expectations tests with the different storage backing; and CortextTest is used for more generic API tests. This allows running the basic test suite against the different storage types without running the entire test suite, in order to isolate possible storage related issues.
  • #434 - Migrated from using nosetestes to using py.test as the Synapse testrunner for CI.


  • #422 - Fixed the order of autoadds being added to the DB during the addTufoEvents / addTufoEvent Cortex API. This could manifest itself as tufos made by these events to not contain their properties.
  • #428 - Fix a issue with the LMDB cortex where parameters passed to pylmdb were not bool types (as that library expected), causing the parameters to be ignored in effect.


  • #422 - The inet:dns model docstrings were updated to be more comprehensive.

v0.0.23 - 2017-09-14

New Features

  • #423 - Added ephemeral runtime-only nodes as a concept to Synapse. The data model has been migrated to utilize these for loading and storing the data model, so the data model (syn:type, syn:prop, syn:form) itself no longer lives within the Cortex database itself. This makes data model updates much easier, requiring only data migration functions to be written for future updates. This does mean that custom models are no longer persistent and are required to be loaded into a Cortex to be made available.

  • #423 - Added a initial model for capturing software execution knowledge on hosts. These models are primarily comp types, which allow modeling varying levels of knowledge which may be available from different data sources.


  • #423 - The setModlVers API was moved to the Storage layer (and simply called through by the Cortex) to allow hooking model revision function execution with events, to allow for easier testing of Model data changes requiring data migrations.
  • #429 - Updated .drone.yml to run all tests in parallel again to take advantage of infrastructure updates.


  • #421 - Fixed getConfDefs() API in Configable. Made it so that default values (defval) items are copy.deepcopy'd, so that mutable defval's are not overwritten by later use.
  • #425 - Prevent the Ingest tool from attempting to ingest data to a remote Cortex connected to over Telpath. Attempting to do so previously would result in a esoteric error message. This means that the --sync option must be used when syncing data up to a remote Cortex.


  • #424 - Docstrings for the synaspe.lib.config.Config class were written to clarify that class APIs and add notes about possible race conditions when using onSetConfOpt handlers to respond to configable events.

v0.0.22 - 2017-09-11

New Features

  • #395 - Add formTufosByProps() API to the Cortex() class to do bulk tufo creation. This has significant performance for doing bulk tufo creation by utilizing a single storage layer transaction.
  • #359, #405 - All splices now represent atomic actions. This is a breaking change from v0.0.21, since the node:set events no longer multiple props, but instead a single prop per event. This requires an ecosystem wide upgrade for users utilizing the splice subsystem.
  • #408 - Provisional task() operator added to the storm runtime. This fires events in the form of "task:" on the storm core eventbus. This behavior may change in the future.
  • #409, #414, #416 - Synapse model properties which had req=1 set on them now actually require that property to be present when model enforcement is in place. This check occurs after node:form events, allowing code to hook the node formation process and provide required properties or set them as needed.
  • #417 - Added a tree() operator to storm for doing recursive pivot operations on a set of nodes.
  • #419 - Added a delprop() operator to storm to remove properties from nodes.


  • #410 - pivot() operator syntax updated to match that of the macro syntax operator. This may be a breaking change for any programmatic use of the pivot operator syntax.
  • #411 - Added pycodestyle checks to CI builds to identify code style issues.
  • #412 - Fix resourcewarnings with unclosed file handles.


  • #399 - Fix Cortex.init() on Python 2.7 where a list comprehension smashed function locals. This prevented configable options from being set at initialization.
  • #401 - Fix setTufoProps() to add nodes created from secondary properties when appropriate.


  • #403 - Initial docs for Ingest subsystem,
  • #408, #420 - Updates to Storm runtime documentation.
  • #418 - Added markdown template to release documentation.

v0.0.21 - 2017-08-14

New Features



  • #299, #381, #392 - Update model enforcement to prevent nodes from being created which are not valid types.
  • #391 - Add bumpversion support for doing release cutting.
  • #394 - Add log messages when doing model revision migration.


  • #396 - Fix a bug with Configable objects with telepath proxy attributes.
  • #397 - Add a model revision to fix inet:urlfile comp type nodes to address a issue from #333.


  • #391 - Start release process documentation
  • #393 - Additional user guides

v0.0.21 - 2017-08-09

The 0.0.20 release is not small - so here are some notes for it!

Since there are significant changes to how we handle models and storage layers in this version, we recommend that you make a backup of any production Cortexes you have before deploying this, and test your systems prior to deployment.

-- vEpiphyte

New Features

  • #277 - Add the ability to load python modules via dmon.
  • #275 - All Synapse core models have been cutover to using CoreModule implementations for doing model revisioning.
  • #274 - Optional Time boundaries added to tags for doing timeboxing of tags.
  • #279 - Added columns support and additional help framework for cmdr CLI
  • #285 - Easycert tool now makes server certificates with the subjectAltName (SAN) field populated. Tell your fiends - this a way easier tool to use to make SAN certs than using the openssl binary itself. This allows certificate pairs to be used in chrome 58+.
  • #177 - Added a ndef() function to synapse.lib.tufo to get a tufo type and primary prop.
  • #286 - Easycert tool can make PKCS12 client certs.
  • #333 - Comp types now support optional kw fields, allowing recording of varying levels of knowledge for a given type.
  • #321 - SSL Support added to the webapp
  • #289, #290, #301 - Add support for a blob key/value store to the Cortex which exists separately from the Row layer storage.
  • #291, #292, #301 - Add support for storage layers to be revisioned independently of models.
  • #300, #342 - Add support for sending BODY content via remcycle
  • #348, #350 - Add a guid() operator to storm for lifting a node by iden.
  • #358 - Add a delTufoProp() API to cortex for deleting a tufo property. This changed splice contention and event handlers, node:set is no longer fired; node:prop:set and node:prop:del are now fired.
  • #374, #378 - Add a new limit() operator for Storm.
  • #320, #362 - Storage layers are now separated from the Cortex class by an API boundary. This allows for future custom storage layers to be implemented easily.
  • #319, #262 - Add dumprows and loadrows tools to dump a cortex to a savefile or create a new storage object from a existing savefile.


  • #282 - Code style cleanup
  • #293 - Prevent reference databases used in tests from being modified accidently.
  • #288, #296, #332 - Storm setprop operator (and prop edit mode) now respect relative prop values. Addnode also uses relative props now.
  • #272, #342 - Rewrote remcycle tests to no longer require external resources. They run consistently now.
  • #302, #342 - Remcycle now uses configable definitions in a consistent manner.
  • #364 - Restored pre v0.0.15 axon path behaviors.
  • #378 - Add a plan step to storm query parsing - allows for future optimizations.
  • #338, #362 - Configable objects may now use a decorator to declare all of their options, which will be loaded at runtime.


  • #276 - Fixes for eq/lt/le/gt/ge operators in storm
  • #236, #295 - Allow cache disable on a cortex to actually clear the cache.
  • #287, #294 - Fix delnode storm operator and delTufo() API
  • #347, #349 - File:bytes nodes created from seed ctors (file:bytes:md5, file:bytes:sha1, etc) now have stable guids. Previously guids were case sensitive.
  • #335, #352 - Fix cmdr quit function on Python 2.7
  • #345, #351 - Fix inet:cidr range lookups.
  • #367, #370 - Regex macro filter "~=" accidently ate whitespace. This is fixed.
  • #380, #382 - Fix a issue with tag caches upon tag deletion.
  • #378 - Fix for comp type arg parsing in long form storm operators.
  • #339, #346 - Fix for inet:url:ipv4 and inet:url:fqdn parsing.
  • #354, #355 - Fix for inet:tcp4 / inet:udp4 :ipv4 and :port parsing. Also make ipv6 repr's consistent.


  • #273, #278 - Initial performance benchmarks for Synapse
  • #281, #283 - Initial User Guide for Synapse
  • #284 - Change docs to using the easier to read RTD theme.
  • #368 - ADditional User Guide documentation.
  • #338, #362 - Automatic documentation is now generator for configable objects, detailing their options.
  • #323, #324, #362 - Synapse devops documentation moved together.