What topic are you exploring? I intend to explore the liquidity Netflix as they relate to added movies and tv shows.
What is the problem you are trying to solve? I intend to provide recommendations on what factors of an added movie or tv show may lead to increased liquidity for Netflix stock.
Where is your data located? The datasets I am using are located on Kaggle.
- Netflix Stock Prices
- Netflix TV Shows and Movies (w/ rating and genre)
- Netflix TV Shows and Movies (w/ date added to Netflix)
How is the data organized? The data is organized in CSV files.
Are there any problems with the data? The relevant information is segmented into these three data files. So, I must find a way to consolidate information for easy analysis.
What tools are you choosing and why? I intend to use Python, Pandas, and Seaborn to process, clean, analyze, and visualize the data.
This will be completed once the previous steps have been finished.