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Learn how to create a client chat application that uses WebSockets.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a client chat application that uses WebSockets. The client application will allow users to join a common chat server, send messages to other users, and see messages from other users in the terminal.

To learn how to create a chat server, see the tutorial.

Prerequisites {id="prerequisites"}

Create a new project {id="new-project"}

To create a WebSocket chat client, we need to create a new project first. Open IntelliJ IDEA and follow the steps below:

  1. In the New Project wizard, choose Kotlin Multiplatform from the list on the left. On the right pane, specify the following settings:

    Click Next.

  2. On the next page, change Test framework to None, click Finish and wait until IntelliJ IDEA generates a project and installs the dependencies.

Configure the build script {id="build-script"}

The next thing we need is to configure the build script:

  • Add dependencies required for a Ktor client.
  • Add the JavaExec task to correctly handle a user's input when the application is running using Gradle.

Add client dependencies {id="add-client-dependencies"}

  1. Open the file and add the following line to specify the Ktor version:



  2. Open the build.gradle.kts file and add the following artifacts to the dependencies block:

    {src="snippets/tutorial-websockets-client/build.gradle.kts" lines="1-2,21-25"}

Add the JavaExec task {id="java-exec"}

In the build.gradle.kts file, add the JavaExec task and specify standardInput as show below:

{src="snippets/tutorial-websockets-client/build.gradle.kts" lines="17-19"}

Then, click the Load Gradle Changes icon in the top right corner of the build.gradle.kts file to install the dependencies.

Create the chat client {id="create-chat-client"}

Now we can add a client's code to the src/main/kotlin/Main.kt file.

First implementation {id="first-implementation"}

Open the src/main/kotlin/Main.kt file and add the following code for sending and receiving messages:

import io.ktor.client.*
import io.ktor.client.plugins.websocket.*
import io.ktor.http.*
import io.ktor.websocket.*
import io.ktor.util.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.*

fun main() {
    val client = HttpClient {
    runBlocking {
        client.webSocket(method = HttpMethod.Get, host = "", port = 8080, path = "/chat") {
            while(true) {
                val othersMessage = incoming.receive() as? Frame.Text ?: continue
                val myMessage = readLine()
                if(myMessage != null) {
    println("Connection closed. Goodbye!")

Here, we first create an HttpClient and set up Ktor's WebSocket plugin (the analog of installing the WebSocket plugin in our server application's module in an earlier chapter). Functions in Ktor responsible for making network calls use the suspension mechanism from Kotlin's coroutines, so we wrap our network-related code in a runBlocking block. Inside the WebSocket handler, we once again process incoming messages and send outgoing messages: we ignore frames which do not contain text, read incoming text, and send the user input to the server.

However, this "straightforward" implementation actually contains an issue that prevents it from being used as a proper chat client: when invoking readLine(), our program waits until the user enters a message. During this time, we can't see any messages which have been typed out by other users. Likewise, because we invoke readLine() after every received message, we would only ever see one new message at a time. Let's address this issue, and build a better solution!

Improved solution {id="improved-solution"}

A better structure for our chat client would be to separate the message output and input mechanisms, allowing them to run concurrently: when new messages arrive, they are printed immediately, but our users can still start composing a new chat message at any point.

We know that to output messages, we need to be able to receive them from the WebSocket's incoming channel, and print them to the console. Let's add a function called outputMessages() to the Main.kt file with the following implementation for this functionality:

{src="snippets/tutorial-websockets-client/src/main/kotlin/Main.kt" lines="24-33"}

Because the function operates in the context of a DefaultClientWebSocketSession, we define outputMessages() as an extension function on the type. We also don't forget to add the suspend modifier – because iterating over the incoming channel suspends the coroutine while no new message is available.

Next, let's define a second function which allows the user to input text. Add a function called inputMessages() in Main.kt with the following implementation

{src="snippets/tutorial-websockets-client/src/main/kotlin/Main.kt" lines="35-46"}

Once again defined as a suspending extension function on DefaultClientWebSocketSession, this function's only job is to read text from the command line and send it to the server or to return when the user types exit.

Where we previously had one loop which had to take care of reading input and printing output, we now have separated these tasks into their own functions, which can operate independently of each other.

Wire it together

Let's make use of our two new functions! We can call them inside the body of our WebSocket handler by changing the code of our main() method in Main.kt to the following:

{src="snippets/tutorial-websockets-client/src/main/kotlin/Main.kt" lines="7-22"}

This new implementation improves the behavior of our application: Once the connection to our chat server is established, we use the launch function from Kotlin's Coroutines library to launch the two long-running functions outputMessages() and inputMessages() on a new coroutine (without blocking the current thread). The launch function also returns a Job object for both of them, which we use to keep the program running until the user types exit or encounters a network error when trying to send a message. After inputMessages() has returned, we cancel the execution of the outputMessages() function, and close the client.

Until this happens, both input and output can happily happen concurrently, with new messages being received while the client sits idle, and the option to start composing a new message at any point.

Let's give it a try!

We have now finished implementing our WebSocket-based chat client with Kotlin and Ktor. To celebrate our success, let's give it a try! With the chat server running, start two instances of the chat client. You can do this by creating two identical MainKt run configurations, which can be run separately. Even if you send multiple messages right after each other, they should be correctly displayed on all connected clients.

App in action{animated="true" width="706"}

We have included the final state of the client chat application in the codeSnippets project: tutorial-websockets-client.

That's it for this tutorial on WebSockets with Ktor – time to congratulate yourself for building a whole application! If you're looking for some inspiration of where to take this project next, as well as related materials, continue to the next section.

What's next

Congratulations on finishing this tutorial on creating a chat application using Kotlin, Ktor & WebSockets. We now have a basic command-line application which allows multiple clients to have a conversation over the network in a shared chat.

Feature requests

At this point, we have implemented the absolute basics for a chat service, both on the client and server side. If you want to, you can keep expanding on this project. To get you started, here are a few ideas of how to improve the application, in no particular order:

  • Nicer UI! So far, the client's user interface is very rudimentary, with only text input and output. If you're feeling adventurous, you can pick up a framework like TornadoFX, Compose for Desktop, or other, and try implementing a fancy user interface for the chat.
  • Mobile app! The Ktor client libraries are also available for mobile applications. Feel free to try integrating what you have learned in this tutorial in the context of an Android application, and build the next big mobile chat product!