See for instructions on running the development version of git-temporal.
Now available in Visual Studio Market Place
Slowly turning on the customer spigot through annoucements and trying to find any issues before it becomes a firehose 🤫🙂
I should have a good idea of the issues effecting customers and be setting the official v1.0 milestone soon.
Report any issues here: +1s are always welcome on any issue already reported.
Directory differences and deleted files work!
Also working on getting the repository in order and setting up the PR process and pipeline. Hopeful that lerna-changelog will be able to help manage the change log :fingerscrossed:
Greetings fellow time travelers and happy new year! I have some exciting news to share, but first, check out this sick icon.
But wait, there's more. I am narrowing in on a near future date for the release of the the VSCode version of git-time-machine, er, I mean git-temporal. :) I Should have named it Git Tempo; too late?
Check out this dandy demo:
And... for a limited time only, you can play with it yourself or.... :)
download the .vsix file:
in vscode command pallette (command+shift+p), type
select "Extensions: Install from VSIX..."
locate and select downloaded file from open dialog
This is an early beta. There are still some known issues that I'm working through and I promise I will publish to VSCode Marketplace before January is concluded.
Known issues:
- directory differencing isn't really working on Windows. Results don't match Mac.
- can't diff deleted files (Windows & Mac)
- can't diff renamed files (Windows & Mac)
- need to webpack bundle vscode extension
...but all and all, it is at least as useful as it's predecessor.
Enjoy, and have a new year filled with joy, -bee
We have a new look!
And it almost all works in VSCode!
I've also been busy bringing the version of react up to 16.8 and react-redux to 7.1.0-alpha4 and beginning refactoring of the redux containers to functional components using hooks
We have git-temporal running in VSCode!!
This was one that I kept saying to myself would never work, but it almost all did. The only casulty was the List component from react-virtualized used for rendering the commits list. Unfortunately, the rv CellMeasurer which is needed by the commits list because the cards are not fixed height, refused to work in a vscode webview. I replaced it with a too simple ExtendingList component. Everything else, including embedding a monaco difference viewer inside a vscode webview (that'll never work) and D3 (that'll never work) worked!
It looks like ass, but it works. The design needs rethinking. Here's what I'm thinking:
- The difference viewer should be the primary display component.
- Fold the search, stats, authors, files and commits into collapsible side panel with a two tier tree like thing like:
+ Stats
Created: 2 years ago
Active Time Span: 11 months
Last Commit: 1 year ago
+ Authors (23) by time
<image/> Peter Gibbons (2 minutes ago)
(44 commits)
<image/> Bill Lumberg (5 days ago)
(2 commits)
... show more
+ Commits (12,456) by time
<tiny commit card>
<tiny commit card>
<tiny commit card>
... show more
+ Files (78) by time
<tiny file card>
<tiny file card>
<tiny file card>
... show more
Demo of alpha POC (git-temnporal-react package) running in the React / Webpack hot server.