Map features have context specific information, which are made accessible on click by the FeatureInfo tool. The VcsApp provides some view classes per default and an API to register custom ones. On context level views can be configured and assigned to a layer. Configuration is context-sensitive, which allows configuring different views on one layer in different contexts.
The FeatureInfo tool can be activated via a button within the toolbox or using its API. Whenever the tool is active, FeatureInfo listens to clicks on features, highlights a selected feature and opens a FeatureInfo window, if configured.
FeatureInfo provides a class registry, where view classes can be registered. A view class is registered by type and defines
- a Vue component rendering the feature's information (the actual view within the ui),
- additional options needed for the view,
- a logic which properties are passed to the Vue component and
- all options corresponding to the feature info window.
With vue 3 it is important, that your VueComponent either defines a prop
or setsinheritAttrs: false
.Explanation: The window manager v-binds all props of a window component per default. On your custom component they are either defined as props or passed on as attrs. On HTML Elements
is a readonly key, which cannot be set by vue. Hence, you need to prevent the binding of theattributes
key on the HTML element either by defining a prop or disabling attrs inheritance. For more information see
View classes should extend AbstractFeatureInfoView
Each implementation has to provide a Vue component in the class constructor passing it as second argument to the super class.
It may overwrite the following methods:
: A method returning all relevant attributes for a view.getProperties
: A method returning all relevant properties passed to the VueComponent of a view.getWindowComponentOptions
: A method being called by FeatureInfo, whenever a new window is created (added to the windowManager).
* @typedef MyNewViewOptions
* @property {string} [myProperty='sample']
* @class
* @description A new custom view.
class MyNewViewClass extends BalloonFeatureInfoView {
* @param {MyNewViewOptions} options
constructor(options) {
super(options, MyNewVueComponent); // import a `.vue` file or define a component inline
// You can define class options for your view class
* @type {string}
this.myProperty = options.myProperty || 'sample';
* @param {undefined|import("ol").Feature<import("ol/geom/Geometry").default>|import("@vcmap/cesium").Cesium3DTileFeature|import("@vcmap/cesium").Cesium3DTilePointFeature} feature
* @returns {Object}
getAttributes(feature) {
const attributes = super.getAttributes(feature);
// Do something with the attributes object, e.g. filtering, processing, ...
return attributes;
* @param {FeatureInfoEvent} featureInfo
* @param {import("@vcmap/core").Layer} layer
* @returns {FeatureInfoProps}
getProperties(featureInfo, layer) {
const properties = super.getProperties(featureInfo, layer);
// Do something with the properties object or add your class properties to the object
return {
myProperty: this.myProperty,,
* @param {FeatureInfoEvent} featureInfo
* @param {VcsUiApp} app
* @param {import("@vcmap/core").Layer} layer
* @returns {WindowComponentOptions}
getWindowComponentOptions(app, featureInfo, layer) {
const options = super.getWindowComponentOptions(app, featureInfo, layer);
// Change options of the window, e.g. manipulate window position, ...
// You may not need to define a new component to customize a view, though.
// Checkout the FeatureInfoViewOptions for configuration options.
const { windowPosition } = featureInfo;
options.position = getWindowPositionOptions(
['bottom', 'left'],
return options;
Once defined, a view class can be registered at FeatureInfo using the API:
By passing a Vue Component to your view class constructor, you actually register a pair containing the API within the view class and the user interface within the vue component. A couple of default views are already registered on the VcsApp:
View class | VueComponent | description |
TableFeatureInfoView | TableComponent | A sortable table view showing key value pairs of feature properties. |
IframeFeatureInfoView | IframeComponent | An iframe view with templatable url. |
IframeWmsFeatureInfoView | IframeComponent | An iframe view for text/html feature info responses of WMS layer |
BalloonFeatureInfoView | BalloonComponent | A balloon view rendering feature properties. |
AddressBalloonFeatureInfoView | AddressBalloonComponent | A balloon view rendering address information of a feature. |
MarkdownBalloonFeatureInfoView | Inline rendered markdown template as a balloon | A markdown based view, see this section for details |
MarkdownFeatureInfoView | Inline rendered markdown template | A markdown based view, see this section for details |
Balloon Views are a special type of view. In contrast to the other view classes, the balloon is rendered at a certain position in the map. The balloon position is updated on scene render. To write a custom balloon view, simply extend BalloonFeatureInfoView. To change the balloon's design you should use the two slots (#balloon-header & #default) provided by BalloonComponent. This will ensure the correct positioning of the balloon.
Other views for images, movies, links, etc. can be implemented and registered on the VcsApp's FeatureInfo through a map plugin.
The class registry provides a list of view types. The FeatureInfo collection contains instances of those types, configured within the FeatureInfo section of a context according to the View class options. For example, a table view can be configured as follows:
"featureInfo": [
"type": "TableFeatureInfoView",
"name": "filteredTable",
"attributeKeys": ["gml:name", "creationDate"]
This configuration uses the pre-registered class TableFeatureInfoView
and specifies which attribute keys are rendered on the table.
Whenever the context is loaded, this information is parsed and added to the FeatureInfo collection.
On a layer properties bag, this FeatureInfo definition can be assigned referencing it by its name, e.g.:
"layers": [
"name": "buildings",
"type": "CesiumTilesetLayer",
"url": "...",
"properties": {
"featureInfo": "filteredTable"
If a feature of this layer is clicked by a user or selected via FeatureInfo's API, the property is evaluated and the corresponding FeatureInfo view window is opened.
The default title of a feature info window is the name of the clicked layer. For balloons there is additionally a subtitle, which is set to the clicked feature's id.
Both, window and balloon title can be configured, though.
The window title can be configured via the window state. It supports strings, i18n keys or template strings using feature properties. Here some examples:
- simple string
"type": "TitleFeatureInfoView",
"name": "stringTitle",
"window": {
"state": {
"headerTitle": "My Feature Info Title"
- i18n key
"type": "TitleFeatureInfoView",
"name": "i18nTitle",
"window": {
"state": {
"headerTitle": "myI18nEntry.featureInfo.title"
- template string
"type": "TitleFeatureInfoView",
"name": "stringTitle",
"window": {
"state": {
"headerTitle": "{{gml:name}}"
or multiple templates
"type": "TitleFeatureInfoView",
"name": "stringTitle",
"window": {
"state": {
"headerTitle": "{{layerName}}: {{gml:name}}"
- concatenated title using i18n and template
"type": "TitleFeatureInfoView",
"name": "stringTitle",
"window": {
"state": {
"headerTitle": ["myI18n.key", ": ", "{{gml:name}}"]
For concatenating a title all kind of combinations (string, i18n, template) are possible. Be aware, that the window header space is limited!
The balloon title and subtitle are options of the BalloonFeatureInfoView. It supports again strings and, i18n keys. Feature properties are also evaluated. In contrary to window title they must not be wrapped in template brackets! A balloon with a string title and a feature property as subtitle would look like:
"type": "BalloonFeatureInfoView",
"name": "genericBalloon",
"title": "This is a Balloon Title",
"subtitle": "olcs_altitudeMode"
Do not use template brackets for balloon title or subtitle!
AbstractFeatureInfoView provides mapping options for attribute keys and values. Mappings have to be defined as key-value pairs:
- key mapping: a pair of old and new attribute key (
Object<string, string>
) - value mapping: a nested object with key, old value and new value (
Object<string,Object<string, string>>
) or an object with template strings (Object<string, string>
). - filters: a list of keys to filter attributes for.
Mapping values can be i18n, template or other strings. All attribute keys and values are translated, if a corresponding i18n entry is available. If a template is used on value mapping,
is replaced by the attribute value.
"type": "TableFeatureInfoView",
"name": "tableAll",
"keyMapping": {
"roofType": "myKeyMappingRoofType",
"function": "codeLists.keys.function"
"valueMapping": {
"roofType": "codeLists.values.roofType.${value}",
"function": {
"1000": "codeLists.values.function.1000",
"1111": "myValueMapping1111"
"attributeKeys": ["function", "roofType"]
Example for corresponding code list:
"i18n": [
"en": {
"codeLists": {
"keys": {
"roofType": "roof type",
"function": "building function"
"values": {
"roofType": {
"1000": "flat roof",
"1010": "monopitch roof"
"function": {
"1111": "house"
Nested keys can pose a problem for mappings & filtering. The following rules should be taken into account:
- To filter for nested keys, use
as a separator - Parents of child filters, will be present (although filtered). Thus, filtering for
, will recreatefoo
with just thebar
property (if present) or an empty foo if not present. - Children of parent filters will be passed as reference.
- To filter for top level keys which contain a
, use the key name as a string literal,
will filter for
property or the nested propertybar
on thefoo
object - Filtering for nested properties with a
in their key is not possible.
Key Mapping:
- To map nested keys, use
as a separator. - All key mapping are applied to the top level. Mapping
will not replace thebar
key on thefoo
object, but create thefoo.baz
top level key. - To map for top level keys which contain a
, use the key name as a string literal,
will map
key or the nestedbar
key on thefoo
object - Mapping for nested keys with a
is not possible.
Value Mapping
- To map nested values, use
as a separator. - To map for top level values which contain a
in their key, use the key name as a string literal,
will map
key or the nestedbar
key on thefoo
object - Mapping for nested values with a
in their key is not possible.
The AbstractFeatureInfoView provides another concept to render attribute values within a special HTML element tag.
The default tag is a span
element within tables and div
element for balloons.
The tags
object within FeatureInfoViewOptions
defines a key-value pair, where the value defines the tag type and its HTML options.
You can still use key and value mapping including template strings.
Supported tags are:
- a: anchor
- audio: embed audio
- b: bold text
- i: idiomatic text
- iframe: embed iframe
- img: embed image
- meter: scalar value within known range
- progress: progress indicator
- s: strikethrough text
- strong: strong text
- video: embed video
If you like to render a specific attribute value as a link, you can configure for the corresponding attribute key an HTML anchor tag and its options:
"type": "TableFeatureInfoView",
"name": "tableLink",
"tags": {
"gemeinde": {
"tag": "a",
"href": "${value}",
"target": "_blank"
To render an image, simply define:
"type": "TableFeatureInfoView",
"name": "tableLink",
"tags": {
"typ2": {
"tag": "img",
"src": ""
Markdown feature info views can render most markdown text, without special flavoring.
You can expand feature properties by wrapping them in two braces: {{foo}}
would expand the
feature property foo
. This also works for array accessors and nested properties, simply use
java script dot notation:
to access an object { foo: { bar: 'bar' } }
or brackets: foo[0]
to access
an array { foo: ['bar'] }
where foo["bar"]
is equivalent to
. Currently
only string and number properties are rendered correctly. Missing keys are rendered as an empty string ''
Alternatively, you can use openlayers style expressions
which evaluate to a string within
the expansion brackets, so {{ ["round", ["get", "value"]] }}
would render the value
attribute rounded. Using the above property shorthand is equivalent to writing a ["get", ...keys]
style expression. If writing expressions, you must use "
for strings and not '
, the expression within the brackets
must be JSON parsable ({{ ['round', ['get', 'value]] }}
will not work).
The following example can illustrate this:
# Title
- this is a listing
- with the {{ property }} "property"
- and the {{ missing }} missing property
- with image ![]({{logo}}.png)
- with video <video src=\"path/to/video.mp4\" width=\"{{ ["round", ["get", "videoWidth"]] }}\" height=\"240\" controls></video>
- with link [Link text Here]({{id}})
You can use conditional rendering to only render certain blocks, if
an ol style expression evaluates to a truthy value.
You can replace $expression
with a property key or an ol style expression which
evaluates to a boolean. Using a property key is shorthand for the ["get", ...keys]
same as with the {{}}
property expansion. Statements can be nested. You
can use the following building blocks to manage conditional rendering:
{{#if $expression }}
is the beginning of a conditional block{{elseif $expresson}}
alternate expression, can be placed within an if block{{else}}
catch all if any of the previous conditions fail{{/if}}
end clause of a conditional statement. Failing to place this, will break the template.
# Title
{{#if property}}
{{#if headerProperty}}
### {{ headerProperty }}
**property** is {{ property }}
{{elseif ["!", ["get", "otherProperty"]]}}
cannot find otherProperty in this obect
there are no properties i expected here.
You can iterate over Array
s and Object
s using the following syntax for arrays
{{#each (value, index) in array}}{{value}}: {{index}}{{/each}}
and for objects
{{#each (value, key, index) in object}}{{key}}: {{value}} ({{index}}){{/each}}
Where the (value, key?, index?)
is the parameter list and will determine the
name of these values within the data context of the block. The object you are
accessing from the data can be shorthanded to its name (which in turn is equal
o the expression: ["get", "name"]
, or an openlayers expression same as with conditions.
You must provide an item
parameter, index
and key
are optional.
Make sure to provide an item parameter name that does not potentially collide with a key
in your current contexts data, otherwise you cannot access it within the block.
# List of stuff
- **key**: value
{{#each (item) in arrayOfItems}}
{{#each (subItemValue, key) in item}}
- **{{key}}**: {{subItemValue}}
Given an input of [{ foo: 1 }, { foo: 2, bar: 3 }, { bar: 1}]
the above template would render:
- **key**: value
- **foo**: 1
- **foo**: 2
- **bar**: 3
- **bar**: 1